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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #361
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I personally enjoy ME3. All the DLC really makes it great. You'll like it. Gamers are just salty over-reactionaries

  2. #362


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Ahhhh, I wondered what happened in ME3 to get everyone so upset. All I know is that it has a questionable ending. Though apparently, my copy has the "new" ending that doesn't suck quite as much??

    I could be wrong!
    Not *quite* as much! I still recommend either stopping 10 minutes before the end or making a point not to think about it.

    Everything before that is fantastic ^^

  3. #363
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Gamers are just salty over-reactionaries

    I agree with you. Despite the problems with the ending, ME3 is still a very good game. It IS a big shame that they just threw away the dark energy plot, though. Basically renders everything Tali was up to on that planet pointless.

    Her squad died for nothing.

  4. #364
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Casey Hudson seemed to be the one that made fans upset, storywise. I believe I read where he kicked everyone out of the writer room and wrote the ending himself. Then wouldn't let the other writers know the ending til near release. SURPRISE there was backlash and then they had to fix it for him, kinda. I think he got too big of a head about the series and thought he knew best.

    but he's gone now! so we're all good.

  5. #365
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    Jack - Subject Zero

    Time to earn some loyalty! My infatuation with Jack is showing no signs of waning so it was an obvious choice of which one to go for first. Let's learn more about your past in order to gain valuable information which will hopefully give me access to your pants.

    In true Jack style, she wants to go back to the Cerberus facility where she was tortured and experimented on... and blow the place sky high. No prob, Bob! or... Jack. Hi ho hi ho it's off to Pragia we go!

    The place is atmospheric as all hell. A rainy, overgrown planet that was in desperate need of a good weeding. We head down a catwalk and into the facility. The place was full of big, empty boxes which Jack delightfully informed us contained children to be experimented on. Lovely. There were a couple of recordings a bit further on and it seems the employees here were keeping some of their shady dealings a secret from the Illusive Man. The Unaware Man! Haha LOL!

    First action of the level as the facility guard dogs, otherwise known as those Varren creatures, greeted me with a smile and a sharp set of teeth. Here poochie poochie! BLAM. For anyone not sure, "blam" is my generic gunshot noise. We were in some kind of arena where they used to give Jack class A drugs and make her fight... and she loved it. No wonder she's so smurfed up.

    Another message a bit further on let us know that Jack started the riot here which led to her escape. She is bad ass! No wonder I have a thing for her. We notice a fresh varren corpse stinking up the place. Someone else is here! Honestly, I thought, it'd be a pretty boring mission if there wasn't.

    So this place is another hive of scum and villainy as it's used by pirates and other unsavoury characters. The next room we came to was full of those Blood Pack mercs we ran into back on Omega. If I compare the two types of enemies here to tea-dunking biscuits... The Krogan would be McVities Hobnobs. You can dunk them numerous times and they'd still be hard as nails with minimum liquid retention. The Vorcha would be Rich Tea. One dunk and they melt and end up a soggy mess in the bottom of your mug.

    Once we'd taken care of the mercs, we carried on and came to a load of cells. This place looked pretty grim. A couple more messages, one with a man being offed by Subject Zero mid-message. Brutal! The next room had some more piratey-type enemies doing piratey things. They were here to loot the place but didn't take too kindly to our presence. Cue gunfight! It was pretty straight-forward apart from one guy called Karen who was a pain-in-the-arse. Eventually though, he was no more.

    We finally make it through to Jack's old cell and there is a guy in there called Fresh. Apparently, he was one of the kids that were experimented on. Jack and Fresh has a rather unpleasant conversation which resulted in Jack pulling a gun with intent to kill. I made her see sense though with a paragon interrupt and she agreed to let him go. That's my girl!

    OK, time to blow this place to smithereens! Jack was feeling nostalgic though and gave me a nice tour around her old cell. Highlights included the bed where she was tortured, the desk she used to hide under... and the toilet where she experienced a number of tricky bowel movements.

    Final cut-scene and this place is gone FUBAR. A lovely explosion and we were back on the Normandy. It wasn't all happiness and light though as I arrived back into a huge fight between Miranda and Jack. I was able to diffuse the situation but these two clearly hate each other. They agreed to keep civil though to until our mission was complete.

    Tune in next time when Shepard hires a group of drunken Russian cossack dancers for Garrus' birthday celebrations.

  6. #366
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    Relationships update!

    I have decided that too much time has passed and too much has changed to continue my relationship with Liara. I love her but she's changed. I am currently torn between two members of my crew... and they hate each other.

    Yup! Miranda and Jack. I like Kasumi as well but I have concerns that I'd wake up with parts of me missing. I know Miranda is the obvious love interest but I find myself more drawn to Jack.

    After her loyalty mission, Miranda has been showing a definite interest in me. We were talking about her biotically-improved body and she said she would maybe like me to "appreciate" it. I... couldn't help myself. Our conversations invariably show shots of her from behind and man... that ass. Only problem is, I've also been progressing things with Jack too. She's a bit more direct and cold (which I quite like!) and she's now fully aware that I would like to get freaky with her. She told me to f**k off for a bit so she can think.

    So yeah, I'm flirting outrageously with two women who hate each other. If I keep flirting with both of them, what will happen. Will it come to a head and I'll have to choose? Cos you know...

