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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #91
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Eee i'm so excited to hear your reaction in the last half of the game. Hopefully you get to it tonight!

  2. #92
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Hopefully you get to it tonight!
    You may be overestimating my abilities a tad...

    So I made my way to the Synthetic Insights Offices and was not at all surprised to be greeted by a few guards displaying all the warmth of a service station baked potato. Convincing them to bugger off was surprisingly easy. It was literally a case of "Hey guys, do you wanna go and stand somewhere else?" and they were like "Yeah, OK. You've convinced us. See you later." I am one charming motherf***er.

    There were far more committed soldiers loitering about however and we were soon under attack. They were not tough though and soon the floor was littered with... well, nothing as the bodies disappear. I kicked ass though.

    The upstairs was a different story. Some shouty lady who looked like Brienne of Tarth stopped me, opened fire and I was dead within seconds. Bitch. After reloading, shouting "FOR THE WATCH!" and using Overload and Throw on her... she snuffed it. I cleared out the goons and grabbed the data from Loki's PC

    Anus' hot receptionist cornered me on the way back to reveal that she was a secret agent trying to gain info on her boss. Not being a big fan of Anus, I was more than happy to help. I gave Loki's data to hottie receptionist/agent then convinced good old Loki to testify against Anus. I raised a glass as Anus was arrested in his office and led away. Later sucker!

    Hottie also gave me a garage pass and I was on my way out of this godawful plaza. Unfortunately, after taking out a few tricky geth and clambering into a mako, I encountered an enemy guaranteed to strike fear into the heart of any Spectre... the cries of a ten-month old baby.

    I was hoping to get further than this but I'm gonna push on tonight and try and get this planet done and dusted!

  3. #93
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Yeah, the blonde lady guard can really mess you up as you're in close quarters to begin with - and you're an infiltrator. Backtracking helps, as is just unloading everything you have on her (she has biotics, I think) and dealing with her guards second.

  4. #94
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Yeah, the blonde lady guard can really mess you up as you're in close quarters to begin with - and you're an infiltrator. Backtracking helps, as is just unloading everything you have on her (she has biotics, I think) and dealing with her guards second.
    I just can't seem to handle biotics very well, even with damping. As you'll see in my Noveria wrap up...

    Oh the weather outside is frightful, and the mako is not delightful. So I had to traverse lots of snowy cliffs to get to Peak 15 or whatever. Honestly though, I'm really tired of the mako's s**t. I spent most of my time out of the vehicle sniping dudes from afar, even though there was a biohazard warning outside. Despite a few scrapes, I made it to Peak 15 without major incident.

    Just when it was going reasonably well I come against this Juggernaut guy. Hooo boy. He was just a big smurfer who charged at me taking chunks of energy. Luckily, I composed myself and managed to take the big guy out. After sh*tting myself, obviously. The rest of the guys in here were fodder and dispatched with ease before jumping in an elevator.

    Well crap. I didn't like the juggernaut but these Rachni things?? They can get to smurf. They simply should not be allowed. Angry poisonous bastards. Especially that one that just appeared from a wall after I cleared the room. No. Just no.

    I've just read back what I've written so far and I apologise for all the anger and swearing. I am enjoying the game, honest! I'll try and be more positive in the rest of this summary.

    Once in the next area, I had to take down a few more delightful and misunderstood Rachni before speaking to the VI computer thingy. Am I ever glad I saved before going to the memory core. It gave me the choice of either using 100 omnigel or cracking it myself. Being the seasoned hacker that I am, the choice was clear. What was the outcome? I cracked the puzzle first time to the adoration of my dear Liara I had no smurfing clue what I was doing so reloaded and used 100 omnigel.

    Reconnected some landlines and repaired a reactor, I pressed on to the tram station, meeting further charming Rachni on the way. The trams here are nice. Though you don't get the friendly tramps that smell of piss telling you their life story like you do in the North of England.

    Pushed on to find a nice little community of people all with their own problems... blah blah blah. Yeah mate, got plenty of my own thanks. Don't need yours piled on top. Jog on. I did help Dr Cohen out though because well... it was mandatory. I went into the quarantine bay and whipped up a cure for him because you know... Shepard can do that. Then some Asari bitch lady who I spoke to a few minutes ago has a beef with me because it turns out she's working for Benezia. She was a tough cookie but I was victorious. The cookie crumbled, you might say! Ahem.

