So for like the hundredth time in my life, I'm considering setting up a food blog. I've thought about it before - done it once or twice too but I always seem to lose steam after a while.

So I'd like to ask EoFF - what would make you read my food blog?

My current sort of starting point is to make a blog that's about the basics, and has posts on how to cook with leftovers, cost effective cooking, and specials on ingredients (5 ways to cook with spring onion) etc.

Maybe even posts on the 'history' of dishes. SO it would be informative and entertaining and would also feature lots of pornographic food pics

Possibly when we get in our new place I may eventually/finally take that step into vlogging and do some cooking videos.

I don't know. I'm definitely not ready to start this, and maybe if I spend a while planning and researching what people want then I might not burn myself out and get bored!

Any feedback is welcome.
