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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #61
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Actually, it's in the coding of ME1 that mShep and Kaidan can be together. There's mods that you can use to use it. They just decided to change it when they published, probably someone somewhere said no guy on guy thing. I guess it's a good thing because at the time people flipped a lid about seeing a side booty of the ladies. I remember it on the news and they were complaining about it. Imagine the fallout if it was guy on guy too. I guess it came when it could.
    I know, it's just disappointing, tis' all. ME: 1 I can sort of understand, but by ME: 2, surely the series was popular enough to shield itself from idiots? I know Thane was dummied out of being a bisexual option.

  2. #62
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    So I was exploring Sharjila in the Macedon System. It was a pretty cool planet but it had a level 1 pressure warning so I couldn't leave the Mako for too long or else I'd start losing health. I'd surveyed pretty much the entire planet, found 3 minerals as well as a downed probe. The last thing I spotted was a guarded compound that fired lasers at you when you got too close.

    Now here, a smart person would have saved the game then try to take on the compound. Not me! I exited the Mako and tried to snipe whatever the hell they were from distance. Whilst faffing trying to get a decent aim, the pressure started to reduce my health. I stood up to run back to the Mako and got shot in the arse by a laser and died. Cue having to play the whole thing again.

    I repeat. Stupid.

  3. #63
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    So I was exploring Sharjila in the Macedon System. It was a pretty cool planet but it had a level 1 pressure warning so I couldn't leave the Mako for too long or else I'd start losing health. I'd surveyed pretty much the entire planet, found 3 minerals as well as a downed probe. The last thing I spotted was a guarded compound that fired lasers at you when you got too close.

    Now here, a smart person would have saved the game then try to take on the compound. Not me! I exited the Mako and tried to snipe whatever the hell they were from distance. Whilst faffing trying to get a decent aim, the pressure started to reduce my health. I stood up to run back to the Mako and got shot in the arse by a laser and died. Cue having to play the whole thing again.

    I repeat. Stupid.
    Grab some Devlon armor. Their stuff makes you immune to environmental hazards.

  4. #64
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Completed Sharjila with plenty of saves! Used the Mako to take out the lasers and sniped any stray pirates from distance. The compound was tricky though. A few heavily armoured pirates and a couple of snipers made it tricky. The reason it took me a few attempts though was because there was one biotic enemy on the upper level that wiped me quite quickly a few times. I'll have to try and work out the best strategy for them. Advice?

    Since then I've been side-questing my ass off. Checked my journal and had a few not completed. Found the last of the three bodies on asteroid X-57, my Sharjila mission was actually part of a side-quest I'd forgotten that I initiated. I took evidence back to Nassana and she's giving me discount on lots of cool stuff. Whoo hoo!

    Also, I'm gonna ask a daft question now. How do I sell/convert any old crap gear I've got? I'm probably missing something really obvious but I've got a load of rubbish gear I don't need and I don't want to run out of space.

    The last side-quest I did was a doozy. Admiral Kahoku told me about some missing marines on Edolus so I thought I'd take a gander. The planet was simple enough to start with (a few minerals and items) until I discovered the bodies of a load of marines. This huge worm thing came out of the ground and I immediately thought of one of my favourite B-movies, Tremors. Yeah, I struggled with this guy as he wrecked my Mako a few times. It was an enjoyable fight though as I kept thinking of quotes from Tremors as I was fighting him. "Ain't no way Chang is getting his slick mitts on this for no fifteen bucks!" Judging by my number of deaths, I probably should have just concentrated though. My penultimate attempt I got him down to a sliver of energy then got out of the vehicle and tried to snipe him. Bad move. Stayed in the Mako for the last attempt though and finished him off. Side quest done and more to do later on tonight!

  5. #65
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Completed Sharjila with plenty of saves! Used the Mako to take out the lasers and sniped any stray pirates from distance. The compound was tricky though. A few heavily armoured pirates and a couple of snipers made it tricky. The reason it took me a few attempts though was because there was one biotic enemy on the upper level that wiped me quite quickly a few times. I'll have to try and work out the best strategy for them. Advice?

    Since then I've been side-questing my ass off. Checked my journal and had a few not completed. Found the last of the three bodies on asteroid X-57, my Sharjila mission was actually part of a side-quest I'd forgotten that I initiated. I took evidence back to Nassana and she's giving me discount on lots of cool stuff. Whoo hoo!

    Also, I'm gonna ask a daft question now. How do I sell/convert any old crap gear I've got? I'm probably missing something really obvious but I've got a load of rubbish gear I don't need and I don't want to run out of space.

    The last side-quest I did was a doozy. Admiral Kahoku told me about some missing marines on Edolus so I thought I'd take a gander. The planet was simple enough to start with (a few minerals and items) until I discovered the bodies of a load of marines. This huge worm thing came out of the ground and I immediately thought of one of my favourite B-movies, Tremors. Yeah, I struggled with this guy as he wrecked my Mako a few times. It was an enjoyable fight though as I kept thinking of quotes from Tremors as I was fighting him. "Ain't no way Chang is getting his slick mitts on this for no fifteen bucks!" Judging by my number of deaths, I probably should have just concentrated though. My penultimate attempt I got him down to a sliver of energy then got out of the vehicle and tried to snipe him. Bad move. Stayed in the Mako for the last attempt though and finished him off. Side quest done and more to do later on tonight!
    AHHHH you took on a thresher maw! REMEMBER THAT QUESTLINE THOUGH. It's a hint to some main people in ME2.

