They're at a wedding, you say? I'd better send my... regards. And who are you, the proud hero said, that I must bow so low?
They're at a wedding, you say? I'd better send my... regards. And who are you, the proud hero said, that I must bow so low?
Don't worry about it, Night Fury! A few day break is fine. We're not going anywhere
The Villains will be ready when you are.
Let me know when we're ready to go again and I'll go back to my event set
Villian's Days Off
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
We've had a wee break now, I want to get this rolling again and finished by the end of this week, or like mid next week. I'm cancelling the level up Thunderdomes, and instead there will be opportunities to get equippable items (like Kefka's Dancing Mad) to up stats. They will be unique to each character and prizes for completing tasks! So expect lots to be going on and lots of chances to get some swag!
The first knock out Thunderdome will be tomorrow, I also understand if anyone would like to drop from the game due to the wait etc. I'm off to work this afternoon til 8 but will do a nice big update when I get home with tasks and challenges! In the meantime, start discussing who you would like to send off to the first battle!
Se you then! Thanks for waiting
Do we send Kefka out right away since he's got his thing, or do we keep him as a last resort type of... thing?
I'm good with either. Happy to go first if no-one else wants to?
Bubbasaur, I choose you!
Is it today? Currently on a romantic night away with MissH for her birthday. Can someone step up if it's today?
I'm all set for a match-up tomorrow but my ultimate weapon is focussed on something entirely different tonight
Wel heroes have yet to pick anyone!
Slackers! If they're still being wimps by close of business I'll be ready to whoop ass tomorrow afternoon.
Have those Zeroes sorted themselves out yet?
Nope! I will give them a kick when I get home!