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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #46
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    I haven't played the first one, only the second, so I don't want to spoil this for myself. Let me know when you get to 2 though
    I'll give you a shout when I'm there. Making decent progress so far

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Using tech or biotic powers on hoppers is generally the way to go. You can tell your teammates to use them too.
    Yeah, I've been kind of ignoring these but as you'll see from my next update, they are very useful.

    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Are you zooming in with the Mako for more precise shots?
    I was just using the shoulder buttons as I would with Shepard so yeah, pretty sure I was zooming. If the Mako crops up again on another planet I'll have a bit of a tinkle

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    I always try to ditch the Mako when attacking things. Ever since I learned that it cuts your Exp by 90%. Always try to finish foes off on foot. You get so much more experience.
    Great tip, cheers! I just need to work on not dying when I try that.

    Update Time!

    I've went into the main complex on Therum and headed down the tunnel system. No trouble apart from a few geths and after heading down the elevator I came across Liara trapped in a weird blue force field. I was reminded of Frodo trapped in Shelob's web only you know, if Frodo was a long, beautiful, blue alien. I will save you, fair maiden!

    I went down to the ground floor to find a way past this force field and got into a bit of a scrap with more baddies. I used my pistol and went "pew! pew! pew!" until they were dead. I lasered my way under the barrier and was introduced to the lovely Liara. I luuuurve her. I thought she was a bit uptight at first but no, she's awesome. The boss battle at the end with the Krogan was a bit tense and took me a few attempts. You don't get much of a chance to find cover, do you?! My first attempt all three of us were dead literally three seconds after the cut scene ended. I eventually tried using Garrus' Overkill and Shepard and Kaiden's specials right at the start of the fight. This did the trick and I was able to take care of everyone and finish off the Krogan.

    I'm back at the Citadel now. The cut scene was great and I had a big chat with everyone on the Normandy. Here are my thoughts on my team so far.

    Ashley: Don't like her. She's a committed soldier but she's a bit of a dick. Plus, after chatting to her in the Normandy she's clearly racist. Go away.
    Garrus: A cool cat. He's interesting and makes a lot of sense. He has good bantz too
    Kaidan: My bro. He takes his job seriously but is not dickish about it like Ashley.
    Wrex: Don't see eye-to-eye with him at all. We had a bit of a to-do on the cargo hold. Won't be using him anytime soon.
    Tali: She's interesting but I'm still not sure about her personality. I may include her on a trip soon to get to know her better.
    Liara: I love her. We chatted for ages on the Normandy. She talked about intimacy and mental connections and yeah... I want to "connect" with her.

  2. #47
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Love at first blue lady sight it seems!

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    I always try to ditch the Mako when attacking things. Ever since I learned that it cuts your Exp by 90%. Always try to finish foes off on foot. You get so much more experience.
    Great tip, cheers! I just need to work on not dying when I try that.
    How to kill a Thresher Maw:

    Sit in the Mako, move up to the range where it pops up and starts spitting acid. Don't move, and jump over the acid spit. Fire cannon shots until you're worried about killing it (one or two shots, then jump over acid, and repeat), then switch to the machine gun to whittle it down even more.

    Once it's almost dead, wait to dodge another acid spit, then exit the Mako and immediately shoot it with your most powerful weapon (usually a Sniper Rifle). Should kill it before you get in trouble. And, since you're "supposed" to take them on in the Mako, the extra experience you get is amazing.

    Sniper Rifles are my weapon of choice through most of the game, but they are by far the best for overworld exploration. Enemies have maximum engagement ranges, and don't regenerate health. Find ledges to hide behind, pop out and shoot a foe, then duck back and wait for the shooting to stop. Rinse and repeat.

    I think the Mako experience drop was designed to keep you from cheesing through some fights with the Mako when it's supposed to be a challenging fight. Like, "okay, you can do it that way, but you'll get almost nothing for experience".

    But to compensate for this, any section which is designed around the Mako is usually filled with enemies that give 10x the normal experience. So, hopping out of the Mako and taking them out on foot will give you ridiculous experience. Learn to use cover and snipe, and do that instead of using the Mako. It's worth it.

    Geth armatures, Thresher Maws, Missile Turrets. Snipe and hide, but kill them on foot. The experience is so worth it.

  4. #49
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    I'm back at the Citadel now. The cut scene was great and I had a big chat with everyone on the Normandy. Here are my thoughts on my team so far.

    Ashley: Don't like her. She's a committed soldier but she's a bit of a dick. Plus, after chatting to her in the Normandy she's clearly racist. Go away.
    Garrus: A cool cat. He's interesting and makes a lot of sense. He has good bantz too
    Kaidan: My bro. He takes his job seriously but is not dickish about it like Ashley.
    Wrex: Don't see eye-to-eye with him at all. We had a bit of a to-do on the cargo hold. Won't be using him anytime soon.
    Tali: She's interesting but I'm still not sure about her personality. I may include her on a trip soon to get to know her better.
    Liara: I love her. We chatted for ages on the Normandy. She talked about intimacy and mental connections and yeah... I want to "connect" with her.
    Yeah, Ashley is a bit of a dick. I didn't even really notice in my first play-through, but I've been playing ME: 1 recently and one of the comments Ashley makes if you talk to her on the Citadel is atrocious:

    "Here on the Citadel I can't tell the aliens from the animals." - Wow. Just wow. My opinion of Ashley dropped like a rock as soon as she said that.

