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Thread: If you could remake one game?

  1. #1
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Default If you could remake one game?

    I was just wondering, if you could remake one game into a different type such as they did with Mario going from a side scroller into an RPG, into Sports, into... What game would it be and why?

    I will answer I'd change The Walking Dead from Telltale Games. It was an ok game I guess, but it was kinda handed to you in go here, button mash here, head this way now. Talk get a few survival items then continue. Go on to episode two and continue.

    To me it fell a little flat as you never really got a chane to really explore the world around you. Imagine if you would a similar style to that as a sandbox type game for you to explore and survive in. Maybe even be able to meet new people and start a small group and build a stronghold someplace out of scavenged items from exploring. How fun would that have been?

    What hat about you guys? Would you like to see maybe Sonic RPG? Or possibly like Sharky thought of the other day and have a Chocobo's Joust as FF makes its way into a Joust style game.

  2. #2
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    there was 1 sonic RPG.

    uhhhh id say make uh. a halo game like star wars battlefront

    smurf it remak Battlefront like the first 2 and im sold (EA!!! )

  3. #3


    The Sonic RPG was garbage. At least what I played of it. Which was maybe the first hour or so. But that is surprising considering it was BioWare who made it. So either SEGA did some serious publisher interference to ruin what BioWare does best, or BioWare put a bunch of rookies on the project and they just mashed out some lame Sonic fanfiction with a sprinkling of Mario RPG controls. At least... I think the battle animations were interactive. I know the environment was interactive, but only at key points. It was very hand-holdy, and is at the very least a slow burn. I didn't feel invested or interested at all after the tutorial area

    Sad too, because I think the Sonic universe would make a decent RPG, but only the Freedom Fighters one that SEGA constantly ignores the existence of. Not too keen on the Sonic Adventure universe. Sally Acorn trumps Amy Rose any day. And then you've already got an interesting and fleshed out universe and plot just kinda handed to you. Shame on BioWare and shame on SEGA

    As far as what I would do, currently on my mind is wishing Metro 2033 was an actual RPG. It's an interesting setting, with interesting characters and towns. It'd be nice to be more fully explorable if the writing and programming could handle it

    Makes me think of what Underrail would have been like in 3D or something. Or if one of the Fallout games took place underground; in Russia

  4. #4


    I'd turn Final Fantasy XIII into something that didn't bring the greatest game franchise ever onto the precipice of obsolescence.

    Specifically I'd make it an open world action RPG as it was at its best when it opened up towards the end, and would also be more in keeping with the trend away from turn based systems that FF has been working towards since XII.
    Last edited by Fox; 09-08-2016 at 02:07 AM.

  5. #5
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    "Silver Surfer" for the NES.
    I think that game has potential, it just also has a bunch of flaws that make it much more unpleasant to play that it needs to be, and I'm not talking about the difficulty.

    Here are a bunch of things that I would like to see fixed in this game, if anyone out there with much more programming skills than I feels like adding them.

    *Smaller hit detection on Silver Surfer's sprite
    The characters in most decent scroller shooters have fairly small hit detection, and are also reasonably tiny.
    Silver Surfer's sprite should have a roughly 50% smaller area and also only take damage on his waist, and possibly his chest - and definitely not on is goddamn board.

    *More weapons!
    This is the big one.
    Shooters are always much more fun if you have access lots of weapons.
    One of them should be temporary invincibility, so that you at least have some sort of protection.
    Another fun weapon would be a bunch of homing missiles that flew off in all directions, and possibly something that was similar to the Spread Gun in Contra.
    Also, give Silver Surfer a few more option robots.

    *No damage from walls and obstacles
    Yes, I know that a lot of shooters have deadly walls, but that doesn't mean that it's a good idea.
    Obstacles should never deal damage, especially not on Silver Surfer who would even be able to smash through walls.

    *Allow Silver Surfer to fire in all directions
    The whole "you can only shoot straight ahead" thing is BS, there is no reason to not allow the characters in scroller shooters to shoot in the direction that they are moving.
    One way to fix this could be to do like they did in the SNES game "Firepower 2000", where the tank's aiming direction was locked only while you were actually holding down the fire button.

    *Take away the pathetic "bohoo, I lost again" image
    You know, the one that always appears every single time you die.
    Instead, there could be an image of Silver Surfer lying on the ground with his board broken into pieces or something when you get a Game Over, that would at least make him look like a fallen warrior.

    *Make the foreground stand out more from the background
    It's frequently way too hard to tell what's supposed to be the foreground as opposed to the background.
    The background should have a paler colour palette than the foreground, and preferably also scroll slower, since this would clearly help with telling what's "close" and what's "further away".
    One game that handled this thing very well was "Super Mario World".
    Last edited by Peter1986; 09-08-2016 at 11:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Woah. No one disses the best game over screen without a sound effect. (The true best is "game over. Return of ganon" *ho ho ho ho*)


  7. #7
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I definitely want to see a Dragon Age game done in the style of Total War. Set it during one of the earlier blights and set up endless waves of Darkspawn against the Wardens. It would be amazing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galuf View Post
    Woah. No one disses the best game over screen without a sound effect. (The true best is "game over. Return of ganon" *ho ho ho ho*)

    Well, that image certainly makes the player feel like a total loser, I give you that.

  9. #9
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter1986 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Galuf View Post
    Woah. No one disses the best game over screen without a sound effect. (The true best is "game over. Return of ganon" *ho ho ho ho*)

    Well, that image certainly makes the player feel like a total loser, I give you that.
    Yeah Idk I just think its funny. I only saw the avgn of it

  10. #10


    I want a Yasumi Matsuno directed Vagrant Story remake with the ability to quick swap weapons without menu-diving.

  11. #11
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Colony Wars Red Sun as a fully fledged tactical RPG would be interesting.

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    There's something about Jade Cocoon and I feel like it could - and should - be so much more.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galuf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter1986 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Galuf View Post
    Woah. No one disses the best game over screen without a sound effect. (The true best is "game over. Return of ganon" *ho ho ho ho*)

    Well, that image certainly makes the player feel like a total loser, I give you that.
    Yeah Idk I just think its funny. I only saw the avgn of it
    The AVGN episode is hilarious, however James and his friends (Mike and Bootsy) give much more fair opinions of that game in this video:

  14. #14
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    And milk it again!

  15. #15
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    These days I'd love to see a new Fable game. I really have this weird urge to be a nobody starting off in a farm that eventually becomes a hero, the old cliché was abandoned and now it's basically never done anymore.

    I'd also love to see a new version of Alundra, I loved that game.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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