I'm trying to learn how to paint, Digitally. I have an art tablet. I'm wanting to work on my skills more, analyze what I've done and reflect on how I can improve (with suggestions too!)

So here's my first attempt in what I hope is a weekly art thing. (I'm aiming for weekly time to it.) I have an issue when I draw. I tend to get too realistic for myself. This is okay as a sketch mostly, but I have a hard time coloring and figuring out proper lighting. (Also hair is stupid.) I haven’t quite nailed it yet and I get frustrated with my skills when it doesn’t come out how I imagined it would when I sketched it. Then because of that, I don’t come back to it enough to really learn how to improve. I know my issue so now I’m trying to work on it, hence this thread.

I attempted to paint mercy from Overwatch. I sketched her out, it was good. But I seemed to have failed a bit in the coloring.

I am pretty confident I know my issue here. I merely tried to use a gray, light tan, and yellow pallet. My thoughts were, “she’s a healer that uses lots of yellow spells and yellow/gold accessories!” But I can see now that it didn’t give me enough depth. I need to add in more reds and browns. I also haven’t quite figured out how to create shapes without an outline like I would in sketches. It's a big work in progress obviously.

I also drew this way tooooo close. It was actually pretty small, I had to blow this picture up some to even post it here. So that’s a lesson learned. It’s just one week down in this art skill attempt!

This piece is obviously not finished but I have an issue of giving up on things and picking them up waaay later. So here’s what I’ve got and I probably won’t revisit this, whoops.

Any suggestions or tips, I'm open too. I'm trying to learn and get better at realistically painting humans so anyone with any tips is much appreciated. I plan on updating this thread as I go so I'll probably have something new each week!