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Thread: Nintendo Switch

  1. #91
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I don't know about what the prices are in America, but I feel it worth pointing out that a $300 USD price, at current exchange rates, would put it at a few dollars shy of $400 Canadian. Which would make it more expensive than an Xbone or a PS4 by about $50 or more depending on what you can find for deals. Now maybe it won't be quite that high when it's actually released, and I understand they're packing the hardware into a small form factor with an actual screen attachment as part of the package so that price may make some sort of business sense to their accounting department. But as someone on a limited budget, considering it won't hit anywhere near the power of the other two so goodbye most multiplatform titles off the bat, and given Nintendo's general failure to do anything that really interested me (let alone blew me away) in the last fifteen years, and my initial gut reaction to that price is essentially "why the smurf should I buy this?" Because Zelda looks interesting?

    Sorry but I'm more of a PC gamer these days anyway and since my GPU could do with an upgrade (first upgrade in seven years I might add despite only paying about $250-300 for the thing), I think I know where my money is going this year. We'll see how you're doing in a year or two Switch.

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    It doesn't make it right or fair, but Nintendo is a business at the end of the day.
    No argument there! But I don't think "they're a business" is a statement that should protect them from criticism. I understand exactly why they're making this move, it's still a jerk move and they deserve to be called out on it
    I think it's fair to say Nintendo is a business and so it's reasonable that their number one goal is to make money, but by the same token you must also say we're all consumers. As consumers, it's perfectly legitimate to not place the same value on a product or service that the business does and thus choose not to purchase it. Or rather, Nintendo owe us nothing and in turn we owe them nothing.
    Completely agreed. "They're a business," has been used to justify a lot of shady crap over the years so even when what's happening isn't really shady but kind of anti-consumer just the same, it's not our jobs to justify their choices. It's their job to justify their decisions to us. Honestly, I see far too many companies in this industry getting away with a lot worse because people just roll over and take it when really, with some of the ways companies have screwed consumers in recent years, if all gamers were rational none of us would ever pre-order a game again as an example and we'd skip buying things at launch until review embargoes are lifted and we get some actual information from a source other than the company (I'm looking at you Bethesda and your no one gets review copies until release day).

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    Wait, what? Everyone is mad at Nintendo for having a paid online service? Microsoft and Sony can do it, and tons of people constantly blow money Steam sales for games they will never have time to play, but Nintendo can't get a slice of that pie? That's just very odd to me. Granted, I'm not totally on board with that aspect, but it certainly doesn't shock me at all, and I have no idea why that of all things is upsetting people.
    Microsoft has the best online service by a significant margin. When it first came out it had really high network speeds, and during the Xbox 360 era it was a solid investment because of how stable and reliable the online experience was. They have proven they can provide a quality service for money.

    Sony ran a successful online service for years before they started charging for it. They earned faith from their consumers because they had provided a good free experience for several years until Plus came out. And despite some of its problems like the occasional service outage, it's still not that terrible of an investment.

    Nintendo has proven for years that their online functionality is abysmal. They've lacked basic messaging systems, social media functions, game sessions, achievements, and a variety of other features that are standard for a system in 2017. They have done absolutely nothing to convince me that they deserve my money for their online service. Especially considering that some of the details look sketchy at best.

    - The online features aren't even finished yet and won't be until Fall 2017.
    - You get a rental of ONE S/NES game for a month. Just one old game, for a limited time. Not a good value compared to PS+ or XBL.
    - No real demonstration of how their paid service will offer more than their old one (which was free).
    - Apparently no voice chat built into the system, you have to pay to be able to download an app to talk on your phone (seriously Nintendo?).

    The lack of online functionality is bad to me, but that's not even the worst part.

    Here in Canada, the console is $400. Doesn't include any games. If you want another JoyCon set? $100. A Pro Controller? $90. If you plan on being able to install more than 2 games on the system because it only has 32GB of storage space (in 2017, seriously) you need to spend $40 on a MicroSD card. This is all without having even bought a single game. Australia gets it worse.

    Why would anyone drop $500 on a Switch and a game when they could just go out and buy a PS4 Slim which comes bundled with a pretty new, highly acclaimed game in Uncharted 4 for $329.99?

    The most damning part is the lack of games. 1-2 Switch isn't even bundled with the console. Zelda: Breath of The Wild looks gorgeous but it is also on the Wii U, and the Wii U version reportedly runs better than the Switch version.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  3. #93
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    sony can now scoop their lack of a JET SET RADIO game and put it on ps

    come onnnn

  4. #94
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Count me as someone who is not sure what there is to get so upset about. The price tag is about what you expect for a new console. If you don't like it, just wait, it will go down. $70 for a regular console controller is absurd, though. Does it come with a controller or only the side thingies?

