Having *watched* The Answer (NOT The Journey, ugh, silly Formy), the best I can say to justify it is how the team kinda falls apart from the
(SPOILER)death of Minato/MC and the hole he leaves in the group. So you can see it as going through the stages of grief, and the character conflicts springing up because of that.
I do agree though, they could write it better. But I can see where Kanno is coming from, and The Answer definitely isn't a useless addition. I suppose when you play it yourself, FL, you'll be able to decide for yourself.
Honestly, having thought about it some more, FES isn't a bad shout. I've never played it, but it does retain the console vibe that P3P does not. I was okay going into P3P, but the different interface is jolting.
Persona 4 vs Golden? I'd still say Golden, as it adds a truckload of content and the game looks much fresher. Marie is unpopular, but if you find her annoying, just skip through the cutscenes or just avoid her completely. I agree with Kanno: it really shouldn't be on a Vita because it would lose the console feel on the small screen, but you can just avoid that by purchasing a PS TV for dirt cheap (and they are cheap) and play it on the big screen. That's literally the main reason why I purchased a PS TV - just to play Golden.
And I will disagree about the size of the leap between P4 and P4G. Story wise, P4 ends at the end of December, then leaps to March for the final day. P4G extends playability and cutscenes across January and half of February. And throughout the game there are new cutscenes that doesn't exist in P4. P4G isn't essential like FES or P3P was to P3, but honestly I don't think I could play P4 having played the updated version.