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Thread: What Would You Do?

  1. #16
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Every click makes a fart sound and a gif of a disappointed Tim Curry appears.

  2. #17
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    • Overhaul the frontsite news section with a brand new CMS and site redesign. I want a hundred YOU MAY LIKE articles on the bottom of each one damnit
    • Separate frontiste from news/articles and game resources. The game resources would be in a wiki format so the users could take control of its management rather than having it routed centrally through staff.
    • Image redesign. Logos, colours, branding and so on. Annifont would be the first against the wall. A fine EoFF tradition but it's 2016 and it's more suited to a Geocities website along with 3D rotating gifs and frames.
    • Targeted ad campaigns on Facebook and YouTube specifically aimed at Final Fantasy related content (eg running an ad on a FFXV trailer)
    • Look into ways of remunerating website staff. Maybe whoever does the most wiki edits a quarter gets a £20 Steam voucher. Maybe Editors get the ad revenue from their articles (though maybe this encourages clickbait idk, needs more work)
    • Consider a forums change to a Reddit style system of replies. People would be really smurfing angry about this at first (so would I, don't worry) so I do stress the word consider. Maybe it could be trialed in a couple of the subforums and see how it goes.
    • Abolish the Ciddies
    • Abolish Loony BoB
    Get it done man. I think Del Murder practices the "Everyone is the Owner" policy here.

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