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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #166
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I passed up Kaiden.

    For Liara

  2. #167
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    If Liara does happen to be in ME2:

    What if Liara is a crew member but breaks up with you? Will you be a sad, lovesopped mess, or date someone else?
    What if you can date Liara and another crew member at the same time? Will you stay solo or go for it all?
    What if it's possible to date another crew member, then after the end break up with them and hook back up with Liara? Will you have a fling or remain loyal until the end?
    What if you do like someone else better, but then Liara won't let you break up with her because you dated her in ME1?!

  3. #168
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Ooh, I like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    What if Liara is a crew member but breaks up with you? Will you be a sad, lovesopped mess, or date someone else?
    I really enjoyed my conversations with Liara and learning more about her and the connection that grew from there, so I would definitely be sad if she broke up with you in 2. I'd try to see if the game allowed any way to get back together, and after exhausting all possible options, I'd probably go around and shoot things to vent my anger and not take her with me on missions, and then see if neglecting her causes any programming that makes her acknowledge the fact or if the programmers missed that opportunity. After that, I'd probably go see what the other ladies had to offer, if anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    What if you can date Liara and another crew member at the same time? Will you stay solo or go for it all?
    Hm. I'd be tempted at the prospect, and she seemed okay with the idea of you having Ashley/Kaiden in addition to her in 1, so I would see if she'd still be okay with it and then see if any of the other ladies were worth considering a polygamous relationship with, and if you could avoid any conflict between the two.

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    What if it's possible to date another crew member, then after the end break up with them and hook back up with Liara? Will you have a fling or remain loyal until the end?
    I wouldn't want to hurt someone by potentially starting a fling that turns into something more, though at the same time if I ended up wanting more from the fling it'd make me reassess my feelings for Liara. Huh.

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    What if you do like someone else better, but then Liara won't let you break up with her because you dated her in ME1?!
    I would try to see if there were any ways to break up with her and if there isn't go through my resentful killing things and neglecting her phase before I accepted that I was stuck with her forever.

  4. #169
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Kaidan is better than her anyway so you made the right choice.
    Kaiden is the worst character in the game. At least Ashley had some depth.

  5. #170
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Kaidan is better than her anyway so you made the right choice.
    Kaiden is the worst character in the game. At least Ashley had some depth.
    You're a liar.

    I drew some sexy fanart of kaidan once. Back when I was drawing more.

    sexy shirtless sketch under here :3

    Looking through my deviant art, I have a lot of kaidan fanart.....

  6. #171
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Kaidan is better than her anyway so you made the right choice.
    Kaiden is the worst character in the game. At least Ashley had some depth.
    Ashley has all the depth of a teaspoon.

    There are too many options! The thought of ME2 scares me now... why can't Liara and I just fly off into the sunset together?

  7. #172
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Because drama.

  8. #173
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    A giant space monkey appears at the beginning of the game and takes her away to be its slave queen.

  9. #174
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    A giant space monkey appears at the beginning of the game and takes her away to be its slave queen.
    Not that old chestnut.

  10. #175
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Liara is pretty smart. What if she gets herself out of it like Ray from the new Star Wars movie?

  11. #176
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    It's all over!

    Stay tuned for my final update

  12. #177
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I will push F5 furiously until it loads.

  13. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    I will push F5 furiously until it loads.
    Do you want tornadoes?

    Because this is how you get tornadoes!

  14. #179
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Once more into the breach, dear friends - Wilfred Shakespeare

    This is it. The pay-off. The shakedown. The inevitable 20-plus deaths on the final boss. The mako being well and truly stuck, we began by venturing out on foot. Following our recent bonding, I wanted to take extra special care of Liara. Especially as she's far more lightweight than Tyrannosaurus Wrex. There were some badass geth in this area which includes those pesky Armatures. I protected my team-mates and did some sneaky snipering from around corners. I mopped up the weaker guys with my pistol before heading to the lower level and activating this Armature Control thing. Not entirely sure what this does but smurf it. Cleared the place of scum before finding an elevator on the upper level.

