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Thread: Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures

  1. #286
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Another Not-Really-A-Spoiler Tidbit About Kelly

    Yup, she can feed your fish for you. It actually provides this rather amusing line in the wikia:

    Shepard can flirt with Kelly anytime prior to the suicide mission, which eventually results in a private dinner at the Captain's Cabin, after which she offers to feed Shepard's fish. It is still possible to pursue a relationship with a squadmate after this point if Shepard is solely interested in having her feed Shepard's fish.
    If you're not interested in Kelly, it is well worth putting enough effort in to get to this stage of the friend/relationship, due to the fish services she offers. And also...

    Kelly can appear in ME: 3 as well, but it is conditional, dependant on whether or not you managed to have that dinner. If you did, she'll appear in ME: 3. If you did not have dinner with her (like what happened with my first Fem!Shep playthrough) she does not appear in the third game.

    So basically, have that dinner. It doesn't have to go anywhere after that, and you gain slightly more narrative in the third game. And fish feeding services. All about that fish, really.

  2. #287
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I really didn't like Kelly

  3. #288


    She's okay. Bit bland is all. I never got the romance to trigger for her because you apparently have to be super nice and my Shepard was generally very "cool" towards people. Trying to be professional and all that, ya know. Plus, it's frickin' Cerberus. You kinda shouldn't trust them too much and should be very wary if you encountered their sidequest in ME1.

    They grow on you, though. My Shepard ended up being a pretty big Cerberus fangirl. Even in ME3, I wore the Cerberus armor and used a Cerberus Harrier as my primary weapon. (the gun doesn't actually exist in ME2 but it's the thought that counts)

  4. #289
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I dunno, something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. Everytime I'd walk by I'd be like

  5. #290


    Is it wrong that I know what episode of Buffy that's from?

  6. #291
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    If it is I don't want you to be right?

  7. #292


    Speaking of Buffy, I hear a lot of the VAs in Mass Effect are from this Firefly show no one gives a trout about but where are the Buffy and Angel actors? I guess there's Oz/Seth Green/Joker but he was never that big in Buffy.

    Maybe we'll finally get some real stars in Andromeda.

  8. #293
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Oz was in like 3 seasons! How was he not big in buffy?

    And technically Freddie Prince Jr is in ME3 and that's Sarah Michelle Gellar's Husband

  9. #294


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Oz was in like 3 seasons! How was he not big in buffy?

    And technically Freddie Prince Jr is in ME3 and that's Sarah Michelle Gellar's Husband
    Well I'm a die-hard Willow/Tara shipper so maybe I'm biased.

    Have Giles' actor voice the new Anderson or whoever our senior mentor/father figure might be.

  10. #295


    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Speaking of Buffy, I hear a lot of the VAs in Mass Effect are from this Firefly show no one gives a trout about but
    The only one I can think of is Adam Baldwin who played a random Quarian in ME2. I think that's it though.

  11. #296


    I coulda sworn there were a couple more but it looks like you' re right. I never watched Firefly.

  12. #297
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    After my initial meeting with the Batarian Recruiter, I was directed to a pilot just outside of Club Afterlife. It was his job to fly me over to Archangel's hideout. This pilot was terrible which is why it's been twenty days since my last update. If he'd taken the interstate like I told him to, this update would have been here weeks ago!


    OK, we finally arrive outside Archangel's den. According to another charming Batarian, the crafty bugger has destroyed all entrances to the building except a single bridge to the front. Perfect for sniping any unwanted intruders. I like your style, Archangel. There are a few merc groups involved in the attack and I got chatting to this Salarian called Gareth. He was the only merc I spoke to here that didn't want me to die a slow, painful death. Still got bog all information from him though. I did swipe a datapad from a side table which seemed to activate some sidequest. Groovy.

    I did a spot of hacking in the next area to net me a decent amount of credits. I also hacked this badass robot which I remember AI telling me before that doing this would confuse it and I could kill the bastard easier. See you in a bit, pal.

    A few more hacks and non-stimulating conversations later and I arrive at the start of the assault. A Batarian called Cathy was fixing a gunship which they were gonna use in the assault. I'm not sure whether it was a paragon or renegade quick-time action (I can't help myself, either way!) but I knocked the f***er out. That should help me in my 'don't kill Archangel' mission though there are plenty of other ways I could smurf it up.

    Here we go, CHARGE! I didn't give myself away as a double-agent straight away. As soon as I spotted Archangel's health bar though I decided to start taking out my fellow, completely innocent freelancers. They turned back on me straight away but I'm fantastic and they were quickly deaded. I cleared the upper and lower floors before taking a breath mint in preparation for my first meeting with Archangel. As a hot-blooded male, I was secretly hoping for some sort of Valkyrie warrior maiden with a cleavage I could ski down...

    Sh*t the bed, even better! It's Garrus!! Turns out he thought I was dead (yeah, I get that a lot) and didn't like how the council was being run so he decided to come to Omega and kill bad people. Nice plan. Now I'm back from the dead though he's happy to get the hell out of dodge with me and my crew. Unfortunately, this was just when the bloody assault started!

    Garrus picked a particularly impressive spot for sniping so I joined him in taking out the mugs from afar. I freakin' love the sniper! Only problem is the reload isn't great and it's only one shot per time. That being the case a few of the pricks managed to enter the base so I had to leave the Garrmeister upstairs while I went down and took out the trash.

