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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #331
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    What do you mean "did she ever love you?"


  2. #332
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Liara though. What's happened to Liara? Does she still love you? Did she ever love you? Are you nervous to find out?
    Look at all those questions, seeding doubt in your mind. Don't listen to him, Bubba.

  3. #333
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't know how I'm gonna feel about her when I see her. I suppose it will depend entirely on her reaction to me. I am a bit nervous! Though you know, not really... I know it's just a game.

    I assume you get a similar reaction from Ashley (on Horizon) if you chose to save her? I just wondered if there were any huge differences depending on who you chose. I'm actually really excited to play through again so I have a completely different experience. Heads are gonna roll when Renegade FemShep hits town!

  4. #334
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Well, the difference between saving the two is very minimal, if you want to keep reading. In almost all cases their lines are exactly the same. The only real difference between the two is romance.

  5. #335


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post

    I assume you get a similar reaction from Ashley (on Horizon) if you chose to save her? I just wondered if there were any huge differences depending on who you chose. I'm actually really excited to play through again so I have a completely different experience. Heads are gonna roll when Renegade FemShep hits town!
    Yeah unfortunately there's no way to kill them both on Virmire. Trust me, I tried after the trouty attitude they greeted me with on Horizon.

    Yeah, I don't know how I'm gonna feel about her when I see her. I suppose it will depend entirely on her reaction to me. I am a bit nervous! Though you know, not really... I know it's just a game.
    No it's not. It's important. It's the most important thing. Quick note: don't tell Liara "let's go get the Shadowbroker" until you've done everything else with her on Illium. Triggering the shadow broker DLC cancels everything else, and I personally think your interactions with Liara on Illium are really important.
    Last edited by Fox; 10-05-2016 at 09:18 PM.

  6. #336
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Yeah, I don't know how I'm gonna feel about her when I see her. I suppose it will depend entirely on her reaction to me. I am a bit nervous! Though you know, not really... I know it's just a game.

    I assume you get a similar reaction from Ashley (on Horizon) if you chose to save her? I just wondered if there were any huge differences depending on who you chose. I'm actually really excited to play through again so I have a completely different experience. Heads are gonna roll when Renegade FemShep hits town!
    Yeah unfortunately there's no way to kill them both on Virmire. Trust me, I tried after the trouty attitude they greeted me with on Horizon.
    Now now, they do apologise later on. I'm willing to forgive Kaidan because my M!Shep and him just have to get together. It's a road bump.

  7. #337
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    Postcards from Illium

    So after properly reading what Freya posted earlier, I decided not to do the Shadow Broker mission just yet. Though the description of Illium meant that I had to visit this place next! It was teeming with beautiful Asari along with the cream of the crop... Miss T'Soni!

    This place looks smurfing awesome. Kind of like Neo-Dubai. These Asari folk know what they're doing! It was my intention to dive head first into Miranda's mission but Illium has more distractions than Diagon Alley. I'll help Miranda in a little while but first lets see what inappropriate shenanigans we can get up to

    I took Miranda (obvs) and Grunt because he makes me feel safe. Kind of like my comfort blanket. We are greeted by a nice Asari who informs us that all of our docking fees have been prepaid by the lovely Liara. This is encouraging! Maybe I'll get a little Illium action

    I arrived first at the trading floor where I activated a side quest by chatting to the lovely Gianni Parasite. If you've been following my guide, you may remember her as 'hot secretary 2' on Noveria in ME1. The fact that she offered to buy me a beer meant that I instantly fell in love with her. Apparently, one of the vendors here was selling illegal stuff and she wanted me to do some digging. For you, love? Anything. I went over and charmed the female vendor into offering me top secret stuff at which point Gianni showed up and shouted "You got punk'd!" and issued her with a heavy fine. Gianni was very grateful and clearly wanted a piece of Shepard ass. She kissed me and said "much better than an autograph" whilst pulling this face Easy lady, I don't want to smell of another woman when I meet my Liara

    I headed up some stairs to a bar called Eternity. The Asari owner was outside and told me some dick was starting trouble inside and trying to get the deeds for Eternity. Fear not, m'lady! The offending offender was at the bar and... and... I saw red. It was CONRAD SMURFING VERNER. The guy who had spent the last two years porking Liara (in my head) and now must die a slow, painful death. Unfortunately, I couldn't do this so I just initiated a conversation. Cue Shepard's folded-arms, not-impressed pose. The deluded prick seemed to think the bar was a front for selling sand. I don't know about you but I'm convinced. He was told this by some undercover Asari lady who I managed to track down. I turned on the old charm and persuaded her to ask for the deeds herself. Which she did... and got arrested. Ooops, sorry love. Smurfing Conrad was confused by this turn of events. I convinced the dozy bastard that he had helped catch a terrorist which was a blatant lie. He bought it though and buggered off. Side quest done!

    There were a few more encounters in the delightful Eternity Bar. I listened to an amusing conversation at some guys bachelor party. They were watching some Asari do some table dancing. To be polite, I also watched. I also chatted to the barmaid who was probably the most interesting person I've spoken to in the entire game. She had history! I love the detail this game goes into. Finally, I spoke to another Asari called Lantern. This was clearly the start of the Miranda loyalty mission as they were chatting sh*t about Miranda's sister. Hold your horses, ladies! Illium still holds undiscovered delights! I mean what's more important, your sister's life or me perving on Liara?

