Best Speech

Winter is over, but a cold wind still lingers. Blowing from the east, one final award finds itself buried in snow. With your votes, who will be the one to pluck it from an icy grave!

But enough poetry. I'm sure you want to know what this is all about, right?

51 Speeches

Basically, vote for your three favourite speeches. It's that simple! Rank them in order from third to first, which will allocate them points from one to three. Presented below are all 51 speeches featured in the Ciddies:

50. MLT Go on a buddy adventure around Westeros - Night Fury
49. MLT Win a Ciddie for the very first time - Bubba
48. MLT Become a Staffer - Shauna
47. MLT Have a steamy sex scene with their twin - Shauna
46. MLT Know nothing and be told so repeatedly - Night Fury
45. MLT Warg into a wolf and pee on everything - Bubba
44. MLT Actually make it to the end of the series alive - Shauna
43. MLT Be an acerbic old woman who tells everyone off - Dat Matt
42. MLT Be the God of tits and wine - Night Fury
41. MLT Become a man of the Night's Watch and stay a virgin forever - Bubba
40. MLT Blow up a city with wildfire because they're having a bad day - Night Fury
39. MLT Have all the best gossip, thanks to their 'Little Birds' - Night Fury
38. MLT Get lost at sea and end up rowing for four years - Bubba
37. MLT smurf up by doing exactly what they were told not to do and accidentally help the White Walkers - Night Fury
36. MLT Take the Iron Throne - Dat Matt
35. MLT Spend two seasons as the character of a completely pointless story arc - Jinx
34. MLT Be part of a really cool book plot that is cut from the show - Night Fury
33. MLT Be a book purist and tell everyone how much their opinions and theories are wrong - Jinx
32. MLT Be a show-only watcher who hates the book purists telling them their theories and opinions are wrong - FFNut
31. MLT Not care about Game of Thrones at all and be sure to tell everybody about it - Night Fury

30. Cutest Couple - Fynn
29. Most Missed Member - FFNut
28. Most Stylish Member - FFNut
27. Most Thought-Provoking Member - Formalhaut
26. Most Helpful Member - FFNut
25. Most Hardcore Member - Fynn
24. Most Confused Member - Bubba
23. Most Warm-hearted Member - Night Fury
22. Craziest Member - Fynn
21. Happiest Member - Fynn
20. Wierdest Member - Freya
19. Sassiest Member - Night Fury
18. Funniest Member - Fynn
17. Best Final Fantasy Poster - Fynn
16. Best Lifestream/Academia Poster - FFNut
15. Best General Poster - FFNut
15. Best General Poster - Night Fury
14. Best User Title - Formalhaut
13. Best Signature - FFNut
12. Best Avatar - Fynn
11. Best Let's Play - Formalhaut
10. Best Article/Series - Night Fury
09. Best Post - Rocket Edge
08. Best Writer - Fox
07. Best Artist - Fynn
06. Best Chatter - Jinx
05. Best Newbie - Fynn
04. Best Regular - Fynn
03. Best Veteran - Fynn
02. Best Staffer - Fynn
01. Best Member - Various Members

If you find any of the links are broken or wrongly placed, please tell me and I will correct them.

How do we vote?

Mognet Message me your picks - a maximum of three, please! If you're having trouble deciding, peruse the links above.

You have a full week - 18th December. I hope you all have a great time re-reading these speeches!