So I've recently let myself enter the TVTropes void again, and I've been reminded of Eva and how much it has influenced me creatively. Then one thought led to another and I remembered Xenogears and I just kinda started reminiscing about humongous mecha. As you do.

So what are your favorite humongous mecha shows/comics/games?

Personally, I have not had a lot of experience with them, but what I've seen/played, I feel very strongly about. Eva was my first foray into the genre, and while the film left some scars in me, overall, I look back on the series fondly for being incredibly ambitious instead of being just another simple, dumb '90s anime. I am also very smitten by the Rebuild continuity and I can't wait for the fourth movie to come out. So far it's been an incredible improvement over the main series, the third movie especially.

The other mecha anime that I've seen was Gurren Lagann. Now that was very dumb, but also very fun, and watching that in my rebelious teenage phase, what with all the messages of just fighting even if the odds are overwhelmingly not in your favor, was just incredibly uplifting. The characters were stupid caricatures of humans, but they were so diverse and expressive and I loved them so much. The show didn't treat itself too seriously, but still managed to be epic and meaningful on some level, which is really no small feat.

Xenogears is probably the last mecha piece I've been exposed to last (???). I have no idea why I've only tried these three, because they're all great. So yeah, Xenogears is another incredible influence and I just can't get over how much research went into this game and how incredibly thought-provoking it is. Makes me wanna replay it again and again, which is a shame because my gaming backlog is just stupefying.