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Thread: Total War: A Song of Ice and Fire

  1. #1
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Default Total War: A Song of Ice and Fire

    Would you play this? We've seen themes ranging from Rome to Samurais to Vikings to Medieval and even to Warhammer. If they were to make a Total War: A Song of Ice and Fire, would you play it? What house would you lead? Where would you base them if you were given the choice? Who would be your first target? Your first ally?

    I kind of wish this was something that could be done - trying your hand at conquering the 7 Kingdoms or breaking away to be come the King in the North/South/East/West/etc.

    I'd start as the Starks, just because I like the wolf and the whole King in the North thing. I'd definitely start in the north and make sure to send all captives to the wall to keep the White Walkers from following up behind me. I want to have the Highgarden, since owning it (in theory) would grant me access to what I remember being one of the largest forces in all of Westeros. The problem with that is fighting the largest force in all of Westeros.

  2. #2
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I'd play anything with a Game of Thrones theme, and I don't even know what the smurf Total War is.

    I wouldn't choose any house, at least not on a first playthrough. I'd want to make my own. Tha House of Gobe from the Riverlands. Obviously, I'd swear my allegiance to House Tully since they're Lord Paramount of the Trident making my first allies be House Tully and House Arryn by association, and whoever else is loyal to the two.

    This puts me in probably the worse position ever because everyone pretty much uses the Riverlands as their bitch when all the wars started because of its placement on the map. But what if I used that fact to my advantage? If I could set up blockades and send scouts to learn more about the armies that come in and anticipate where they'd attack (the Riverlands are my home and therefore I'd know it better than anyone else) I could make it very difficult for any of the other houses to get a foothold. What would that mean for wars? They'd have to change their way of thinking or just fall to the sword. This is the psychology behind playing the game, people. Man, I'd love it if we'd ever get a gaming mechanic for that. Assuming it already doesn't exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by CimminyCricket View Post
    I kind of wish this was something that could be done.
    It could be. People are making mods all the time. I just don't know how it could be implemented since I'm not familiar with the original programming.

  3. #3
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Yes, I would play it, but I'd still rather play Total War: Dragon Age edition.

    Speaking of GoT versions of other games, the GoT CK2 mod is very good.

  4. #4
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    Speaking of GoT versions of other games, the GoT CK2 mod is very good.
    It really is.

  5. #5
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Thank you! I was trying to remember which game that mod came from.

  6. #6
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    I'd play it.

    I was playing a ASoIaF scenario on Civ V

  7. #7
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by escobert View Post
    I'd play it.

    I was playing a ASoIaF scenario on Civ V

    Details please

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