    Ilos Security Station. Home to some seriously evil bastards. We took a bit of a beating here. It's just fortunate killing one of the stronger enemies yields a medi-gel. Also, whenever I use a medi-gel, regardless of whether Shepard himself says it, I always have to say "MEDIGEL DEPLOYED" in that derpy voice he uses. Licking our wounds after the battle, I activated four Armature Repair Terminals. These were basically friendly Armatures that would help us in the previous gun fight. Cheers guys. The three of us just cleared out an entire battalion of geth but luckily you guys are here now to guard an empty room. THANKS.

    After a slightly confusing cut-scene at the room's terminal, we were on our way back to the mako to go deeper in Ilos. The door which Saren disappeared behind was now open and we found ourselves driving down a looooooong, suspiciously empty-ish tunnel. A barrier impeded our progress so we left the mako, found an elevator traversed a walkway and came face-to-face with a Prothean VI called Vigil. Holy sh*t. This cut scene was my favourite by a long way. This story is EPIC. It turns out the Reapers are part of a cycle that's been going for millions of years. They wait in dark space for civilisations to appear and develop then the Reapers wake up, travel round the universe and obliterate all organic life. Some Prothean scientists (on Ilos) managed to escape the most recent purge by being in cryo-stasis. Anyway, I'm waffling because this story is AWESOME. Long story short, the conduit is basically a teleport between Ilos and the Citadel. Vigil gives us a disc to temporarily control the Citadel or something. Whatever dude, just give me the disc. Time to hot-foot it to the Conduit!

    Barrier now gone, I turned the mako up to 11 and made rapid progress. When the Conduit came into view I only had 40 seconds to reach it. My mako was in a worse condition than Lindsay Lohan after a three-day bender. Just about scraped it to the Conduit and another epic cut-scene and I was back with a bang on the Citadel. AGGHHHHH I'M SO EXCITED!!

    The Citadel had changed since my last visit. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it definitely looked like it could use a new coat of paint. Man, I can't half waffle. Right, Elevator - tunnel of hard enemies - Citadel Exhaust Plain. This was quite a cool area actually. Especially with Sovereign doing huge damage right above my head! We eventually encountered this tricky geth ship boss fight. We valiantly hid round the corner while I tried peering out and sniping. I might as well have been firing elastic bands at it for all the good it did. After much tactical consideration, I decided the most sensible course of action was to run at it like a maniac screaming and firing my pistol. In one regard this was spectacularly unsuccessful, though I did discover a Defensive Turret which I activated. A-ha! The ship was taking damage. I ran back to my team-mates and recovered before eventually realising I needed to activate two more turrets. The ship was then a goner!

    I'll spare you the details of the run-up to Saren. Let's just say there were geth and gun turrets which I single-handedly took out like a a true hero doing heroic hero stuff. After arriving in the Citadel Tower I was face-to-face with Saren! He was obviously still fighting Reaper control and I tried convincing him there was a way out of this. I clearly didn't do a very good job as the way out he chose was to shoot himself in the head. Not quite the way out I meant but hey-ho. Joker contacted me to say that Council's ship was under attack and asked whether we should save them or just concentrate on trying to defeat Sovereign. Meh, we can always elect someone else. I chose to focus all attacks on Sovereign. Let's beat this smurfer!

    I thought Saren's death was a little too simple. His final form emerged from the bloody carcass that was his previous body. Initially, I was slightly disappointed with the final boss form. It was basically just one of those annoying jumper things but it dealt A LOT more damage. The worst part though was its health. My pistols felt pretty puny but there was no way I could follow it around with my sniper. Just getting its shield off took forever. Then when I was finally starting to bring its health down it regenerates its bloody shield! I did suffer one death here but the second attempt was far more successful! Halfway through the fight you see Sovereign taking heavy damage. Give it to 'em! It took me a while but using Overload and Biotic moves he was soon on his last legs/tentacles. A few more final pistol shots and it was all over! Super Saren was taken down, Sovereign was defeated and I am the dogs bollocks!

    The aftermath had me looking forward to what's in store for ME2. I recommended Captain Anderson to have a seat on the new council and announced my intent to go and take down the rest of the reapers! OHHHHHHH YEEAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    Gonna write up a review/summary of the whole game this week then after the Ciddies, I will begin Mass Effect 2!

  15. #180
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Glad you enjoyed the end! The only decision I always do differently is save the council, but otherwise, good job on completing the first Mass Effect!

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