  6. #66
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Yeah, thresher maws are a dick. I hate any enemy that has an instant kill move, and burrowing up from underneath you is an instant kill, including within the mako.

    The best way to deal with biotics or tech people is to bring someone with damping to shut them down, as well as using radioactive rounds to increase their cooldown period.

  7. #67
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    You can sell your stuff at any store in the game. The guy downstairs in your ship between Garrus and the hallway to Tali is a good spot if you're not in a city.

  8. #68
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    Yeah, on the purchasing menu, press left or right to access 'sell' and 'buyback'.

    Which you'll be doing plenty of, trust me. Half of this game is as much a 'shoot n' loot' than Borderlands is.

  9. #69
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    Cheers for the assistance, both of you. Managed to sell a load of crap at the end of tonight's session. Bloody good job too because at the end of the mission, a warning flashed up saying I had used 144/150 spaces in my inventory. Just in the nick of time!

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Grab some Devlon armor. Their stuff makes you immune to environmental hazards.
    Not sure I have any of this but after a thorough cleanse of my items everyone is pretty kitted out, I'd say. Cheers!

    So, I was scouring the ME universe pondering my next mission when I came across our own solar system. After reading what mankind had done with it in the future (fascinating stuff, really), it was then that I remembered this little titbit from earlier in the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Make sure you go to Earth's Moon as soon as you get the mission though. The reward is worth it.
    Right, that's the boy for me.

    Did a quick scout of the moon and took out some turrets before circling in and making my way to the main compound. Nearly lost my Mako from getting too close but managed to take out the six turrets and save my game. So yeah, three identical underground bases which was slightly disappointing but they were challenging and enjoyable. The first one nearly wiped me within about ten seconds. I learned quickly that going in all guns blazing was a bad move. After using a few medi-gels, I retreated to the first tunnel and took out those flying robot things with my sniper. Proceeding with caution wins the day, I found. The remaining two bunkers were slightly more difficult but my brave and valiant hide-in-the-first-tunnel technique worked wonders.

    Moon completed and now I understand why theundeadhero suggested coming here. Got a new specialised class! I went with the commando option which gave me more firepower and increased my marksman skills. There's no stopping me now! BUT! That wasn't the most exciting thing that happened tonight! Things have progressed between me and Liara!!

    After cleansing my gear, I decided to have a chat with my team on the Normandy and there were a few new conversational options. After chatting with Kaidan and Garrus, I turned my attentions to the lovely Liara. She said she was fascinated with me (who can blame her?) and asked whether there was anything between me and Ashley. Unfortunately, "I wouldn't touch the bint with a ten-foot barge pole" wasn't an option... though I assured her we were just friends (if that). She then asked if the attraction between her and myself was mutual. Obvs I said "Sure thing, baby". Dunno if I came across as too eager though as she said she didn't want to rush anything. That's fine, I'm happy for this to be a slow burner for now.

    I saved it there but am fully intending on having a chat to Ashley tomorrow. Hopefully she'll come on to me too then I can tell her I'd rather be put on a waiting list for experimental pile surgery.

  10. #70
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Did a quick scout of the moon and took out some turrets before circling in and making my way to the main compound. Nearly lost my Mako from getting too close but managed to take out the six turrets and save my game. So yeah, three identical underground bases which was slightly disappointing but they were challenging and enjoyable. The first one nearly wiped me within about ten seconds. I learned quickly that going in all guns blazing was a bad move. After using a few medi-gels, I retreated to the first tunnel and took out those flying robot things with my sniper. Proceeding with caution wins the day, I found. The remaining two bunkers were slightly more difficult but my brave and valiant hide-in-the-first-tunnel technique worked wonders.
    Yeah, that mission is difficult if you do it as soon as you can (level 20, which you should).

    Your tactic was a good one. The rocket drones can really rip you to shreds, so the best tactic is to camp in the first room. Send your squad to wait either side of the doors, then move forward yourself just enough to alert a few drones. Run back to the first room and pick them off from there, dodging any missile strikes.

    The best method is to not alert the entire group of drones. If you do that, you're pretty much screwed, but luring 3 or 4 away is doable.

    As for the bases - ME: 1 is like DA: 2 in that many of the environments are recycled. There's like two or three environments on uncharted worlds, and that's about it. It gets better in ME: 2, though by that point there's no longer any uncharted worlds, just side missions, companion quests and main missions.

  11. #71
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    The first time I went in one of those rooms the destroyed me, so the second I followed the same tactic and did well. I kinda wish I had done the more drones in each building one first, since more means more exp, but I always forget on each playthrough, so ehhh. I like choosing commando as well. With max points put into it, you're literally unstoppable and never overheat pistols.

  12. #72
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Also, I've had a bit of a U-turn with Wrex. Garrus was taking far too much damage even when he had decent armour. As much as I love his dialogue, he's been relegated to the sidelines.

    My team now consists of Liara and Wrex. Currently building up Liara's bio attacks whilst I'm turning Wrex into my tank

  13. #73
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Wrex basically forms your tank in ME: 1. Very sturdy, massive health pools - I'd dump a good deal of your early points into his defensive talents. His biotics aren't the greatest anyway.

  14. #74
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Plus Wrex is awesome. So bring him cause of that.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Plus Wrex is awesome. So bring him cause of that.
    He's slowly coming back into my good books but I'm still on the fence about him at the minute. He's there mainly for battle purposes. He's got character though!

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