    After Dr Cohen gave me 24 (whaaaat?!) Paragon points for the cure I was heading for the final showdown! Benezia was in this catwalk room and kept sending out a s**tload of biotic Asari and other pains in the arse. Cue lots of Shepard deaths. This was hard, man. I finally got to a final one-on-one with Benezia (with only one omnigel left, mind) and had to watch her little speech about how Saren was controlling her and she loved her daughter, Liara. Yeah, who doesn't. Get on with it.

    She was biotic as well and we all know how good I am against these smurfers... so I ended up watching her speech about seven times. I could probably type it all out from memory now but this summary is far too long already. Took her out and some final biotics and that was it! Level over! Or so I thought...

    I forgot about the Hot Labs. Trying not to imagine a load of extremely attractive labradors, I went to investigate. Some guy called Yolo Tarantino (close enough) said we needed to do a neutron purge, whatever that was. At this point it was 1am and I thought "Yeah, whatever man. Let's do it." Have you ever seen that bit at the end of Aliens where they thought they'd escaped and Bishop gets a tentacle through the back? Yeah, that happened here. Yolo Tarantino was a creepy smurfer anyway so I shed no tears. I grabbed his password and initiated the purge. I'm glad they gave you plenty of time to escape the area. 120 seconds. Cheers for that. Also, this was the exact moment the Rachni Anger Management course started in the next room with plenty in attendance. Took me a few attempts but finally made it past them and onto the no-tramp tram and out of dodge.

    I did really enjoy this level actually. Nice and challenging! I bombed it back to the Citadel and saved. Just some mopping up then finally Virmire! I'd be quite sad it was ending if it wasn't for the two sequels lying in wait

  5. #95
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Did you save the Rachini Queen or did you kill her?

  6. #96
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Did you save the Rachini Queen or did you kill her?
    Wrex told me that I'd regret it but... of course, I saved her. No doubt she will turn into a deformed, armour-plated kiling machine and come for me at the end of the game.

    Tell me, have I smurfed up?

  7. #97
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    You get a something in ME3!

  8. #98
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Saving the rachni queen is a good call.

  9. #99
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Yeah, Noveria is probably the toughest of the first three mission worlds. The Rachni's attacks bypass your shields altogether directly attack your health, which can be very problematic. Best to stock up on poison resistance in your armour.

    The problem with biotics is that your only response to them is damping, which isn't all that great an ability. That and they hone in rather quickly and can mess you up for extended periods of time. The fight with Benezia is a tough one. But it is good that you saved the queen though, it is the better call.

  10. #100
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Yeah, I totally missed that part of my update

    Probably the most important part of the whole mission and there's me telling you about all the goons I've killed! I should really try and be a bit more concise with my updates. I do tend to ramble on a bit!

    Glad to see I made the right choice though. Cheers everyone

  11. #101
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Virmire has plenty of choices, so don't forget to tell us them.

  12. #102
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I'm personally glad you aren't concise. I like to hear all about the adventures instead of a previously on Mass Effect.

  13. #103
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Benezia was such a pain in the ass. Hated that boss fight. My mother and brother walked in on me at one point and got me killed. The smurfers.

  14. #104
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    So I'm currently on mid-mop up. Systematically going through every system to find anything I've missed. There's actually quite a lot! I have a sneaky suspicion though that some of these have opened up with me completing the first three main missions.

    Got a few sideys done and I've noticed in my journal that I've got quite a lot of UNC missions open that need completing. I'm sure all come across these when I'm going through them all.

    I'm missing quite a few Valuable minerals, Turian Insignias and Prothean Data Discs. I'm not sure I can be bothered scouring every inch of every planet for them. I could consult a guide I suppose but that's cheating! Are they quite important in the coming games? Will I get rewarded for collecting them all or is just a bit more XP? I'm not entirely sure of my current level but think I'm in the early forties.

  15. #105
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    I'm missing quite a few Valuable minerals, Turian Insignias and Prothean Data Discs. I'm not sure I can be bothered scouring every inch of every planet for them. I could consult a guide I suppose but that's cheating! Are they quite important in the coming games? Will I get rewarded for collecting them all or is just a bit more XP?
    The only one worth bothering with is the Matriarch's writings, which comes up in a side quest in 3. I'm fairly sure (not 100%, mind), that none of the others are ever brought up ever again.

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