It's no secret that there has been significant backlash over the fact that there are no female characters within the party of Final Fantasy XV. That statement may not be completely true. As reported by Nova Crystallis, Luna is confirmed to make a guest appearance in the main party.

Tabata reassures us that we will be able to see Luna in action. So far her and one other character - that being Cor Leonis - have been confirmed as guest characters. The dircetor mentioned, however, that there is a difference in how these characters will feature in the party. Cor will be joining Noctis temporarily in a fight, while with Luna, it'll be the other way around - Noctis & co. will be assisting her in a battle that is already underway. No word on other guest party members, but perhaps we can expect more in the finished game? Aranea, anyone?

What do you think? Isn't it cool that we'll be able to be Luna's sidekick for some portion of the game? Any characters you're hoping will assist the boys on their road trip? Let us know!