    Pic 4.jpeg

  7. #367


    Damn. That's cruel. Liara only changed so she could save you, and now you cast her aside like yesterday's beans! Or... something. Either way - dick move

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    Damn. That's cruel. Liara only changed so she could save you, and now you cast her aside like yesterday's beans! Or... something. Either way - dick move
    Nah man, I'm saving my dick moves for either Jack or Miranda

  9. #369
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    Collector Ship

    Following Jack's loyalty mission, Kelly the psycho informs me that the Illusive man would like a little chat. Sure, why not? He better make it quick though as I'm running low on materials and I have planets to probe. He tells me about this Collector ship that's been disabled (somehow) by Turians. It's up to Shepard and his cronies to find out more about these pesky Collectors... where they're from, what they want, favourite ice cream flavours. OK, no worries I'll just do some more exploring befo...what the hell, game?! It jumped me straight there! I better not have missed anything now, you prick.

    I can't deny though that I was pretty excited to see the inside of a Collector ship and it didn't disappoint! The place looked fantastic! Though it did give off an air of impending doom for me and my team. The first bad sign was an empty pod which clearly housed some satanical abomination. The second sign was the huge pile of dead human bodies a bit further along. Always encouraging.

    We locate a terminal which triggers a cut scene and oh my word... we send the data to EDI and she tells us that the Collectors are using human colonists to test their own DNA. EDI notices that the Collectors have the exact same DNA as the Protheans. THAT IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION.

    I slowly work my way up the ship picking up upgrades, credits, heavy ammo. There was a distinct lack of enemy encounters though which is... perturbing. Something is clearly not right here. Joker says that this ship actually followed the first Normandy back in the day. Also, we found a room filled with loads of those pods. I have a bad feeling sh*t is about to go down.

    Man, I hate being right. We reach another terminal and start sending info to EDI. Suddenly though, there is a major 404 error and the platform we're on shoots up into the air. AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!! These dudes were not messing about! I was attacked from every side by Collectors. The Harbingers in particular were horribly tough to bring down. Miraculously, I didn't die in this section though that was due to a couple of "MEDIGELDEPLOYED" moments along with a few pretty damn good (if I do say so myself) sniper shots.

    Once the battle smoke cleared, I stuck my dongle back into the terminal and got the rest of the information. It looks like we have a way to get to the Collector home world. I'm sure that will be fun and not dangerous in the slightest. Joker then tells us the ship we're on is doing stuff so we better head to the nearest exit sharpish!

    A few frantic minutes passed with us running, shooting, panicking, screaming, flapping all-the-while making our way to the exit. I just knew there was gonna be one tough bastard to beat and it showed up in the form of this Praetorian dude. Hiding was definitely the order of the day as he caused huge amounts of damage. The only problem with this strategy was the husks and Collectors that kept flanking me. Stop it, you big meanies! I decided to bust out the particle lazer weapon to take care of the Praetorian. I'm not hanging about.

    Once done and dusted, we pushed on to the exit with a few more waves of enemies trying to stop us. Can I just say, the music here was AWESOME. Those pounding drums really added to the urgency of the situation. So good! The last few waves of enemies were simple enough and we were back at the dropship. We rendezvoused with the Normandy and managed to hotfoot it out of there before the Collector ship could take us down. Phew!

    OK, the mission was a success as we now know where the Collectors are based... but the Illusive Man has some answering to do. The prick knew we were walking into a trap and said nothing. I clearly can't trust him as far as I could throw him. Though with my biotic powers I probably could throw him quite far... whatever, he's a dick.

    I go back to the crew and we all just slag off the Illusive Man. Ultimately though, we know where to go to visit the Collectors. Apparently it's right at the centre of the galaxy which is incredibly unstable. Nice. I'm definitely not ready to advance the story at this point so I decide to hang fire and get me some team loyalty!

    Tune in next time when all hell breaks loose as Mordin spikes Grunt's cup of tea with salt instead of sugar.

  10. #370
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Yep, time to do all the extra things and get all the upgrades you can.

  11. #371
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Yup. The next story thing is the point of no return. So get in all your loyalty missions!

    The soundtrack is amazing for this series.

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Yep, time to do all the extra things and get all the upgrades you can.
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Yup. The next story thing is the point of no return. So get in all your loyalty missions!

    The soundtrack is amazing for this series.
    Man, I've got seven loyalty missions to do along with scanning all the planets for anomalies and then the final end game levels... however many of those there are. With my limited play time I am so not gonna be finished for the release of FFXV on the 29th.

    I've done a bit of exploring already and I found a couple of anomalies which led to sidequests. I'm sure there are loads though so I need to keep going. The two I completed were short and sweet. The first was a mech with no power that I needed to keep topping up with batteries. It eventually dug me up some treasure. Cheers dude! The other one was a planet that had a faulty barrier that was failing to protect them from solar rays. Luckily, I was there to fix everything and be generally amazing.

    I've got loads of Iridium, Platinum & Palladium (over 100,000 of each) and a bit of Element Zero. Is there a perk for mining loads of this stuff or should I not really bother? I've upgraded most stuff I'm able to at this point.

  13. #373


    You just need to make sure your Normandy is upgraded. Beyond that there's little point collecting resources.

  14. #374
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    I've got so much to update in here!

    Earned the loyalty of two more members and I'm halfway through a third. Game has me hooked! I've also found a load of anomalies/side quests whilst probing planets. I err... may have a slight addiction to probing.


    I'm probably not even gonna use half of whats left. Oh well!

    I've finally decided on a female to court too. Whilst she does have a wonderful ass, I decided to cool things with Miranda in order to get jiggy with Jack. Miranda was nice and very professional when I told her. Jack on the other hand is being a bit of a dick to me... which I quite like because I can tell she wants me too! She's treating me mean and keeping me keen

    A few big updates to follow!

  15. #375
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Makes sure to probe Uranus. Twice. But yeah, you probably have enough resources for all the Normandy and crew member upgrades about now.

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