    Following this rhetorical question, I left Eternity and made my way to Liara's office. I'm nervous! After being chatted up again, this time by her secretary, I entered her office aaaaaand... she's changed She was talking threateningly over the phone to someone and seemed much more... bolshy. When she turned though she definitely softened and we shared a nice hug and quick smooch. This is better! We had a nice catch up. She's now an information broker and she actually had a bit to say about two potential new recruits. I... don't know what it is... she's just different. I DON'T LIKE CHANGE. Why the hell did I have to be dead for two years? She isn't the shy Asari I knew. It's great she's become this assertive, respected figure but... we'll see. I agreed to help her with a side quest and it was goodbye for now.

    A couple more side quests and and I decided that was enough for one night. There was a ditzy Asari being harassed by a cute Krogan spouting terrible poetry. She was a bit unsure about him and I was like "Damn guuuurl. Dat man is fiiiine. If you doan't wan' him then send him maaa wayyy, girlfrieeeend". She took him back in the end so they could have Asari babies.

    Finally, I ran into a cool orange-coloured Asari who I remembered from ME1. She and the colonists needed medical treatment due to exposure to Asbestos or something. Anyway, I had to speak to a medical rep (who conveniently was ten yards away) to convince her to change the contract she signed with the Colonists. I did this the only way I knew how... by bringing up her dead children. "Remember when your kids died?" *cue sobbing*, she agreed to help the colonists and I felt really good about myself. Also, when talking to orange-Asari lady again afterwards she also hit on me! Shepard is on fire today!

    Illium explored and now we set Miranda's mission in motion!

    Tune in next time when Shepard starts a play through of Mass Effect 1 which causes a paradox that unravels the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroys the entire universe.
    Last edited by Bubba; 10-06-2016 at 04:58 PM.

  8. #338
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Ahhh yes, the bartender.

    You're gonna play ME3 right? The bartender is just a little side info you learn in ME3.

  9. #339
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    You missed your opportunity to shoot Conrad, buddy. Seriously. Renshep is just like, nope... *blam*

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Ahhh yes, the bartender.

    You're gonna play ME3 right? The bartender is just a little side info you learn in ME3.
    I certainly am! Though with my speed of play, I'll probably take a break after ME2 as I'll want to dive into FFXV next month.

    Honestly though it was such an interesting conversation! I'm glad to hear it will carry on in the next game

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    You missed your opportunity to shoot Conrad, buddy. Seriously. Renshep is just like, nope... *blam*
    When was my opportunity? Back in ME1 or this point now that I just missed?

    Whichever, he's definitely gonna get it when my RenShep hits town.

  11. #341
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    Miranda: The Prodigal

    OK, we told Lantern we were ready to go. Let's go and get your twin, Miranda, so we can maybe arrange a threesome gain your loyalty.

    We hopped on a number 46 bus and purchased a Day Saver (much cheaper than paying for two singles) to get to our location. We were greeted by a guy called Marc Leader who treated us like we'd just booted his dog. He did reveal to us however that Miranda is a great, big, dirty liar liar pants on fire. It turns out her sister is genetically her twin but she was actually a lot younger than Miranda. Also, Miranda kidnapped her sister when she was a baby. What the hell, woman?!

    There was clearly no getting out of this fight so we took cover and tried not to get hit in the face by rocket launchers. The enemies were tough and quite far away... no probs! If I was a Harry Potter character I would be Professor Snipe... The Half-Hidden Prick. Enemies taken out.

    We find a radio which triggers a cut scene partially involving Miranda's face but mainly involving her arse. It looks like her friend is double-crossing her. Also, she apologised to Shepard for being a fibber. She kidnapped her sister to protect her from her father. Hmmm, Daddy issues. I was nice to her though as she has a fantastic bum.

    The next twenty minutes was 3 x enemy waves, grab loot, push on. I'll spare you all the details but rest assured, we were amazing. During this slaughter, we heard the voice of some cocky woman saying she's going to "deal with us herself". Is that right, bitch? Bring it on.

    The identity of this lady was revealed when we ran into Miranda's old pal, Nike. He was in cahoots with this mercenary leader... Irish singer/songwriter Enya. Who'd have thought it? There was a bit of a to-do between Miranda and Nike. His betrayal did not go down well with her. She was seconds away from shooting him when I paragon-interrupted to say "leave it aaaaaot. He's not werf it" in my best scally-cockney accent. It mattered not as Enya dispatched Nike herself and triggered a final battle. Smurf you, Enya! You may have a lovely voice but I hated Sail Away and you're going down!!

    I mean, not straight away though, obviously. Inconvenient goons of inconvenience showed up for us to deal with first. Once dealt with, it was just a matter of taking out the angel-voiced songstress. She was a right pain-in-the-arse actually but ultimately no match for our specials. Laterz.

    Threat eliminated, we hot-footed it out of there. Miranda spotted her sister on the way out but was unwillingly to initiate conversation. Shepard told her to "stop being silly, sweetcheeks" and she ended up going over for a catch-up. No idea of the impact this will have later on as Miranda was quite upset when we left. No doubt I've just sentenced Miranda and her sister to death in ME3.

    Tune in next time when Miranda causes controversy by turning up to the Normandy 'Dead Celebrity' Halloween party as Ashley Williams.

  12. #342
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Hahha, that'll be an awkward party. Whomp whomp

  13. #343
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    You see I'm caught now between doing some more loyalty missions or recruiting some more members!

    I may do a couple more loyalties before bringing someone else on board. Is there a benefit for recruiting the new guys first?

  14. #344
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    Well if you recruit them now you'll have less time to worry about their loyalty missions. Cause you get loyalty missions after so long of them on your team. Well it's based on how many missions you've completed as shepard. Some require dialogue choices and you get more of those after each mission so go get new people so you can get their loyalty missions too!

  15. #345
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    Yeah, get into the habit of talking with your crew so you can unlock their loyalty missions. By the end though, they appear almost instantly, your final member a case in point.

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