Eyes on Final Fantasy Summon.jpg

80 Summons from thirteen games are going to duke it out in a popularity tournament to see once and for all, which summon is the darling of EoFF. Hell they may even get a theme to commemorate their victory*. So who is ready to see which one of our favorite monsters of death and cuddliness will reign supreme?

The tournament is separated into ten brackets of eight competitors. They are taken from the first thirteen games due to the FF Wiki being really coy on which Primals are actual summons/pets and because most of them are already accounted for. Item based summons will make a showing. Don't expect spin-off stuff cause eighty is already too much, you want to do all of them, make your own tournament which will likely gave hookers, booze, and blackjack.

I'll post a separate thread for each bracket after the previous one has been finished voting. You will have up to 48 hours from the thread starting to vote.

*Summon will most likely not get a reward for winning. Chances of this tournament actually reaching the end before I get bored is 1:12 chance. Participants will not be reimbursed and staff will not be held responsible for the laziness of the MC.