    As for Wrex, I actually rather liked him, though he comes across as ruthless and cold at first. Stick with him though, and be sure to gain his loyalty, as he becomes vital to getting golden solutions to problems in ME: 2 and ME: 3.

    EDIT: Also, everything that Skyblade said about the Mako is right; you do get a ton of experience if you forego the Mako. Having said that, you really don't need to. Mr. Carny finished ME: 1 at level 57 (though that was with a 25% boost, he got about 45 first time), which is plenty to finish the game with.
    Last edited by Formalhaut; 04-07-2016 at 06:29 PM.

  5. #50
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Man, I love this game!

    Quick Citadel update: Stopped a girl from committing suicide. Spoke to Conrad Creepface (he scares the s**t out of me) again, helped Dr. Michele with her drug deal, someone inspected my ship, helped Miss Wong again. She's hot.

    Decided to explore the galaxy and went to asteroid X-57 which turned out to be a big smurfing mission! Seriously, I've been playing this asteroid for two days. It was magic though, turned off three asteroid torches, they were sending this bad boy to kill 4M people. Lucky I was here, really.

    Garrus is still light-weight. I'm gonna take Wrex with me next time. I can't get rid of Liara though as I love her.
    Last edited by Bubba; 04-10-2016 at 09:23 AM.

  6. #51
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Oh yeah kind of spoilery I guess if you plan to play a lady in ME:2 and carry over your data in ME:3 (which I doubt since you're playing a dude, I think) but APPARENTLY

    If you romance Jacob, as I did, he friggin cheats on you? Screw you Jacob

  7. #52
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Oh yeah kind of spoilery I guess if you plan to play a lady in ME:2 and carry over your data in ME:3 (which I doubt since you're playing a dude, I think) but APPARENTLY

    If you romance Jacob, as I did, he friggin cheats on you? Screw you Jacob
    AND gets a girl preggo! Like doesn't even stick with you or anything just goes and starts a family while you're off saving the galaxy.

  8. #53
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Oh yeah kind of spoilery I guess if you plan to play a lady in ME:2 and carry over your data in ME:3 (which I doubt since you're playing a dude, I think) but APPARENTLY

    If you romance Jacob, as I did, he friggin cheats on you? Screw you Jacob
    Yeah, he does. This won't affect Bubba unless he plans to not transfer his character over, but it does suck. I've never romanced Jacob myself (I've only played ME once through) but learning that made me go off him.

    Plus, he's even more of a boring character than Kaiden was in ME: 1. At least Kaiden had his L2 implant injuries as an interesting point. Jacob is just pretty dull. Saw this on YouTube: it was mildly amusing.


  9. #54
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I liked him, he was a nice dude. I mean I wanted to romance Tali but that wasn't an option and he started hitting on me before Garrus so I was like "eh, could do worse"


  10. #55
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    While we're on the subject of romances, who are you going to romance, Bubba? Are you set on Liara?

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    I liked him, he was a nice dude. I mean I wanted to romance Tali but that wasn't an option and he started hitting on me before Garrus so I was like "eh, could do worse"

    Humans, amirite?

  12. #57
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    If you romance Jacob, as I did, he friggin cheats on you? Screw you Jacob
    What a prick. Yeah, I'm playing as male Shepard so no Jacob for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Plus, he's even more of a boring character than Kaiden was in ME: 1.

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    While we're on the subject of romances, who are you going to romance, Bubba? Are you set on Liara?
    If she'll have me

    I'd be quite interested in seeing a Shepard/Kaidan romance but not sure if that is an option. At the moment though yeah, I'm only seeing in blue at the minute.

    Of course, this is all a mere side event to me saving the Galaxy. I'm a commander and a Spectre and need to focus on the job in hand.

    (SPOILER)I may neglect my duties if Liara hits on me though. I'm a terrible commander.

  13. #58
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    M!Shep and Kaiden is an option... but only in Mass Effect 3. I know, it's very dumb. BioWare is very LGBT-friendly now, but when it came to Mass Effect they were very slow on getting same-sex romances in the games.

    ME: 1 had, at best, a F!Shep and Liara, but that doesn't even count because Asari aren't technically female. As far as I'm aware, ME: 2 has no same-sex romance options whatsoever, which is bizarre given how many crew members you're given. Dummied content even suggests that a few members would have been bisexual, but got cut. Finally, ME: 3 goes all out with a decent selection, but it is a long wait to get there.

    For what it's worth, with my new M!Shep I do intend to romance Kaiden, which means me going without his sexy face for ME: 1 and ME: 2.

    It's dumb. Dragon Age was way more upfront from the very first game. Perhaps they didn't want to offend anyone on their flagship series, but it is disappointing.

    EDIT: And about Kaiden; he isn't boring, as such. They just didn't do much with his character. Don't worry, he is much more interesting me ME: 2 and ME: 3, but in ME: 1 he's just this nice guy. I still prefer him to space racist Ashley though.

  14. #59
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    In ME2 femshep can romance Kelly Chambers. It doesn't count towards the paramour achievement since she isn't a playable character, but it's there.

  15. #60
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Actually, it's in the coding of ME1 that mShep and Kaidan can be together. There's mods that you can use to use it. They just decided to change it when they published, probably someone somewhere said no guy on guy thing. I guess it's a good thing because at the time people flipped a lid about seeing a side booty of the ladies. I remember it on the news and they were complaining about it. Imagine the fallout if it was guy on guy too. I guess it came when it could.

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