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Thread: FL Plays the Persona Series

  1. #46
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Similar, but much less tedious. Dungeons are much more varied, shorter, and less randomly-generated
    You named everything I hated about the P3 dungeons so I should be in good shape.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  2. #47
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    It's still pretty much the same format, though, just slightly refined. So don't expect it to suddenly be awesome. It'll probably just be a bit more tolerable.

  3. #48
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I don't mind a good dungeon crawl but I need at least some kind of variety.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  4. #49

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Technically, you're not as far into P2 as you think you are, but if it isn't grabbing you, then there really isn't much to say really. This entry may not be your deal, and Persona (MegaTen in general) is more dungeon crawler than most JRPGs are, so if you're hating the dungeons, you may just want to stop because they are not going to get better for you, especially if the plot isn't doing anything for you to keep moving forward.

    If you want to finish it, then go for it, but I would say it may be best to not force yourself to keep lunging through something you are not really enjoying. I had a similar issue with Valkyria Chronicles, just couldn't get into it, and I feel the harder I kept pushing myself to move forward in hopes of finding something to like, the more I began it dislike it.
    I's not like I haven't played a bad JRPG before. I beat Xenosaga Episode II and lord knows it has one of the most tedious battle systems ever. But, as you say, it might just be the plethora of samey dungeons.
    They wear on me more than any other JRPG I've ever played. i gave it one more shot, finished rescuing Lisa and stuff, but I just feel so anti-motivated to play this game that I had to stop. I like the characters and it looks like the plot is finally going somewhere maybe but...."ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" is all I can say to the thought of playing this game anymore.

    I get paid tomorrow. I'm just gonna get P3 off PSN.

    That's me, Forsaken Lover, playing Persona 3 while the rest of the world plays Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV. I have no idea why I have such an obsession with being five steps behind but oh well. I'm trusting you guys, everyone swears P3 and P4 are masterpieces.

    Then again, I originally had Persona 2 recommended to me by a Xenogears fan so you can't trust anyone I guess.

  6. #51
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    we can play p3 together then
    dont plan to get a ps4 until ps6 is out

    question about fatigue:
    how can i tell/end my tartarus romp before my peeps get tired
    so that i can do it daily?

  7. #52

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    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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  9. #54
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Ugh. It's been ages since I played that version, and they really changed that mechanic on PSP. Maybe someone more qualified can answer.

  10. #55
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I honestly can't remember if there is any sort of warning before they're tired and ask to leave. I do know that at the start they can really only make it a handful of floors and by midway through they'll make it to the next boss floor with no issues. By the end of the game you'll easily go 20 floors or more without running out of stamina (of course the Tartarus blocks get a lot longer after the first two to make up for it). But honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about going every single night. Barring some event taking place that kept me from going for a bit I think I went every other day at most and got by just fine. I tried to make sure the main character was in great condition every time I went so I wouldn't get sick and lose valuable time recovering. And I found that was usually plenty. I had no real trouble finishing a block well before the full moon that way and never felt underleveled.

    And there are a couple of social links that you can only access at night if I'm not mistaken so you're going to miss out on those if you go every night.

  11. #56
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Vivi22 mostly covered it, there isn't a real way to figure out when they'll be fatigued before they bring it up. I can tell you that their stamina is based on their levels and also you can cheat the system by splitting up your party since they usually only give you a heads up when you're all together. Even then, it's more important the MC doesn't get tired/sick as the others can be brought back fairly easy so I usually work them into the ground for a few days until I get what I need and then not bother with Tartarus until the next section opens.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Something else I remembered the other day for managing stamina: don't let your party members die. It's less of a problem later on when you have all of your characters but if they die they'll almost certainly be tired the next day and possibly sick which takes them out for a few days. So even if you're not going everyday it can cause you some problems. They'll also be tired or sick after each full moon so best to give them a break immediately after anyway.

  13. #58


    We interupt this irregularly-scheduled Persona thread to bring you a strange journey.

    A poster elsewhere encouraged me to play the SMT games and, smurf it, I need to play more JRPGs. What's more, I LOVE choices and alignments and all that kinda stuff. A WRPG this might not be but still, I've been promised I wouldn't be disappointed by the alignment system in the game I'm starting with so here we are.

