Rob-Lowe.jpgHe's more than just a pretty face, he's a fantastic actor too, and top notch at comedy.

Bradley-Whitford.jpgHe may be a little more underrated but, Bradley Whitford is just as good an actor as pretty boy Rob Lowe
nick-offerman-220x220.jpgMr Megan Mullaly here is one of the best comedy character actors in the biz

MV5BMTUyNDYzOTY3Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTU3NjYyMw@@._V1_UY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_.jpg Not to everyone's taste but, I love him for Will and Grace and that thing he did recently...I think it was called Perception.

Andy-Samberg.jpgHe's come onto my radar, and that's where he will stay.

zack_braff.jpgThere's this guy too

11670_content_robert-deniro-aspen-peak-1-1.jpgA firm favourite of mine, and arguably the best character actor in the world. Good old fashioned method acting!

clark-gregg-image.jpgHe's just....great

9d69d595e61db0cc6a5cb9091f033930.jpgAgain, just great. He's still my number one fave of the moment, pity I'm so far behind on The Walking Dead or I would be discussing on here.

Well, that's it for now, I will actually be adding some actresses later but for's my actors