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Thread: FL Plays the Persona Series

  1. #151
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Oh yeah. Kanji might not be gay, but Yosuke is definitely a raging homophobe.

  2. #152
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I remember viewing that scene in the tent, really wanting there to be a dialogue choice where I call out Yosuke's homophobia and allow Kanji to stay, but there's no such option.

  3. #153


    Well I guess I'll be the judge of all that later today.

    In the meantime, I realize I was ragging on 3 a bit in my post so I wanna be fair.

    This is a way better boss theme IMO.

  4. #154
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I actually like both battles themes for different reasons. Master of Shadows is slightly more subdued and more ominous. I'll Face Myself has a pleasing guitar section and has some great orchestrations and covers of it.

  5. #155
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I'll Face Myself has a fantastic remix on the Reincarnation album, tho

    Still, Rivers in the Desert blows everything out of the water. Haven't played P5 yet, but damn, is this an unexpectedly magnificent boss theme or what

  6. #156
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Is Rivers in the Desert the regular boss theme, or like the endgame boss theme? Regardless, agreed with Fynn. It is perfectly dramatic.

  7. #157
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Pretty sure it's more like a "serious super unique emotional boss battle" theme. Not sure what the regular boss theme is.

  8. #158
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Pretty sure it's more like a "serious super unique emotional boss battle" theme.
    Yeah, that's the one.

    Honestly, I prefer it. I don't want the regular boss theme to be too emotional. If that's right, I think Rivers in the Desert is perfectly placed.

  9. #159


    So pardon the lack of updates. My PC died and now all I have is my PS4. It makes it a pain to keep everyone updated on my progress. Right now I'm on September 20th and I'll summarize notable progress/events/thoughts:

    1. Shadow Teddie was a pain but mainly because I was under-leveled. Once that was fixed I destroyed him. All glory to Ose an dPowe rCharge/Atom Smasher.

    2. Rise's and Mitsu's dungeons had the best dungeon music. The 8-bit version of Face Myself is the best thing.

    3. I'm not a huge fan of Rise. I like girls who are flirty and cute and I even like idols. But Rise doesn't do it for me. I also resent how the game seems to be pushing her on me. I don't want to be with her, although I am of course doing her S Link for both story and practical reasons. I hear she makes the game super broken.

    4. Teddie's voice doesn't fit a human. Although calling him human is maybe a stretch... Still, it fit a cartoon bear thing, not Mr. Bishie. I don't think I'll ever use him in battle. I don't hate him but I also don't really like him.

    5. Speaking of pretty "boys" I am annoyed at Naoto being a girl. So Kanji isn't gay, fine. But why couldn't Naoto just be a prety guy? I managed to save him in one night, though! Also first time I've used Kanji all game. Gained 20 levels. Bless Power Charge and Chie's Revolution, they are indispensable in taking down the Golden Hands.

    6. Social Link Progress: Yosuke and Yukiko maxed, Chie at 8, Dojima and Nanako at 6, Marie at 6, Rise at 3, Adachi and Kanji at 1 (hope to remedy before this November deadline) and I'm also really interested in the Temperence S Link with Eri. But that can be put of until later so I only have a couple levels in that. Oh and 3 levels in Devil. Hot nurse courgars, yay.

    7. The beach episode was amazing, as was the King's Game. It was a joy to hear Joy again and to see Chihiro. But yeah, the bond between our heroes is why I love this game so much. I care so deeply for every single one of them.

    And...spoiled. By a YT comment for Mitsuo's boss music. (SPOILER)"Why did Nanako have to be evil?" Thanks for the irrelevant comment , jackass.
    Last edited by Forsaken Lover; 02-11-2017 at 12:58 PM.

  10. #160

  11. #161


    Oh...glad to hear it. It almost made sense to me given she is the one characte rwho does nothing but watch TV after all.

    If the November deadline was Nanako-napping, the casulaties are Kanji, Naoto and Adachi. I have no idea what I was even supposed to do with Naoto. There's not enough time, even if she would talk to me. She always refused to start the S Link and I had no idea what the trigger was. Unless I can do her S Link later on? I guess Rise is out too because I only got her up to 7...maybe 8.

