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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #271
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    It really is. Though I have more sympathy for the ailing Batarian than you do, Bubba.
    Haha, I was overly harsh in my summary but we parted on good terms! He was actually pretty cool with me when I said I'd get him some help. He actually was there when I went back to Mordin's lab at the end. He was healed and eternally grateful. We're buds now

    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Kasumi is awesome
    Couldn't agree more!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    EEEEE! You got/are getting Mordin! He's a fun character.

    I can't wait for your next omega mission!
    I'm actually a bit further along from where I finished that last update! I can confirm Mordin is part of the Normandy crew

    Will do another little update first thing tomorrow.

  2. #272
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Just a quick update before I soldier on with the main missions. I had a look through the thread and it turns out the first game took me over three months to complete! I suppose with family stuff that isn't too bad. I am determined to get this finished before the end of September though. I'll then be taking a break before starting ME3 due to the release of FFXV.

    So yeah, assistant Daniel is more than equipped to deal with any continuing issues with the plague on Omega. Don't smurf up, young man. That being the case, Mordin agreed to join our team!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I can't wait for your next omega mission!
    Well I'm not gonna keep you waiting too long as I've decided to stay here for the time being. Arial mentioned another person by the name of Archangel so I'm gonna stick around and what is the saying? Throw some sh*t around and see if any of it sticks? I'm not sure that's right... and I'll probably not use real excrement. Let's just start by talking to people.

    First things first though, I need to see how well Mordin is settling in on the Normandy. Oooh, I have access to the medilab now and our new member is pleased as punch with his new equipment. Speaking of new equipment, I was able to upgrade some of my gear using the elements I'd discovered. Quite a cool way of doing it! I better get prospecting some planets... I need 50000 of something to upgrade the medilab though which would fix Shepard's scars. Did anyone do this? They did mention that they should heal automatically if I do well enough. Is that right?

    I had a chat to the rest of the crew just to get a feel for which member I could have a feel of at some point. Up to this point, Miranda seemed a bit cold. My actions on Omega have clearly made her warm to me though as we had quite a good personal chat. Now she's opened up a bit I'm contemplating hitting on her. She looks like Hannah McKay from Season 8 of Dexter and she was smoking hot. Yeoman Kelly is nice and everything but she's not much of a challenge. I'll keep them both sweet for now. Also, Kasumi is pretty hot. Gahhhh! I can't decide!

    I should probably just focus on another mission for now. Let's explore more of Omega!

  3. #273
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    She looks like Hannah McKay from Season 8 of Dexter and she was smoking hot.
    That's cause she is. Her model and voice actor is Yvonne Strahovski

  4. #274
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Huh. I probably should have figured that out. They are exactly the same only with different colour hair.

    I'm stupid.

  5. #275


    Miranda is quite bitchy at first but as soon as you get the Normandy SR-2 she becomes much more polite and professional. She is your second-inc-command after all and she is nothing if not efficient.

    As for pursuing that particularly delicious piece of booty, there is one other lady you might be interested in. Well, 2. Well...1. Hm. It depends. In any event, Miranda is a bit more of a "traditional" option compared to them.

    I myself pursued the one lady who will remain nameless but it was ruined by Manshep's voice. I hate it and he ruined all romance scenes. Also she should have been a bi option!

    If there is one thing Mass Effect 2 isn't perfect with, it's romance. Miranda was originally gonna be a bi option and this character I'm thinking of even mentions being with a couple in the past. But noooooo, gotta hog all the sexiest ladies for Male Shep. Well, okay, Femshep does get one but...uh...

    Anyway, my Femshep and Miranda would have been the perfect couple an dI'm glad there's so many slashfics of the two out there.

    But yes, I'm late to the party. Still, this is hands down the greatest game in the series and one of the best games ever. By comparison, I missed very little with ME1.

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    First things first though, I need to see how well Mordin is settling in on the Normandy. Oooh, I have access to the medilab now and our new member is pleased as punch with his new equipment. Speaking of new equipment, I was able to upgrade some of my gear using the elements I'd discovered. Quite a cool way of doing it! I better get prospecting some planets... I need 50000 of something to upgrade the medilab though which would fix Shepard's scars. Did anyone do this? They did mention that they should heal automatically if I do well enough. Is that right?
    So the deal with the scars are thus:

    - At a neutral level (the beginning of the game), your scarring is sort of moderate. The healing process is sped up or reversed depending on your morality level.
    - With a high Paragon level, the scars heal up as you progress through the bar and will disappear when you get down this line far enough
    - However, with a high Renegade level, the scars deepen and frankly become pretty horrifying. Look at this ugly mug:

    Warning: Mugs

    Actual Mugs

    - The medical bay is there if you want to follow the Renegade route, but disapproves of the deepened scarring. And I mean, who wouldn't?

    Hope that helps clear up the scarring stuff. Basically, I wouldn't invest in it. You don't need it as you're going down the Paragon line, and it costs too many materials for the effort. It doesn't affect anything in ME: 3 either, like some of the other Normandy upgrades (which you should get, absolutely).

    I had a chat to the rest of the crew just to get a feel for which member I could have a feel of at some point. Up to this point, Miranda seemed a bit cold. My actions on Omega have clearly made her warm to me though as we had quite a good personal chat. Now she's opened up a bit I'm contemplating hitting on her. She looks like Hannah McKay from Season 8 of Dexter and she was smoking hot. Yeoman Kelly is nice and everything but she's not much of a challenge. I'll keep them both sweet for now. Also, Kasumi is pretty hot. Gahhhh! I can't decide!
    While we're on the topic of romance: I literally have no opinion with ME: 2. My first playthrough featured an asexual FemShep, and with my current second playthrough with MasShep, he's going to be gaying it up with Kaiden in ME: 3. So honestly, I have don't know what to recommend you. I'm sure they're all good?

