Neptunia VII has some of the best music in the series. And the writers are on top of their game with this one. There's been a few laugh out loud moments. And the game play is pretty tight. It's not just grind until you win. You have to use items and position correctly. Items are very, very useful in this game or maybe I've just been spoiled by auto-healing outside of battle/save points of other games. There's been a few MegaTen deaths too, getting ambushed and dying before you get a turn too. But I can't fault the game or RNG for it either, it's my fault. Everytime that's happened it because I've run passed the mob into an unknown area and get stuck on something and they come up and smack me. And another thing about the difficulty that I like, buffs and debuffs are needed. Before the only debuff I used was Uni's Charlie Horse, but now I've got to use Nepgear's defense increase.