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Thread: The thing Crisis Core did right (Spoilers)

  1. #1

    Default The thing Crisis Core did right (Spoilers)

    I didn't love the game. The endless Loveless speeches, most of Zack's backstory was not particularly interesting, but how it handled Zack and Aerith (Aeris) and their relationship was really smart. It was simple. And sweet. Nothing complicated happened between them. Nothing serious. They were just young people who dug each other. Why that works is that we know that both of them will meet terrible fates and die very young. Keeping their story simply and quite lovely makes it that much more impactful knowing how it will end.

  2. #2


    It was a while ago now that I played it. I rushed out to buy a Limited edition FFVII PSP for the game, and was disappointed. The main gripe was the huge change in the storyline development; Angeal & Genesis were huge players in the back-story of FFVII, yet make no appearance in the vanilla game. I didn't even finish it, but that was not due to not wanting to, but rather my sister overwriting my save and I couldn't be bothered playing it again (was right near the end).

    I really can't remember the love story too well with Aeris and Zack, I just remember how bad of a job they'd done with Cloud.
    Last edited by DynamixDJ; 07-25-2016 at 08:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I agree that Zack and Aerith were definitely the highlight of the game. It also helped a lot that Aerith had the best voice in this one!

  4. #4
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    It annoys me that I can't play this game. I'm not buying an old PSP just for this.

    Why is it only available on one format? SORT IT OUT, SE!

  5. #5

  6. #6


    You can watch all of the cutscenes on youtube, it's worth it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    It annoys me that I can't play this game. I'm not buying an old PSP just for this.

    Why is it only available on one format? SORT IT OUT, SE!

  7. #7


    I actually was somewhat affected by the ending with Zack's death and Cloud's reaction to the loss, but I found the story disappointing overall, and given the fact that I always envisioned Cloud emulating Zack because he was a similarly stoic badass, I was surprised that he was actually the usually affable Tidus-like lead, given that Cloud actually reminded Aeris of him originally?

    Also would have preferred more of a focus on the events in Nibelheim leading up to Zack's death (without the crappy retcons of Zack fighting Sephi etc) and an expansion of the mystery from OG FF7 like Soldier, MAKO, and Jenova/Sephi's involvement of that (plus Hojo, Shinra etc). Heck could even throw in some Vincent backstory to round things out. I forget exactly where Zack dies in CC, but I would have liked more of an expanded reproduction of the original scene where he's killed by Shinra soldiers as presented in the OG 7.

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    Seeing Genesis at the reactor with Sephiroth and Zack pissed me off. Don't mess with my canon, Square.

  9. #9


    I really didn't like how their relationship was mostly just a shallow retread of Cloud and Aeris's in the original game, especially how they first met. Or how they flanderized the smurf out of Aerith.

    Quote Originally Posted by DynamixDJ View Post
    It was a while ago now that I played it. I rushed out to buy a Limited edition FFVII PSP for the game, and was disappointed. The main gripe was the huge change in the storyline development; Angeal & Genesis were huge players in the back-story of FFVII, yet make no appearance in the vanilla game. I didn't even finish it, but that was not due to not wanting to, but rather my sister overwriting my save and I couldn't be bothered playing it again (was right near the end).

    I really can't remember the love story too well with Aeris and Zack, I just remember how bad of a job they'd done with Cloud.
    Funnily enough CC's portrayal of Cloud was the least of that game's problems. Maybe it showed him to be a little to infatuated with Zack, but otherwise it was in line with his portrayal in the original FF7.

  10. #10


    Slots because that's real gameplay. Just ask Konami.

  11. #11
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Everyone in Crisis Core who was also in FFVII is pretty great. Everyone else should be deleted from canon.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by akerdo View Post
    I've never understood why anyone would like the battle system. "Clunky" is the kindest way I can describe it; right down there with FFX-2 and Xenosaga II among the worst I have ever encountered.
    Dafont Showbox Adam4adam
    Opinions are always interesting. I agree with you quite a bit about what I've seen of Crisis Core and what I've played of Xenosage II, but I really enjoyed FFX-2's combat system.

    I loved switching job classes on the fly while maintaining control over the individual characters in a turn-based system.

    It felt like the proto-version of what they did in FF13, but I didn't not enjoy 13's lack of a turn based system and trying to keep up with individual commands for your characters on the fly is difficult. You're obviously supposed to just pick their paradigms and let the other party members do their thing, but that's not enjoyable to me. I feel it's boring.

    Anyway, sorry to get off topic. Crisis Core did something right by taking all the extra lore around FF7 and using it to create more content for fans of the game to play. Did it do a particularly good job with that? Debatable. I just appreciate the fact that games like it and Dirge of Cerberus at least tried to do something with all that extra lore they created. I do wish they'd actually make a good spin-off game out of FF7 at least once.

    I think it would be neat to set up a well done "open-worldish" game in Midgar sort of like Yakuza where you play as the Turks doing missions in and out of Midgar. I'm sure I've mentioned this a million times though.

  13. #13


    As long as the missions aren't just the same "run from point A to point B" copy-pasted over 300 times I'd be fine with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    Everyone in Crisis Core who was also in FFVII is pretty great. Everyone else should be deleted from canon.
    I actually really liked Angeal. Cissnei wasn't terrible either.

    Genesis sucked, of course.
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  15. #15
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I've just finished the game for myself for the first time. It wasn't too bad!

    I hated both Angeal and Genesis but particularly the latter. Angeal was like a broken record spouting about "honour" every other sentence. Genesis was utter, utter sh**e. I couldn't give two flying f***s about that stupid play. The quotes were trout and there was actually nothing else to him. I quite relished the end boss fight as it felt I was destroying Loveless... the true enemy of the game: A sh*t theatre production.

    I actually enjoyed the character of Cissnei though. She had far more about her as a Turk then Elena ever did. Zack's performance was likeable but the less said about Cloud the better. It was also nice running around some familiar environments in 3D.

    Yeah, the number of recycled environments for the missions became extremely tedious very quickly. Credit where credit is due though. The ending was superb.

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