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Thread: Disapointing Villains

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Thumbs Down Disapointing Villains

    What it says on the tin, what are some villains that were either hyped up too much, looked like they were going to be real great foils in the plot before imploding, or villains that sound great in context but fell short in execution?

  2. #2
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    I heard tales from my sisters that he was a cool bad ass dude.
    and then I played and he didnt even do much.
    I do admit his walking through fire scene is pretty cool. But yeah.
    he isnt bad but he isnt as great as he is hyped to be

  3. #3
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Emporor Gestahl (Spelling?) in FFVI. Half the game you get ready to take him on only to die easy in a cutscene.

  4. #4
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    The Dark Goddesses from Neptunia VII are too easy compared to the rest of the game and amount of hype they get. You're fighting Gundam sized versions of the Goddesses. You're in a pocket dimension with only tiny floating platforms to stand on. And you can only use your skills. However, that isn't much of a handicap. Your skills are really strong in this game and they only thing stopping you from spamming them is the cost. But lo and behold your SP regens during these fights. And there is EXE and coupling skills that use a completely separate bar and are even stronger than the normal skills.

    At least the music is awesome.

  5. #5


    Vizier from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X.
    They were depicted as the greatest threads in these games but killing them was actually pretty easy.
    That's why they're the most disappointing villains to me.
    Last edited by Zanmato; 08-29-2016 at 06:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Holy trout.

    Zande in ff3. You hear all aboot him in the game. Finally you meet him and this is what happens.

    "Haha the darkness is 3 steps ahead of you! PERISH!!" *battle start*

    I was dumbfounded at what happened. I was expecting a speech or something. But he gets one block of text. Well he wiped me multiple times with meteo. But im not talking about battle lol

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Barthantandelus, easily. He has the charisma of a peanut. Seriously, if Garland works better as a villain than you, you've got serious problems.

    Also, Lysandre? The villains of Pokemon started getting more interesting since gen III - Lysandre is just all of those tropes taken in the worst possible direction!

  8. #8


    Ultimecia, obviously. Her mere existence is a prominent reason why FFVIII is so bad.She is pobably the most poorly-explained and non-threateningvillain in the series.


  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Ultimecia, obviously. Her mere existence is a prominent reason why FFVIII is so bad.She is pobably the most poorly-explained and non-threateningvillain in the series.

    Yeah, I'll agree with this statement. The game seriously goes down hill plot-wise with her introduction.

    I keep going back and forth with Skull Face from MGSV. On the one hand, he's probably done more damage to the MGS universe than anyone else barring the Patriots themselves, but on the other hand, his juxtapostion of motives makes him seem both petty and kind of in the right on a few things. His ending was pretty hollow as well, but that was kind of the point. He's great on screen (or audio tape) but he's definitely more deliciously evil and interesting in Ground Zeroes than Phantom Pain, where he seems to have mellowed out.

    Speaking of the Patriots, they go here as well, they were trippy and poorly explained in MGS2, coming across as some weird omniscient force of nature, but MGS4 kind of does away with all that ann makes them feel more like a background force that's never directly confronted. Again, just kind of felt hollow.

    Gene also bugged me, mostly because he's a type of character I really hate to see in these flashback/start of darkness stories, where he's basically a less threatening version of the villain the start of darkness character is meant to become.

    Wilhelm from Xenosaga is another I never cared for, it never really helped that we all figured out back in Episode 1 that he was the real big bad, but he ultimately comes across as a poorly developed expy of Krellian from Xenogears. It didn't help that he was upstaged by the superior Yuriev or the scene stealing Albedo, Margulis, and Virgil. Even Cherenkov ultimately gave a greater lasting impression than he did. Kevin was also kind of disappointing but, again, we all saw it coming as far back as Episode 1.

    Troy from Suikoden IV does little to nothing in the game, which is odd cause the game makes a big deal about him, and his very few scenes are actually really good. You can tell he was meant to be a true foil to the main character unlike Snowe who only thinks he's the worthy rival, but Troy never really gets anything done or has much of a reason to be there in the plot except to watch over the game's real villain. The duel against him in the game's ending comes out of nowhere and feels like it's mostly there because the writer suddenly remembered he was in the plot.

    Hi-no-Kagutsuchi from P4 Arena, though this mostly stems from me really wishing he was Nyalarthotep instead. Doesn't help he takes after his mother from P4, and feels tacked on.

    I'll think of more later.

  10. #10
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Meredith in DA2. She was just there. Arishok should have been the end boss, he was cooler.

  11. #11
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Speaking of the Patriots, they go here as well, they were trippy and poorly explained in MGS2, coming across as some weird omniscient force of nature, but MGS4 kind of does away with all that ann makes them feel more like a background force that's never directly confronted. Again, just kind of felt hollow.
    Doesn't really help their case that instead of a hundred year old shadow organization it turns they're just some buddies of yours that gained total power because reasons and had that power usurped by a computer program. Plus most of them die off screen before MGS2 even happens due to bulltrout retcons and the only one still alive during 4 is a guy so old and enfeebled he's basically a vegetable.

  12. #12
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Dhoulmagus from DQ8. Like what, you were pointless. And then you became a giant fat dark spirt thingy. I dont even know.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Wilhelm from Xenosaga is another I never cared for, it never really helped that we all figured out back in Episode 1 that he was the real big bad, but he ultimately comes across as a poorly developed expy of Krellian from Xenogears. It didn't help that he was upstaged by the superior Yuriev or the scene stealing Albedo, Margulis, and Virgil. Even Cherenkov ultimately gave a greater lasting impression than he did. Kevin was also kind of disappointing but, again, we all saw it coming as far back as Episode 1.
    i don't see the resemblance. Krelian was a friendzoned jerk who decided to kill everyone in the world. Wilhelm is an explicitly inhuman force trying to save the universe.

    Wilhelm always comes across as very...distant, amoral, because he is exactly that way. He's nothing but an embodied aspect of the universe. Krelian tries to pull off the stoic and detached thing but even the Gazel call him out on how he's failing at it.

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    The first name that sprung to mind was Barthandelus or however you spell it from FFXIII. I can see the dislike for Ultimecia, too. Really, though, my biggest dislike has to go to any final boss that has barely featured throughout the story. I'm looking at you FFVIII/FFIX/FFX/FFXIII. I had very little to zero dislike for these bosses because they were just thrown at me near the end. I mean, I can see that they had long-standing input to overarching plots (well, some of them) but seriously, all of those games could have had notably more relevant final bosses.

    I also can't stand Seymour for FFX. The guy's voice annoys me too much.

    Outside of Final Fantasy, Marauder Shields of Mass Effect 3 was another example of a final boss being completely random. And for generally crappy bosses, I guess there are too many to name and the worst of them I have forgotten the names of altogether. They're that bad that I just don't even remember them. Uncharted's bosses are a good example of this. I'm not sure I can name a single one despite getting the platinum trophy on a couple of them. I think bosses in shooter games tend to be pretty meh.
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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McLovin' View Post
    Dhoulmagus from DQ8. Like what, you were pointless. And then you became a giant fat dark spirt thingy. I dont even know.
    Funny how you mention that because aside from Psarro (and I haven't played DQ VII yet, so I can't say much), Dhoulmagus/Rhapthorne is actually one of the more involved and interesting villains in the series. I mean, the main big bads from DQs I to III, as well as V and VI, all pretty much don't show up until the very last portion of the game, even if they are mentioned. Dhoulmagus, by contrast, is involved throughout the story and you can see all the stuff he does along the way, and it was really fascinating to guess what he was after all this time, piecing the mystery bit by bit over the course of the game.

    Just my three cents, though

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