    I have elected to begin with Strange Journey.

    I'm told these games are super hard and stuff. I am interested to see how quickly I get thrashed.

    So, let's begin the journey.

    Already this game is speaking my language. Of course I shook Gore's hand. What kind of soldier doesn't shake their superior officer's hand? I mean, it's basic courtesy one way or another and to not do it is the height of dickishness but this is the goddam military. I'm not a soldier IRL but you gotta figure, it's just not a smart career move to spit in the face of your "boss" like that. I also shook the nice Russian lady's hand. See? She gets it . With nice, polite soldiers like me, this is bound to go smoothly.

    Ooh, these questions are interesting. Reminds me of the start of Fallout 3.

    Question 1. I stay hidden. Why go out of my way to reveal myself when I'm already out of sight?

    Question 2. I find a way to do both in regards to sneaking into an enemy base and avenging my friend. True, my first duty is to complete my mission and stay concealed but I also have a duty to my friend to see his killer punished.

    Question 3. I stay as long as it takes during my "remote mission." Again, that's my duty. I can't just pack up and go home during a mission just because supplies are late.

    Question 4. I hurry to rescue my ally with my helicopter. I mean, I was stumped on this one for a bit because if my helicopter runs out of fuel, it won't be much of a rescue. Then again, maybe once I eliminate the enemy and save my comrade, another helicopter can swoop in to evacuate us. That was my thinking anyway.

    Question 5. I bring in the "religious leader" immediately. He might be a spy, why does this taking place in occupied territory matter?

    Question 6. Uh...I guess yes this mission will succeed. I tried to pick I don't know.

    So was judged to be a "physical" type or something. Is that good? Is there a type that is really hard or easy or something?

    Okay I did refuse to shake the hand of the one guy who mocked me for being a Marine and said we're all probably just meat shields. I mean, he started the relationship off troutty, I'm under no obligation to play nice.

    Oh no, who could have foreseen things going wrong! I said "I'm not afraid to die" to the panicking mooks. Should come with the territory of being a soldier I reckon.

    Okay so I typed more but it got lost somehow. Goddammit. I'm on the second sector now.

    1. Morax was a decent boss for being the first "powerful demon detected" and all that .I told him he had a point about how humans suck.

    2. When will I notice my Alignment shifting? Does it take a while?

    3. I have been using a team of myself and three set demons. Will I need to start making more use of my Pokemon in reserve? Like, this game is supposed to be really hard so will I need to have a huge roster of powerful demons for each occasion?

    4. I told Mitra "God willed it" when he asked how humanity came to have dominion over the Earth. Why not? God exists in this universe so it's as good an answer as any. "I don't know" is the cheap way out "knowledge" is a decent answer but still leaves too many holes. And "evolution" is just kinda dumb. I mean, in a world where demons, magic and alternate universes/dimensions exist, evolution is kinda nothing.

    Also I said I mattered most between me and my comrades. I mean, I got nothing against them and would fight and die for them but the fact of the matter is, I do love myself more than some semi-strangers. I think that's normal.

    5. Speaking of demons, this game is making me want to restart P2: IS. I mean, that game had way better music. Also the conversation system was a bit more tedious but less dangerous.

    Also what the heck is the difference between a Persona and a demon? The Persona was just another form of a demon in P2. Why do they get the "
    "astral" or "spiritual" form of the demon but I get the whole demon?

    6. I'm getting tired of Hudson. I'm glad I didn't shake his hand.

    And that's the second world down. Mitra wasn't too hard at all. Oh sure he kept killing my main healer but see, being the genius that I am, I had just created Moh Shuvuu. She came with Garula, a Medium Wind attack and guess who is apparently weak to Wind? So between her and my Archangel, I won the fight while my PC spent the rest of the time fruitlessly trying to get Ubu up and running again. I think I'm just gonna let Ubu be a back-up healer, I fused my old Angel and some other monster to get a Hathor. So, having just found Horkos, my party looks like:

    Level 20 PC with Slicer Knife, Caloric and Green Vest. No Accessories and I figure I need a better Gun by this point but I haven' tgotten the appropriate items to make one yet it seems....

    Level 16 Archangel with Dream Fist and Fang Breaker. I probably need to make a newer, better physical attacker soon but he's done really good thus far....

