Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
How many of us have played a game like GTA and gone on the rampage, smurfing up everyone's trout for no other reason than fun? This is just the same principle with more advanced technology.

To the best of my knowledge the NPCs I killed were not sentient nor remember what I did so I don't feel any guilt over it. Sure, they ran away screaming and cried out in pain when I shot them, but that was just their programming. It's part of making a realistic experience. If I was suddenly made aware that actually they have the same cognition as the hosts in Westworld I would feel like an almighty piece of trout and wouldn't do it again. But they don't... I hope
Um, I haven't!! And hell no it's not the same principle. The possibilities that exist within technology absolutely impact who we are as people and also impacts what the hell "real" even means. Are you people not watching Black Mirror??!

I mean, that's if you are fully willing to literally stick your dick in a nearly perfect replica of a human being who is begging you not to, then you are a rapist, full stop. Arguing that this isn't the case is asinine. We're not talking about a court of law here, we're talking about who you are as a person. I would argue that deriving pleasure from directly creating and participating in causing perceived misery of others makes you pretty smurfed up, regardless of whether that misery is a series of program code spitting out natural reactions relevant to the situation.