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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #241
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Says the ad playing in every store. And no one was any the wiser.

  2. #242
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    You know what I heard? That the lake in the presidium is full of fish. Think how delicious one of those would be.

  3. #243
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Now my birthday shenanigans are over, it's time to push on with this. Next up: Citadel adventures!

    I had a nice scan of the new galaxy map. Lots of locations for me to inspect. I resisted for now though and jumped straight to the Citadel. I was excited to see what had been done with the place after last time when it looked like a giant abandoned crack den.

    A friendly Turian greeted us. He did a quick scan and pleasantly informed me I was actually dead. Only on the inside, mate. Apparently, corpses are banned from the Citadel. Damn right, they only stink up the place. This being the case some guy called Baileys had to lift my ban and I was back!

    I spoke to Davina the AI computer first. She seemed keen on reporting everything that I said. Surely being a Spectre and a legend would garner a certain level of trust? Apparently not though. Also, it appears everyone hates humans. I kind of get that. I'm not massively keen on them myself. I had a good shifty around everywhere and did some not-so-subtle eavesdropping on people's conversations. Cheers for the tip theundeadhero, I activated some sidequest by listening to a couple of Krogan chatting about fish. I didn't check my journal though because I'm stupid. I'll do that later.

    I went to the cafe next and there were some high grade provisions for sale. Hmmm, I thought. What are the chances that this is what my Normandy chef is after? I decided that it was worth the money and lo and behold, Special Ingredients sidequest was updated! I just need to find a few crates of scotch now so Doctor Chaka Khan can drink until she no longer feels feelings.

    I also stopped by the souvenir shop and gave my verbal endorsement (see previous post) in order to get a store discount. If you can't use your legendary commander status to get cheap Citadel shot glasses and nipple mugs then what's the point?

    I'm pretty sure there's loads more to do here but I'd booted this up at 1:30am on Saturday after my gig and a few glasses of Jack Daniels later and my eyes were going. I did go and visit the Council before stopping though to see my old pal Anderson and give him a Citadel fridge magnet. Turns out he's about as popular as a carbuncle on the anus. Udina Menzel (that prick from ME1) showed up and solidified this point. I decided to leave the politics to them. I much prefer going out and shooting things. Starting my fourth bourbon, I decided to stop there and watch a load of crap on Youtube instead.

    Tune in next time when Shepard is kicked out of Chora's Den for exposing himself to a stripper.

  4. #244
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I love going to all the shops and giving the same endorsement. It amuses me

  5. #245
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I love going to all the shops and giving the same endorsement. It amuses me
    Haha, he literally doesn't change a single word! I think I've endorsed four shops with this so far

    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Tune in next time when Shepard is kicked out of Chora's Den for exposing himself to a stripper.
    I said this in jest but it wasn't far off what actually happened. Further exploration of the Citadel led me to a groovy place called Dark Star Lounge. Just before heading in, I ran into Rita Skeeter, that reporter who talked crap about me in ME1. I was very tempted to take the Renegade option here and bitchslap her. I'm playing paragon though so I basically just gave her another interview like a mug. Man, I can't wait to f**k some sh*t up with Renegade FemShep next playthrough!

    So it appears Chora's Den is no more, Dark Star Lounge is much fancier anyway! I've decided that resurrected Shepard is much more of a free spirit. That being the case, I went straight to the dance floor for a bit of a boogie. It was then I noticed a sexy Asari dancer on a little podium. I felt Shepard would be experiencing Liara withdrawal so I sat down and watched like the pervert that I am. Yes I leant forward... yes I tipped her... DON'T JUDGE ME.

    Fun over, I decided to try and act professionally again. Spoke to the bartender who had bog all to say so I just proceeded to order four drinks. OK now the fun was over. I spoke to Turian called Groundskeeper Willy and it turns out he was part of the Krogan fish sidequest thingy. Nice. He told me there aren't any fish in the Presidium lakes. What a crime. I also managed to get hold of some brandy for Doctor Chaka Khan. Unfortunately, there was no option to purchase another one for myself

    My final act on the Citadel (for now) was to ace another sidequest because I'm fantastic. There was a beef between a Quarian and a... erm... dunno, the short, stumpy ones with an attitude. Dwarf Alien? I'll call them Dwarlians for now. So yeah, the Dwarlian accused the Quarian of stealing his property. There was a C-Sec officer there but he was a racist prick so it was left to yours truly to save the day. AGAIN. I snooped around the local area and it turns out the dopey Dwarlian f**ker had left his thing at a shop. I shouted at the two pricks and then shamelessly hit on on quarian because she had a sexy voice. Pilgramage? Yeah, I know all about them. I'm a man of the world/galaxy/universe. Catch you later, toots.

    Right, time to jet off into the big black. Had a couple of sidequests to complete though before I started shooting sh*t up. Passed over the ingredients to the chef but he's still pretty f***ing awful apparently. Then I delivered the brandy to Chaka Khan. Being a working class kid from Northern England, I obviously chose to sit with her and get wasted. I've decided that she is pretty hot for an older lady. She has a Helen Mirren quality about her. I don't think she would, but I would not rebuff her advances if she chose to do so.

    I left her passed out in the medibay then decided I've done enough fannying about. Time to set a course for Omega to snare me a scientist!

  6. #246
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Oh, there was one more thing on the Normandy. I found Kasumi's sleeping quarters in (right next to the bar, good girl) and had a good chat with her. I really like her so far! She's a cool character. She told me about all her possessions that she's 'acquired' over the years. She has a fascinating back story and subsequently is on my team for the next mission to Omega!

    Also, on the galaxy map screen, what's the deal with probes and fuel? I've topped them all up but I honestly have no idea why. The first planet I came across I sent about 20 probes down to gain materials. This may have been overkill though. The next planet I just sent them down when there was a particularly large spike on the element detector.


