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Thread: Name a game or game series you hated but everyone else loved

  1. #61
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I wonder if that's why I hate Secret of Mana. Every review people give for it was I loved playing with my brother/best friend in the battles. I always attempted it solo. The music is good, but I just never had love for the game itself. Going to attempt it again next year though.

  2. #62
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    yeah secret of mana is great with two people
    with one person it's kind of boring

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Scruffington View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    I had the same issue with Xillia 2 to a lesser extent. It did some nice things mechanically and it was nice to see Milla and Jude again. What really infuriated me was how Ludger had a really interesting story but then they ruined it by making him a silent protagonist!

    Same issue but even more so? Xenoblade Chronicles X. Probably my biggest letdown of the past 5 years other than FFXV. Just so much worse than the original Xenoblade Chronicles in every way (once again, Silent Protagonists are the worst​).
    Is Xenoblade Chronicles X really that bad? A guy I knew really enjoyed it. He played both X and the original. I haven't played either, but I've listened to some of the soundtrack of X and really liked it.

    Hopefully they port X or both games to the Switch. I'll definitely give them a try.
    Its not the X was bad, it's that it was fundamentally a different experience. The first game was a focus on characters and their interactions, a grand story, exploration, and a tightly focuses single player experience.

    X dropped a lot of it's focus on story in favor of including many more online aspects, and as a result you didn't get the more unique characters (In or out of battle, class determins abilites) and a lot of MMO type things started creeping in.

  4. #64
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Anything by Bethesda. Skyrim, Fallout etc...

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Scruffington View Post
    I can't think of too many examples of this. The only game I can think of is Tales of Xillia 2. I loved the first one, and thought the sequel was a huge letdown. Couldn't even make it 5 hours in. Which is weird because a lot of people seemed to like that game.
    Tales of Xillia 2 made me miserable, because I just couldn't get in to it which is SUCH a SHAME because it is a beautiful game to look at! Even though I felt like I was in familiar territory, I just couldn't connect with the story at all. I makes so sad that I couldn't because it has great ratings!

    I can't get in to any of the Zelda games. I bought Ocarina of Time for the 3DS so I could try to experience the joy that gives angels their wings, but I just don't see it. It isn't a BAD game. I just think the controls are poop or maybe I'm just poop at using them. Either way - poop.

    The Metal Gear series
    Phoenix Wright series
    Call of Duty
    Just about any new Mario game that isn't Cart of Smash

    Some Text Here.

  6. #66


    New game to add to my list - Final Fantasy XV

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Squall Leonhart Loire View Post
    New game to add to my list - Final Fantasy XV
    I don't think too many people love FFXV. It has a lot of great aspects, and I look forward to playing through the story DLCs, but I think the universal opinion is that it's a really disappointing game.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  8. #68
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    That's actually very inaccurate. xD FFXV has been given better ratings than XII and XIII, and is generally regarded as a good, successful game. I can think of 2-3 people who disagree, but yeah. It certainly won't please everyone.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #69


    I'm pretty certain the FF mainline series has had very divisive views since at least FFVII. That's not going to change anytime soon.
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the f**k these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a f**k about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a F**k About Us"

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