    The new Mario and Zelda look fantastic as usual. And Xenoblade 2 and the new SE RPG are promising. Now just announce a gods damn Metroid game! I'd also like to see some new games in their successful handheld series, like Ace Attorney, Pokemon, Fire Emblem (there was a FE trailer but it gave you nothing and it may be more of a fighting game), etc.

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  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Count me as someone who is not sure what there is to get so upset about. The price tag is about what you expect for a new console. If you don't like it, just wait, it will go down. $70 for a regular console controller is absurd, though. Does it come with a controller or only the side thingies?

    The new Mario and Zelda look fantastic as usual. And Xenoblade 2 and the new SE RPG are promising. Now just announce a gods damn Metroid game! I'd also like to see some new games in their successful handheld series, like Ace Attorney, Pokemon, Fire Emblem (there was a FE trailer but it gave you nothing and it may be more of a fighting game), etc.
    The price tag is not worth $400. Since it's being marketed as a handheld the pricetag is too high compared to the 3DS which is a great system. And since it's also being marketed as a console, the hardware doesn't have anywhere near enough power to justify its price either. It's only marginally better than the Wii U's hardware.

    If the Switch had launched on Day 1 at $350 CAD bundled with a game like Zelda or Mario, it would have been a much better sell. As it is now it's unreasonable.

    Probably going to wait to pick this one up until the holidays when there's a price drop and a bundled game. Can't justify buying it as is.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  6. #96
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    The 3DS was $250 USD at launch in 2011. The Switch is $300 for launch in 2017. Six years of inflation put them at roughly the same price. Maybe it is different in other countries?

    You can't compare a console launch price to the current prices for older consoles. Every single console has launched at a high price to take advantage of early adopters who will pay that much. It will go down once those people have all bought it. This is straightforward economics and every console or handheld has done it this way.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  7. #97
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Count me as someone who is not sure what there is to get so upset about. The price tag is about what you expect for a new console. If you don't like it, just wait, it will go down. $70 for a regular console controller is absurd, though. Does it come with a controller or only the side thingies?
    That's the controller, but it's more of a solid traditional controller. The side thingies (copyright Del Murder) are $80.

  8. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    The 3DS was $250 USD at launch in 2011. The Switch is $300 for launch in 2017. Six years of inflation put them at roughly the same price. Maybe it is different in other countries?

    You can't compare a console launch price to the current prices for older consoles. Every single console has launched at a high price to take advantage of early adopters who will pay that much. It will go down once those people have all bought it. This is straightforward economics and every console or handheld has done it this way.
    And the 3DS had an awful launch. It had a very weak lineup and was way overpriced. The system only started picking up steam when it got a price drop, the XL model came out, and the games started coming.

    The Switch is not competing against the PS4/Xbox One of 2013. They are competing against the PS4/Xbox One of 2017. The Switch's high price and lack of games compared to the other systems which are cheaper, more powerful and have robust lineups make it a hard sell.

    If the 3DS and handheld devs do get on board with the Switch in 2018-2019, then it will be a good investment. But that's a gamble and the best-case scenario.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  9. #99
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I would say that I actually agree it will be a hard sell for a while. Not for the diehard Nintendo fans who would buy the thing even if it was Virtual Boy levels of bad of course, but compared to the competition you've got an underpowered console (so kiss most serious third party support goodbye), without the benefit of three years worth of game library, and it's biggest sell is it's portable but you're realistically looking at being in the low end of that 2.5-6 hour battery life for games like Zelda.

    I don't envy it's position, and I honestly feel it'd be able to sit at a better price point if they'd made a few better choices like not putting those god awful motion controls in there. They were a gimmick, and not a very good one. Motion control is dead Nintendo. Time to move on. Even being $50 USD cheaper would have been a massive boon if you ask me.

    Though frankly, I kind of expect it's launch to be trout anyway because it's Nintendo and they'll only make ten or twelve for launch anyway.

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Though frankly, I kind of expect it's launch to be trout anyway because it's Nintendo and they'll only make ten or twelve for launch anyway.


  11. #101
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I meant actual consoles, but it's nice to know the launch is typically thin on titles. No surprises there just like every other console launch ever.

  12. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    I meant actual consoles, but it's nice to know the launch is typically thin on titles. No surprises there just like every other console launch ever.
    A console doesn't need a ton of first party titles to have a healthy launch lineup.

    PS4 had Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed IV, a new CoD, FIFA, NBA, Madden, and a few first party titles like Killzone and Knack.

    While a bunch of those aren't exclusives, they are games that sell systems. I can't see anyone picking up a Switch for anything other than Zelda at launch.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  13. #103
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    What even is a deluxe Mario Kart game?

  14. #104
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I may pick one up, but not at launch. I think I would buy a DS before I would buy a Switch at this point. Wanted a DS for a while now.

  15. #105
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Well you guys convinced me. I'm headed to Nintendo's HQ as we speak to burn the building down.

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