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Thread: Here is a Veldt formation/Rage tracking tool

  1. #1

    Default Here is a Veldt formation/Rage tracking tool

    I recently started playing a completionist type game, and decided to make this tool to help keep track of Gau's rages:

    It's not complete -- the "adventure"/walkthrough mode only goes up to the floating continent right now. Also, it doesn't really work on mobile (the menu takes up too much space), and I'm sure there are some features that would be nice to add, but I figured I'd put it out there and see what folks think.

    So, feedback please! Is it useful? What other features should it have? If you have a knack for design, how can I make it look better?

  2. #2
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    The rage guide is always nice as there is always one you can never find. My last playthrough it was a slam dancer. Just never would show up.

  3. #3


    It was the Stray Cat for me when I was playing that Rom hack, which was especially annoying since the creator decided to cripple Gau's magic stat, so it was one of the few things really worth picking up. >: I

  4. #4
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    If you're lacking information on it, the Eyes on Final Fantasy frontsite has a complete list of Gau's rages and the attack used when that rage is selected. It also lists all the enemies that can be fought in the game, sorted by location.

  5. #5

    Default Found missing formations in the adventure section.

    Very useful there is only one thing that I have noticed missing from the adventure side and that the four formations (Fossilfang, Fossilfang) (Fossilfang, Bug, Bug, Bug) (Bug, Bug, Bug) and (Bug, Bug, Bug, Bug, Bug, Bug) which can be found in the desert west of Vector. They are in the correct pack formation under the veldt and also in the rage section.

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