  7. #247
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Yes, you're doing it right in the second case. And fuel is only used when you fly between star systems in an area (as in connected to the same mass relay. Fly to the edge of whatever system you're in and you'll see).

  8. #248
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Yeah you're doing it right, what he said.

    Also I think there are like two or three missions that come from omega so you may spend some time there!

  9. #249


    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post

    Don't read this Bubba.
    (SPOILER)Seriously Bubba: don't do it(SPOILER)How many times do I need to warn you?(SPOILER)This is just getting ridiculous.(SPOILER)Fine. You can kind of doom the Batarians to death by destroying the mass relay and the planet filled with hundreds of thousands of people
    Do they then not appear in ME3 at all? Or does it have no effect as it's assumed a lot of them were off-planet at the time?

  10. #250
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Yes, you're doing it right in the second case.
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Yeah you're doing it right, what he said.
    Awesome, good to hear. I seemed to figure this out quicker than the bypass circuit at any rate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Also I think there are like two or three missions that come from omega so you may spend some time there!
    Well I better get cracking then! Made a little bit of progress yesterday so here beginneth my adventures on Omega!

    Oh my word. Omega is the coolest place ever! It's basically an asteroid that has had its body hollowed out and converted into some kind of space station. It's now a wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

    I was expecting an ME1-style siege straight away but it was actually the opposite. A friendly Salarian dude called Gutrot gave me a very pleasant welcome and I thought to myself "It's got a bad rep this place but it seems OK so far!" That optimism lasted roughly seven seconds as a grumpy Batarian called Mocolate shooed him away and was very unpleasant. Fortunately, my conversation options had a blue response. Oh yeaaaaah... time to turn on the old charm, sweet-talk this dude then take him out for a nice steak dinner. Nope. He was having none of it and said I needed to stop being a bitch, get my arse over to Club Afterlife and speak to Ariel. My... my charm powers failed me. This has seriously knocked my confidence for my personal sidequest to pork my way through the entire Normandy crew.

    There was a bit of a queue outside Club Afterlife. Being British, I joined the queue and waited. After about 20 minutes with the queue going nowhere, I decided to approach the bouncer and see if my Spectre status gave me enough weight to go straight in. The bouncer said Arial was expecting me and I was free to enter. God damn me and my English manners! Twenty minutes I just waited! (SPOILER)I didn't really do this There was another pain-in-the-arse Batarian called Kylie in the tunnel leading to the club. My confidence had a slight boost as I was able to charm him into putting his weapon back in his pants. Hopefully my charm will be at a sufficient level to have the opposite effect when I meet up with Kaidan again God, what is wrong with me? Anyway, back on mission.

    Club Afterlife was bouncing. I went straight to the bar and had another four drinks. You know, just as a warm up. I was hoping to have a bit of a scout around before bumping fists/fins with Arial. Unfortunately, I initiated the meet too soon and before I knew it we were shooting the breeze. Hope she doesn't smell the alcohol on my breath. So she is clearly Top Dog here on Omega. The Alpha of Omega, if you will. See what I did there?! Ahem. Anyway, she informs me this scientist dude is over in the quarantine zone looking after sick people. How very noble of him. We'll get to you in a minute, dude.

    A little scout around led me to the VIP section. It would be rude not to order another drink or two. It would seem that Shepard is a lightweight though and he collapsed and woke up in an alley outside the club. Christ man, we need to build up your alcohol immunity. As it transpires though, I was actually poisoned by the prick bartender Forlan. His mates were killed by humans so now he just poisons every human that orders a drink. I could feel a rare renegade action coming for this guy. When I got back to the VIP bar though I bottled it and went paragon. I was happy though as they guy stood next to me at the bar shot him in the face instead. Cheers pal.

    It was that moment that a one-year-old child crawled into my gaming room repeating "Daddy did it!" Wondering with fear as to what I could possibly have been accused of, I left my ME adventures there.

    Tune in next time when Shepard turns up wasted to his AA meeting and sprints naked round the room singing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.

  11. #251
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post

    Don't read this Bubba.
    (SPOILER)Seriously Bubba: don't do it(SPOILER)How many times do I need to warn you?(SPOILER)This is just getting ridiculous.(SPOILER)Fine. You can kind of doom the Batarians to death by destroying the mass relay and the planet filled with hundreds of thousands of people
    Do they then not appear in ME3 at all? Or does it have no effect as it's assumed a lot of them were off-planet at the time?
    DONT READ BUBBA It's the whole reason you're on trial in the beginning of the game

    Baha yeah Aria is pretty neat. Omega is a cool concept.

  12. #252
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Glad to see you're enjoying yourself! With the probes, you honestly don't need to throw 20 down on one planet. Honestly, the most cost effective way to probe is to only probe planets that are 'rich' or 'good' on the scanner, and to only throw probes when something is spiking. Do that, and you should be able to amass enough materials to purchase all the tech upgrades later on.

    I like Omega. Aria is an interesting character, and I warmed up to her personality as well. Have you used any paragon interrupts yet? I play fully paragon, but there are one or two renegade interrupts that are totally worth it for the badass appeal (and you end up having to shoot them anyway if you opt out); I'll inform you when you get close to one of them.

  13. #253
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Ah yes, thanks for reminding my Formy!

    Yes, I used one during the sidequest on the Citadel where the Dwarlian accused the quarian of theft (I pressed L2 and harshly cleared out the two pricks). I also missed one during my conversation with the reporter (that one was R2).

    Can I assume that R2 is paragon and L2 is renegade?

  14. #254
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Uhhh Yeah I think it may flash the colors too? Red or blue

  15. #255
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Paragon interrupts appear on the right side of the screen and renegade on the left so those buttons make sense.

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