    Level 19 Moh Shuvuu with Garula, Dia, Life Drain, Spring of Life and Posumudi. My favorite creation so far. Honestly Mitra had nothing on Macabre because I had NOTHING to deal with Poison when that fight was sprung on me and so I kept dying again and again and again. So Moh here can take care of that and I also have some items to deal with it in future too. Maybe I should buy that Ring that protects me against Poison. Poison really is no joke in this game.

    Level 15 Hathor. with Needle Assault, Media and Dia. I got screwed by having her learn Needle Assault instead of keeping her Wind attack but oh well.

    Waiting in the Wings I have a Ubu, Shocker, Hura Po, Sidhe an Goblin. I figure I may want to fuse them with something else I'll find in this new place.

    In terms of story, I am intrigued by all the mystery figures and the angel that came down to help me and Zelenin escape. So, are the Angels in my party not angels? Are they Demons too? Because the angel that saved me said I should hate demons.

    Bugaboo just got eaten so Hudson just lost his only friend. Shame.

    Of course I have absolutely no idea where any of this is going. Would it make more sense if I played previous SMT games?

    Phew...that's my first 11 hours of the game in one post. I'm quite enjoying myself. It's just that story updates are few and far between since it seems gameplay is the main bulk of my, uh, gameplay. Still, I do want to know what the heck is going on, like if the leaders of humanity will have names and if I'll have to fight them. And who were those three jerks who sent me back when I kinda died? Questions, questions. But they will have to stew in the back of my brain while I wander these dungeons.

    It's a bit hard to roleplay ya know but I figure, after two worlds of this crap, "I" am very sympathetic to Zelenin. Also that angel who saved our lives hated demons too so I figure hate demons is kinda the right way of things at the moment.

  14. #59
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    My favorite SMT game!

    To answer your question on why you have demons instead of personas, the short answer is because you're in the Scheartzwelt where demons exist. The longer answer involves a lot of split timelines and let me just tell you that Persona's timeline is the most peaceful and demon-free. Also, no, Strange Journey is completely standalone.

    You'll see a change in alignment when your name changes color. Up until a certain point it's not permanent, though. As with Personas, fuse demons instead of leveling them especially since here they won't learn new skills upon level. Use a lot of them and try out various combinations because the game gets insanely difficult near the end. You may not make it without abusing the password system, but that's what it's there for

  15. #60
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Persona are basically a spiritual/psychic avatar that exists within everyone and can be summoned under the right circumstances, they are loosely based off the Stands from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures if you've ever read/watched that series.

    Demons are a bit of a misnomer since it implies a certain type of alignment in western culture, the term in Japanese is Yōma (妖魔)and it basically is a catch all term for monsters, demons, spirits and anything supernatural, so technically the angels you meet are the same deal as the other demons you face in terms of what they are. Course the angels consider themselves different, but the reality is that they are virtually the same. The big difference is that the angels are aligned with the Law and new God alignment whereas the Chaos alignment is considered the Old Gods. The Neutral route are generally minor deities.

    You change alignment based on choices you make in the game, how often you fight demons of certain alignment and which demons you use in your party. There is a re-doable mini-quest you can unlock later in Sector Antila that allows you to shift your alignment as you want; though it can be very time consuming. Alignment is mostly important with the combat system since exploiting an enemy weakness will make any demon in your active party use a follow up attack that is unblockable. So it's best to roll with a team of the same alignment. Alignment will also eventually affect which quests you can take later and the last quarter of the game will be altered depending on which alignment you are when the alignment lock happens and your stuck with one of the three (technically four) endings.

    The questionnaire you took will shift you towards one of the alignments, though I believe you always start neutral. It also determines your stat growth much like Kingdom Hearts, so Physical may mean you'll get more Strength boosts. I can't remember what mine was called but my answers gave me stat growth that favored my Vitality over everything else, which was super nice.

    You'll definitely want to fuse better demons as you get higher levels. Make sure to not fuse demons until you've gotten them fully analyzed through battle, they will give you a Demon Source which can be used in fusion to get better skills on your demons. In fact some powerful demons you may fight as bosses only have their awesome skills shop up in the Demon Source instead of their natural skill set.

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