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Thread: Let's Play Romance Of The Three Kingdoms VI

  1. #16
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Li Hui is ma best pal. we go WAY back!

  2. #17
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    March 193 Han Sui's force destroyed bye the rebel force Qiang

    May 193 we formed an alliance with the ruler Kong Rong

    May 193 Liu Yan attacks again with reinforcements. We send out to meet them Bu Bba, Mr Adequate, and FF Nutt
    FF Nutt takes on Yan Pu's troops first in the field and is successful and captures Yan Pu
    Mr. Adequate takes on Lu Kai's troops and was able to capture him and route the troops
    Bu Bba keeps at the gate as a last minute defence with Fy Nn advising them as head advisor.

    Gao Pei and Yang Huai arrive as reinforcements For Liu Yan
    FF Nutt heads over to cut off Yang Huai and routes his troops
    Mr. Adequate moves over to challenge Gao Pei and is able to route him.
    Bu Bbacontinues to be the man watching the main gate to the city to keep the enemy out as our last defence.
    FF Nutt then turns his attention on the battle commander Dong He and routes his troops and captures him and the battle ends
    The city is safe

    Dec 193 Prisoner Wu Lan agrees to join us then defects the same month back to Liu Yan. Head will roll.

  3. #18
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    March 194 we form an alliance with Wang Kuang

    May 194 we recruit prisoners
    Yan Pu
    Gao Pei
    Dong He

    It was a slow year for us however we have stocked up resources and should be able to take a stab at the Nanman again in 195
    we will be launching an attack soon to take down the Barbarian Giant.

  4. #19
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Feb 195 Dong He leaves to serve Yuan Shao

    April 195 Bu Bba, Ga Luf, FF Nutt, Gao Pei, Zhang Wei all suit up to make our move on the Nanman.
    Ga Luf was made head commander for the assault. Yan Pu serves as the advisor.

    The Nanman met us is the field. All officers except Zhang Wei concentrate on the Nanman officer. Zhang Wei stays back to protect the supplies.

    Our troops overwelm the Nanman officer then move to attack the Nanman King who has their supplies. Yan Pu puts a plan in action and makes the Nanman troops confused unable to attack and defend. We do heavy damage while that happens.

    We we destroy the Nanman King in the field and advance to the Nanman castle!

    As as we go to the main Gates of Nanman all but Gao Pei attack. He stays behind to protect supplies.

    Nanman an were able to hold us off at the gates and keep their independence.

    June 195 we form an alliance with Kong Zhou

    Sept 195 Liu Yan Attacks us. We meet him in the field with Mr. Adequate, FF Nutt, and Bu Bba
    while Bu Bba protects our food, FF Nutt goes after Lu Kai, and Mr. Adequate goes after Liu Zhang

    !r Adequate makes short work of Liu Zhang routing his troops, and FF Nutt defeats Lu Kai just as reinforcements arrive for Liu Yan.
    it is Wu Lan who betrayed us earlier. FF Nutt goes at him and routes him.

    Mr. Adequate then presues Yang Huai and routes him for victory for us.

    We we imprision all except Wu Ban who we execute for treason!

    Year review. With 194 being very quite 195 was filled with all lords going to war with each other with no real gains bye any of them. We are rebuilding after the Nanman loss and are getting troops together again.

  5. #20
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Apr 196 Sun Jian dies. Sun Ce is named his successor.

    June 196 we assault Nanman again

    Bu Bba, FF Nutt, Ga Luf, and Gao Pei are the officers while Yan Pu is the advisor.
    Ga Luf leads the attack
    They meet us in the field. Ga Luf, FF Nutt, and BuBba attack the enemies while Gao Pei protects the supplies.
    As a group the route the Nanman officer, then the king and preps to storm the castle

    We lost at the gates but weakened the Nanman.

    Jun196 attacked bye Liu Yan. Mr Adequate goes to meet them in the field but is beaten bye Gan Ning.

    Liu Yan's troops attack the city and break through our west gate. They route Ki Ng's troops and take the city.

    Game over

    I may look at trying a did rent scenario soon in a new location. Biggest issue this time was the Nanman who were just to strong for us.

  6. #21
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I was a fan back in those days! The latest versions are just piss and poo priced ridiculously. How the series have fallen. I guess it can never erect again.

  7. #22
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Do it again.. Make me an officer. Victory awaits.

    Also, tangentially relevant: the San Guo Sha card game is smurfing amazing, and I would kiss any volume of ass to get it direct translated and ported to Western markets.

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