The work day felt pretty long and took a lot out of me so i decided to skip some more neck template work in favour of something a bit simpler. I'd previously removed the finish from the guitar body I'm using and started filing in the body cavities under the pickguard that i don't need (I'll be using one humbucker only) and modifying the shape some. It's far from done, but now that I'm building a fanned neck the tremolo bridge it came with won't work for me. It'll be replaced with a stationary bridge that'll allow for the different lengths of each string.

That leaves me with more body to fill. Today i filed in most of the cavity for the tremolo springs. I'll use some scrap maple to fill in the hole through the body for the old bridge.

I'm not sure about the tonal properties of bondo, but the stuff is malleable, fills small holes and cracks well, and hardens quickly. It's reinforced with some nails in the body much like rebar in concrete. It's not pretty, but it'll be painted in the end and there's only so much you can do to fill a body like this. Maybe I'll build a new body eventually but it does the job for now.