And you can only save one of these things! What do you save?
My recliner
My flame retardant pillows
That creepy doll my roomate wants me to get rid of that I won't get rid of
My special lamp
That biscuit tin filled with knitting supplies and disappointment
That shower grime I've grown oddly attached to
My flamethrower
The muffin I stole from that restaurant
My periodontists business card
Mr. Potato Head
I feel like the flamethrower will be worth more than the other things. I don't know if this is actually the case though. But I've made my decision in the heat of the moment.
Realistically: My PC. =| Perhaps photos of loved ones or something like that. Or, you know, the fire extinguisher. xD
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
I hoard large amounts of cash in the Mr. Patato Head so that's what I'm grabbing.
Excuse me. Wheres my cat option.
oh well. Mr potato head it is. Since he is ALIVE
none of those options are very important to me
everything is wrapped in gray
i'm focusing on your image
can you hear me in the void?
My special lamp.
I love lamp.
If a flamethrower is an option, then its flamethrower. Definitely.
Mr. Potato Head, and I'd be sure to grab his angry eyes, too.
Ironically, my flamethrower. I mean, I want to cash in on that insurance, best not to tell them about my flamethrower experiments in the garage.