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Thread: Galufs Ginal Gantasy Gmarathon

  1. #16
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Good luck, man! I love Final Fantasy but I don't think I could ever do a marathon of them all. Plus, I haven't played half of them.

    *Hangs head in shame*

  2. #17
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    I went around and got all the optional items with the mystic key. Including the unoptional nitro powder
    with this powder we see the Scottish dwarves

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    they then blow up part of an island so I can pass.

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    after this we sail to a whole new part of the world. Im sure we can go and do dungeons in a different order. But im doing it in the Earth Fire Water Wind order.

    we see the first town that is devasted by the earth crystals drainage.

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    and now we can buy Dialga. Awesome! Now wheres Palkia

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    we move out and come across.... Gandalf?? Is this crossover fantasy?

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    We now enter the first main dungeon. The earth cave.

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    and this whole pathway here. Is so trolly. Every step is an encounter with Hill Gigases. Shoulda been trolls that you find deeper in the cave.

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    after venturing through the cave we encounter the vampire inside.

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    well. He wasnt the source. He was just a guardian of the true beast. However before we can fight him we need to return to Gandalf with the Ruby we obtained from killing the vampire.

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    Gandalf moves over so we can talk to his master.

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    Back through the cave I go. And behind the vampire is tablet we can remove to reach the final floor of the cave.
    btw this bat is a bitch and blocks your path all the time.

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    I did have a stoner problem and had to go to elfheim for gold needles since only that town sells it.

    we eventually go back and find the true cause of the destruction. The Lich!

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    he took a bit to kill and dealt some damage but he went down relatively easy. Honestly I feel bad for calling this easy since the NES version was probably hard as trout. Oh well

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    and yea. The first main boss is dead. I have went over to the next island I need to go. And here are my levels. (After all the fighting I got both knight armour which cost 36000 before I fought lich)

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  3. #18
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    You look well levelled. Should be an easy coast to Chaos for you if you keep it up.

  4. #19
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFNut View Post
    You look well levelled. Should be an easy coast to Chaos for you if you keep it up.
    T later games will not be as easy. I expect ff3 onwards ill have to pay attwntion to most fights. But ff1 is easy however. Finding where to go is the hardest in this gane

  5. #20
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    FFIII I found very tough ya. I think it was just the number of enemies you would get per encounter that kicked my but with it.

  6. #21
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    I finally remembered where exactly to go and went there. At first it seems like a dead end. But if you go out the towns north eastern exit a ring of old men will appear

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    and one of them is nice enough to give you canoe to proceed to the next dungeon.

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    so yeah ive realized that you need to do the dungeons in order since you only get the canoe if you have killed the lich.

    anyway I head to the ancient volcano. Mt gulug. Wrong game. Gurgu Volcano

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    the lava floor is a bit annoying. But atleast you can come here and not have to go out to get an item. You just go all the way through. Theres a lot of chests though.
    and the bottom lies our next Boss Marilith.

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    honestly this one almost killed gilbert. And it wouldve taken twice as long if I didnt give him haste to use on the 2 warriors. But Gary and his ice brand destroyed the snake thingy.

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    gonna be honest though. I kinda forgot where to go. I guess the canoe gives me more options but I am not 100% certain where im going. I think I have to go the ice cave and get the levistone. I also remember a rats tail I need but I cant remember where to get that. I also think I can upgrade my jobs soon. Im not sure if I need the airship for that.

    anyway heres my lvl

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  7. #22
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Haha, I love the Scottish dwarves in this game! Though that section where every step is an encounter really pisses me off.

    You're making good progress with this. Your team are at a very decent level for this point in the game.

  8. #23
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I think next is airship, class change, then the underwater level if memory serves me right.

  9. #24
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Alright. I have no internet at my mums house. So the updates will be not as good.

    I did make progress. I got the levistone and rats tail. I swear bahamut was in the citadel but I went through multiple times. So I kinda lost. I dont know where bahamut or the airship is. I really didnt want to use a walkthrough but I might have too...

    ok. Nvm. I figured out. That THIS IS WHAT I COULDNT SEE

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    I eventually get the airship and fly towards bahamut.

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    and bahamut stands before us

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    and here is our lovely new classes

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    ok. So um. With my internet problems the next update might be me after I beat the game.

    Honestly im sure you have all seen these games so you arent missing much. But to prove. Ill take a screenshot of me winning. Also im doing the optional dungeons. For all the games. But I might not kill most superbosses. Ill try them. And I will kill ozma.
    Last edited by Galuf; 08-23-2016 at 08:45 PM.

  10. #25
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Ok. So last night I got to the chaos shrine. And tried the bonus dungeons. But they are boring as a sleeping snake.
    and this morning I beat ff1.

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    And I started FF2. Currently in the Dreadnought. Gonna Blow it up!

    heres my stats. Idk if thr mp is low but I think I have good hp.

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    Last edited by Galuf; 08-24-2016 at 03:45 PM.

  11. #26
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    You are flying through so far!

  12. #27
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    God damnit I have to start V soon or else you'll run right past me! :O

  13. #28
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Fynn..., i have bad news

    in this tower.. you die

  14. #29

  15. #30
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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