Today is the birthday of the "Princess" Rinoa, who left the awkward and uncomfortable home of her father and ventured forth in order to start a budget resistance group. There, she hired SeeD to help her with her mission of kidnapping the President and, long story short, she ends up being rescued by Squall in space.

All kidding aside, Rinoa was one of my first favourite Final Fantasy ladies. While she's no longer that high up in my books, I still quite enjoy her character. She acts a bit bratty and immature, but she is 17 years old, a nice change from the "battle-hardened war vet" 18 year-old's we often get in RPG's. She truly cares about Squall and I enjoy watching her crush on him and help bring him out of his shell slowly (or suddenly, depending on who you ask).

While she has her damsel moments, and a lot of them, she brings a lot to the story and an awesome dog companion. She has courage to go out there and try new things and to fight for what she believes in, and I admire and respect that about her. So what about you? Do you like Rinoa? What are some of your favourite moments with her? Share some of your stories for her birthday!