    One of my main complaints with this game (and the first one) is the rather puritanical attitude it had to romance compared to Dragon Age: Origins and 2. I don't think it was their intent, and more than likely were forced to back down against some religious group. I can only imagine the hell they got for making the feminine-presenting Liara be in a lesbian relationship. Still, it would've been nice to have more options. They've definitely improved with 3 and apparently Andromeda will just continue that trajectory.

    So Bubba, you've mentioned interest in a few ME: 2 characters. The question is: will you stay faithful with Liara, or change course with someone else?

  7. #277
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Let him meet all the new people first! You never know, someone may sway him!

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Let him meet all the new people first! You never know, someone may sway him!
    I keep forgetting he's only met like four or five members of the team.

  9. #279
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    Bubbashep + Jack 5eva <3

  10. #280
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info, Formy! I thought I remember them saying something like that so I just wanted to check.

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    So Bubba, you've mentioned interest in a few ME: 2 characters. The question is: will you stay faithful with Liara, or change course with someone else?
    Well... I do love Liara but smurf knows what she's been doing for the past two years. If I have a dabble with a newer crew member I reckon she'd forgive me. I died for her after all!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Let him meet all the new people first! You never know, someone may sway him!
    Yeah, I'll wait until I have a full compliment then see who takes my fancy

    I can tell you who it won't be though: Kelly Chambers. She keeps giving me these bunny-boiler looks like Glen Close from Fatal Attraction. This moment was actually far more creepy in real time. Her fingers were still typing away but she was just STARING.

    Pic 8.png

    Leave me alone, you psycho.

  11. #281
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    ME3's version of Kelly Chambers is far superior in every way, so yeah, no loss in not going for Kelly in ME2.
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  12. #282
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    Trying to squeeze in as much play time as possible so a quick 45 mins this morning during Baby Bubba's nap time.

    We parked the Normandy back on Omega and were on our merry way! I took Mordin and Kasumi along with me this time hoping that we'll be a pretty badass trio. We headed back to Afterlife and I had a little chat with a Turian soldier called Gavin outside. He said he was happy because a human had cleaned up the quarantine zone and dispatched a load of Vorcha. Not one to blow my own trumpet I said "That was me!! Just me... SHOWER ME WITH PRAISE!!" He could have been a tad more enthusiastic with his thanks but that's fine. Whatever mate.

    Back inside Afterlife, I thought I'd quickly check in with Arial. I did ask her about Archangel on my last mission but you can't expect me to remember everything... gawwwwd. On approach, I had a quick chat with Jizz, her Turian bodyguard. Looks like I'm on another sidequest! This old Krogan called Patriarch (who I've already met) is wanted dead by some assassins. Arial wants to keep him alive so it's up to me to assassinate some assassins! Patriarch was dickish but accepted my help so I went on the hunt as the would-be killers were apparently already here.

    My eagerness to dispatch these plebs dissipated after I wasted a ridiculous amount of time doing two circuits around Afterlife. They were nowhere to be found. I eventually found them in the tunnel near the entrance. So they weren't technically here, were they?! My time is precious, game! The encounter was brief as after a quick conversation, Mordin and Kasumi blasted them to sh*t. I didn't have to do anything! Naturally though, I went back to Patriarch and Arial and took all the plaudits myself. "You're welcome and don't forget, Shepard gets the job done!" Cue angry looks from my team mates.

    Onwards to Archangel! There was a merc recruiter looking to hire guns to take down Archangel. Well, I'm your man (but secretly I'm not). I spoke to this Blue Suns member and the mission sounded about as appealing as an angry ferret super-glued to my testicles. What they basically want is for us to be a distraction for the important people. We run at Archangel's base firing our pea-shooters while we get horribly torn apart by a wall of bullets. Sounds f**king delightful mate, where do I sign?

    He stressed heavily that this wouldn't mean that we were members of the Blue Suns. Whatever dude, I don't want to be a part of your stupid club anyway. Was it Groucho Marx that once said, "I don't care to belong to any club that would have me as a member"? Maybe it was Popeye, I'm not sure. Anyway, the Blue Suns are led by Turok who is taking a break from dinosaur hunting to co-ordinate this attack. I agree to be fodder for the attack and then convince a young kid (who was about to sign up) not to make the same stupid mistake we did.

    Tune in next time when Mordin sings the entirety of West Side Story in attempt to distract our potential new companion.
    Last edited by Bubba; 08-03-2016 at 04:51 PM.

  13. #283
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Haha I can just imagine all the NPCs being like "Who the smurf does this guy think he is" as I picture you skipping through omega.

  14. #284
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    I never have much to say but keep it up Bubba, this is really entertaining.
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  15. #285
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    This isn't much of a spoiler, but it is about Kelly and romance. You can romance Kelly and another crew member. Really it's more of a fling with her and the other crew members won't even say anything about it. The advantage is if you do invite her up to your room and then go for the one-night stand, she'll offer to feed your fish for you. By the way, if you bought any fish on Citadel they'll die if you don't feed them regularly after missions Romancing Kelly means your fish will still be alive for ME3, while I think they may die between games if you don't.

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