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Thread: Conan plays FFXV

  1. #16


    Yes. Like I said, feel free to wave away any of his criticism on the basis that he's just a comedian who doesn't play video games. But I still stand by what I said. They had a chance to present to viewers how this game will be fun and exciting.

    We watched four guys push a broken down car through a desert, go wedding dress shopping, and run away from a fight that if you want to complete it will take 72 hours of real time play. It looks and sounds tedious and boring.

    He even said that he had played this game more than any other he had played and had no understanding of what was going on, any motivation to do it, and no sense of accomplishment. You can attribute that to the abbreviated play time if you want, but I think that pretty much sums up the exact same feeling a lot of players had with FF 13.

  2. #17
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    The only thing I'll agree on is that he had a poor selection of scenes to work with. They really did a poor job picking something that would interest him.

    But having heard tons of previews from the first ~15 hours of the game by many actual gaming sites and actually seeing the gameplay and how much it reminds me of Xenoblade, I really don't think this thing is a fair assessment of the game. The game is also pretty much an anti-XIII in all aspects of gameplay from what we've seen so far.

    Worst case scenario, the only thing this is indicative of, IMO, is that FFXV will not have the mainstream appeal SE is hoping for. Which isn't that bad. Most of my life FF has been something barely anyone cared about and if they did, they didn't have nice things to say it.

    I think it's time for SE to just accept that HRPGs are a weird niche and that FFVII was a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

  3. #18
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    waste time hoping lightning strikes twice for them
    Don't go there.

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  4. #19
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    I think some people are trying to read far too much into what is meant to be a light-hearted comedy segment. Which tells you that the sooner this game comes out the better, everyone's just getting too stressed out now waiting.
    "Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    They give him a chance to play the game and they make him play the part where he has to push a car through a desert.

    Talk about tedious padding. And that's a part they hope to highlight? This game is a mess.

    Call him just a comedian and discredit him all you want. He's played plenty of other games before, but this is the first one I can remember where he calls it out of being smurfing ridiculous.
    Heaven forbid they don't start him at the beginning of the game. They should have started him at a high octane fight, right? :/

    This is the first JRPG that he has played for his Clueless Gamer segment. I think that's a huge victory for the game by itself.

    And... yeah, if you don't know what Clueless Gamer even means... well. Okee dokee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    Yes. Like I said, feel free to wave away any of his criticism on the basis that he's just a comedian who doesn't play video games. But I still stand by what I said. They had a chance to present to viewers how this game will be fun and exciting.

    We watched four guys push a broken down car through a desert, go wedding dress shopping, and run away from a fight that if you want to complete it will take 72 hours of real time play. It looks and sounds tedious and boring.
    Do you think he'd like it more if they forced him to play the beginning part of Final Fantasy VII, and the part where Cloud cross dresses? Would you hate the game if Conan called FFVII a weird troutty game?

    If you find XV boring because of the things he said and the set pieces that he played through, that's your prerogative. Doesn't mean anybody else that is highly interested in this game and can take criticism would be daunted by Conan's opinion. Jesus, we saw Square Enix members laughing their asses off as he was shouting at them. And here we have people actually trying to throw trout at the wall about this game, and hoping that it sticks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    He even said that he had played this game more than any other he had played and had no understanding of what was going on, any motivation to do it, and no sense of accomplishment. You can attribute that to the abbreviated play time if you want, but I think that pretty much sums up the exact same feeling a lot of players had with FF 13.
    The problem everybody had with FFXIII was that it was too linear and didn't open up until around the 30 hour mark. Something that couldn't be more different with XV. Do you even understand ANYTHING that you're trying to talk about? Wowzers.
    Last edited by Noctis Caelum; 11-16-2016 at 10:21 PM.

  6. #21
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yar View Post
    and run away from a fight that if you want to complete it will take 72 hours of real time play.
    I'm willing to bet it's 72 in game hours, not real-life hours. If it is, then this game is going to break all sorts of design records.

    Also, silly "padding" gameplay moments that serve no purpose but to aide the narrative are pretty normal in FF games. My favorite is probably still feeding bed-ridden Cid fish as Celes.

    Everything Conan complained about is pretty standard fair for JRPGs and FF as a whole. It's why lots of people loathe JRPGs, including Final Fantasy, and I'm not at all surprised Conan is one of them.

    I, on the other hand, am even more excited than I was now.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Noctis Caelum View Post
    Heaven forbid they don't start him at the beginning of the game. They should have started him at a high octane fight, right? :/
    Quote Originally Posted by Noctis Caelum View Post

    This is the first JRPG that he has played for his Clueless Gamer segment. I think that's a huge victory for the game by itself.

    And... yeah, if you don't know what Clueless Gamer even means... well. Okee dokee.

    Do you think he'd like it more if they forced him to play the beginning part of Final Fantasy VII, and the part where Cloud cross dresses? Would you hate the game if Conan called FFVII a weird troutty game?

    If you find XV boring because of the things he said and the set pieces that he played through, that's your prerogative. Doesn't mean anybody else that is highly interested in this game and can take criticism would be daunted by Conan's opinion. Jesus, we saw Square Enix members laughing their asses off as he was shouting at them. And here we have people actually trying to throw trout at the wall about this game, and hoping that it sticks.

    The problem everybody had with FFXIII was that it was too linear and didn't open up until around the 30 hour mark. Something that couldn't be more different with XV. Do you even understand ANYTHING that you're trying to talk about? Wowzers.

    I have said this twice already. You can feel free to disregard his opinion if you want. My point still remains valid. They had the opportunity to showcase their exciting, action-packed game and showed us something that I think looks extremely tedious.