    Maxed Yosuke, Yukiko, Chie, Dojima, Nanako and Marie. Probably just gonna use the first three as my party for the rest of the game. It's nice Naoto has no weaknesses but I like my team. We're the OG.

    All the romance triggers are depressing, though. It's clear Chie an dYukiko fall in love with you and you have to turn them down. I didn't want to turn Yukiko down but I wasn't about to cheat since, as previously noted, S Links are not a self-contained dimension in this gam. I moved to the intimate route with Marie and I will be loyal because I love her.

    I heard Golden added three months to this game. Was this delivery guy really the original final boss? Did I do something wrong? I have no idea if I've even entered into the "choose your ending" zone yet. Please do not tell me what I need to do or when. I'll see for myself.

    Still, as obvious as it was, Nanako's being kidnapped was fairly intense and emotional. Coming on the heels of the Culture Festival, bit of mood whiplash. Also why does no one like the sexy teacher lady voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn? I'd have voted for her if I could....

    Yosuke isn't bad in terms of gameplay, though. He's not a master of none, precisely. His thing is being super fast. He dodged like, everything the boss threw at him. Still, I wish he'd hurry up and friggin' learn Brave Blade. Power Slash is so 40 hours ago.

    Speaking of which, I have access to so many physical attacks now, I dunno which is best. I would guess God's Hand? But I also can soon fuse Michael who has Vorpal Blade and then thre's a few other attacks that all say Heavy. Does it go Vorpal Blade > Akasha Arts > Deathbound?[[/folder]]

  12. #162
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Honestly, the default team is the most balanced in the game. Between you all of the four primary elements are covered, and they all function a different role. Yosuke's the balanced member, Chie's all damage, while Yukiko is healing and support.

    As for the social links, you have time in January to finish social links, but only during that month.

    Naoto's S. Link does come rather late if you're unprepared. There is a trigger for it, but now that you're in November, I'm not sure if it is worth you pursuing it. It's something you can accomplish on a repeat play.

    The culture festival is the breather episode before the storm hits in November. It really does punch you in the gut.

  13. #163


    Apathy is the gretest crime of all, so sayeth Albus Dumbledore.

    Anyway, one thing I've failed to comment on for both P3 and P4 - I love the constant voice-acting and conversation in battle. Over in Final Fantasy, I thought the little chats different characters could have in X, or how certain pairings had different battle lines in XIII, were great features that helped establish the atmosphere and tone. But P3 and P4 put all that to shame. I think I honestly first started to like Mitsuru because of her ending battle dialogue. Hearin gher say "YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO GROW EVEN STRONGER!" while the best part of Mas Destruction played in the background always made me so happy. And her post-development critical line of 'OUT OF MY WAY!!!" is pure delight. And then in this game it's even better.

    Also another thing I have failed to comment on - Rise is the best navigator because she doesn't freak the smurf out. She just calmly says "you're at low health" or something. It's not nearly as irritating when the person reminding you of the obvious isn't shouting it in your ear.

  14. #164
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Honestly, she's the best navigator simply because her voice is so pleasant to listen to. She's got just the right pitch and she never sounds like she's reading lines (ahem Fuuka), and all her reactions sound genuine.

    Have I already mentioned how much I love Rise? I frickin' love Rise.

  15. #165



    So an earlier hint elsewhere about "don't give into hatred" wasn't very subtle but that's not the reason I hesitated. The thing is, my friends are all idiots who apparently missed the rest of the game. Why do they keep shouting about THAT'S NAMATAME'S TRUE FEELINGS. That's blatantly false. Unless Kanji is a raging homosexual and Rise is an attention-seeker stripper. A Shadow is not your true self, it's a part of you and it's a part you can resist. Which Namatame seemed to be doing given the couple words we let him say.

    I stopped to write this immediately after that scene. It had, like, more dialogue options than the rest of the game. I just kept trying to tell Yosuke something was wrong. I don't car eabou tkilling him, I care about if killing him would make a difference. Do we even know killing a person kills their Shadow? Isn't the TV World full of Shadows? Presumably those Shadows belong to dead people. I dunno if you have to pick just the right options here or something, I just tried to express what I have written here as best as I could. Which wasn't very well since none of the dialogue options really lined up with this

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