    Whilst downstairs, that big robot I hacked earlier on made an appearance. It started shooting all the mercs and freelancers instead of us! How much do I rock?!! A lot. That is the answer. It wasn't long before the bridge was swept of all foes like pubic hairs from a toilet seat.

    The danger wasn't over yet, however. An alarm sounds and I have to leave Garrus here to kick some more ass. I decided to leave Mordin with Garrus to help protect my homie. Plus, Mordin is a fellow Omegan so will be more than capable.

    My next task was to seal these annoying three doors. The first one was fine. Though I don't see why there needs to be ten-second countdown for the smurfing things to close. I thought this was the future? Anyhoo, if any enemies made it past a certain point then the countdown resets. Really. Smurfing. Annoying. I won't mention how many deaths I experienced on the last two doors... let's just say it was more than one.

    OK, final door done and I magically teleported back to Garrus. There were a few pesky cronies to deal with before a confrontation with... the gunship that I passed at the start of the mission. "Nice one!" I thought. Earlier on, I took out that Batarian making repairs to this badboy, that means it will be a pushover just like that robot I hacked, right?! Wrong. Nonchalantly skipping out into the open armed with just a pistol was a terrible move as I was ripped to pieces by its guns. Luckily, I'd been hoarding grenade launcher rounds so two or three shells and the confrontation was all over. Mission complete!

    Back on the Normandy, Garrus had been pretty badly shot up by the gunship but he's a hardass and was up-and-about in no time. We actually had some quality bantz in the briefing room. Missed you, man! Thus ends the latest instalment of Bubba's Mass Effect Adventures.

    Tune in next time when Shepard's bank account is defrauded after he replies to an email from the Nigerian lottery saying he's won 10 million credits.

  13. #298
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    YES! I didn't want to spoil archangel for you. It's such an epic intro for garrus in this entry. Garrus is your bro. He does bro things with you.

  14. #299
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Wheee, nice to have this back! We've both been somewhat behind on our LPs, haven't we?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    A few more hacks and non-stimulating conversations later and I arrive at the start of the assault. A Batarian called Cathy was fixing a gunship which they were gonna use in the assault. I'm not sure whether it was a paragon or renegade quick-time action (I can't help myself, either way!) but I knocked the f***er out. That should help me in my 'don't kill Archangel' mission though there are plenty of other ways I could smurf it up.
    It's definitely a Renegade interrupt as far as I recall, but even as Paragon Shepard I always take this route, because it's such a kickass move to take and it helps you out. I mean, it isn't as if you killed him (I think)...

    Sh*t the bed, even better! It's Garrus!! Turns out he thought I was dead (yeah, I get that a lot) and didn't like how the council was being run so he decided to come to Omega and kill bad people. Nice plan. Now I'm back from the dead though he's happy to get the hell out of dodge with me and my crew. Unfortunately, this was just when the bloody assault started!
    I was just wondering whether you pegged it was Garrus from the start or found the surprise genuinely well, surprising! You see, I kinda already knew that Tali and Garrus returned as squad members, and as soon as it was revealed that Archangel was a mean sniper, I sussed it. I liked his return though. I loved the Archangel mission.

    Garrus picked a particularly impressive spot for sniping so I joined him in taking out the mugs from afar. I freakin' love the sniper! Only problem is the reload isn't great and it's only one shot per time. That being the case a few of the pricks managed to enter the base so I had to leave the Garrmeister upstairs while I went down and took out the trash.
    You get better snipers throughout the game, but half of them are one shot weapons (your default sniper and arguably the best sniper in the game are one-shotters). All of them are fantastic upgrades and handle much better than the first game snipers, as I'm sure you've noticed. The rapid-shot snipers are perfectly viable, but are honestly better suited to classes that don't possess the Infiltrator's time dilation or the Soldier's Adrenaline Rush (you get to pick another weapon much later on). Personally as an Infiltrator, I prefer the one-shot weapons. But again, it is all a matter of preference.

    Either way, you won't get another sniper rifle for quite awhile, so get used to your Mantis (Unless you have DLC or a digital deluxe edition). I went down Infiltrator in this game, so I'm more than happy to give advice when you need it!

    My next task was to seal these annoying three doors. The first one was fine. Though I don't see why there needs to be ten-second countdown for the smurfing things to close. I thought this was the future? Anyhoo, if any enemies made it past a certain point then the countdown resets. Really. Smurfing. Annoying. I won't mention how many deaths I experienced on the last two doors... let's just say it was more than one.
    Probably the toughest part of this mission. The doors close agonisingly slowly. As an Infiltrator, the only advice I could have given on that section is to not rely on the sniper, as you need to press at a reasonable pace and you are limited to Garrus's health bar. Sticking to the SMG helps, but really, it's just a tough section all round.

  15. #300
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Garrus is your bro. He does bro things with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Wheee, nice to have this back! We've both been somewhat behind on our LPs, haven't we?
    Absolutely not

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I was just wondering whether you pegged it was Garrus from the start or found the surprise genuinely well, surprising! You see, I kinda already knew that Tali and Garrus returned as squad members, and as soon as it was revealed that Archangel was a mean sniper, I sussed it. I liked his return though. I loved the Archangel mission.
    I had no idea. It was a lovely surprise. I love Garrus' voice

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