    Yes. I know what Clueless Gamer means. Conan O’Brien does not play video games and the humor and fun of the situation is the ensuing awkwardness when he tries to play a game. I get it. I’ve been watching this man for over fifteen years now. Like I said, feel free to ignore his comments. They still chose to showcase parts of the game that make it look like a complete smurfing waste of time.

    Sure, let’s go with the Final Fantasy VII example. It’s not one of my favorites, but it will do. If he were to play it, he certainly can’t be dropped off anywhere in the game, but the places he can just play around in certainly outnumber those that would be bad examples. Hell, even the beginning would be fine. At least there is some semblance of exposition and urgency that, even if it were to go over the head of someone like Conan O’Brien, at least could be explained in fewer than fifty words and could convey a sense of fun. I don't expect him to like it, but at least it would look enjoyable.

    But this isn’t Final Fantasy VII.

    And I’m not forming this opinion on just what Conan O’Brien said. I’m forming it on what I saw in this clip and what I’ve seen over the past ten years. It looks tedious. It looks boring. I am not easily impressed. I’m not twelve anymore.

    I don’t know why you are trying so hard to argue that what was shown doesn't matter just because Conan O'Brien played it. Is your opinion of this game so threatened by what I saw in the clip and think about it that you need to convince both me and yourself that this is, in fact, going to be a good game? Sorry, that may be unfair postulation on my part.

    And if you think that the only problem that everyone had with Final Fantasy XIII is that it is linear and takes thirty hours to “open up” (which it doesn’t), you must not have been paying attention to that game or do not understand my comment. Final Fantasy XIII takes a terrible story that contradicts itself throughout and tells it in such a clumsy manner. The game just drops you in the middle of the action and expects you to immediately understand what is going on. It provides no exposition. It provides no back story. It barely provides even a setting. Then it just expects you to care. It expects you to feel motivated. Don’t feel motivated? Well then read the encyclopedia!

    No. That is TERRIBLE story telling. It expects you to feel motivated to do things and feel accomplishment for doing them, but never gives you reasons for either and fails at both. The game has linearity issues and railroads you through the story and Crystarium, but that is nothing in comparison to its terrible story. It is garbage.

    Quote Originally Posted by DMKA View Post
    I'm willing to bet it's 72 in game hours, not real-life hours. If it is, then this game is going to break all sorts of design records.

    Also, silly "padding" gameplay moments that serve no purpose but to aide the narrative are pretty normal in FF games. My favorite is probably still feeding bed-ridden Cid fish as Celes.

    Everything Conan complained about is pretty standard fair for JRPGs and FF as a whole. It's why lots of people loathe JRPGs, including Final Fantasy, and I'm not at all surprised Conan is one of them.

    I, on the other hand, am even more excited than I was now.

    Okay great. Seventy-two in game hours. That still sounds really smurfing tedious. What is that, four hours? I’m assuming this is an optional boss. Congratulations! Here’s your trophy with putting up with something for four hours! Do you feel accomplished?

    Padding is padding. It gets old quick. At least with the Cid and Celes scene, it is intended to provoke an emotional reaction from the player. It also takes probably five minutes top and works to get her off that smurfing island. I personally don’t see that particular scene as padding. You may disagree and I can see it maybe argued as padding, but this isn’t the kind of shameless padding I’m talking about anyway. I’m talking about the bulltrout like so many of the scenarios from Final Fantasy XIII. Just so much wasted time that serves no purpose narratively whatsoever. And it looks like this game will be filled with the same.

  8. #23
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I actually have no hype for this game at all. I'm going to play it to give it a chance, and maybe low expectations will allow me to enjoy it more, but nothing about it really looks that good to me. I even set my preorder to just mail it to my house, instead of through a day 1 pickup at the store, because I don't feel anxious to play it. Chances are I won't even put it into my PS4 the day it does get here.

    Nothing I saw on Conan changed my mind, and that's a bit disappointing. What I saw confirmed that it looks uninteresting.

    I woudl have to watch the video again to confirm, but I'm pretty sure they said an actual 72 hours, not in-game faster time.

    Edit: "72 real time hours to beat." 5:14 in the video. A bit vague, but I'm not sure how the mechanics would work it you have to fight it for three straight days Mid-fight save?

  9. #24
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    Oh man... this feels like election season all over again.

    Conan exaggerates reactions for the sake of comedy, though it's true Bley has probably never been quite so abused not for something he said but for the game being frustrating to Conan. But honestly, even if you haven't been excited for the game beforehand, this isn't a good piece to latch on to prove to everyone you were right all along. Neither should you fly into a foaming fanboy rage that someone dared disrespect your favorite game of all time (even though it isn't out yet).

    That's because it's a light comedy show. It's meant to bring entertainment. And Conan is one person with his own opinion that he's completely entitled to.

    As for me personally, I am still super stoked for the game. I've heard good things and bad things, but that's why I'm still excited - none of those voices were mine. There was a time I was excited for XIII, and when I finally got to play it, there was already a backlash to the backlash with people vehemently hating and defending the game. I ended up not liking it at all and it's the only FF that I know that I'll never replay, but do I feel like a fool for being excited and thinking I could get into this game?

    Hell no! That's not why I'm here, on a dying FF forum.

    There are plenty of promising things about the game that are a good reason to be excited but that doesn't mean it will live up to your expectations. I know reviewers need a job and that games are hella expensive so you can't just walk in blind, but in the end it's your own unique opinion of the game that you have after you've played it that really means anything to you.

    And Conan is just Conan - trying to make you laugh in his own personal way, not to give a serious commentary about video games. So please, let's not get into wars over it.

  10. #25
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    If I play the Song of Double Time, can I beat the turtle in one and half days?

  11. #26
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    I almost died laughing when I first watched this. It makes me look forward to FFXV even more in the same way I look forward to bad movie nights.

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