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Thread: DuckTales

  1. #31
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Wow. I don't like the art or animation style at all.

    I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it though. I just don't like it.
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  2. #32
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    The show premieres in August with the series then starting properly in September.
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  3. #33
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Wow, Beakley looks like a badass!

    Awesome that they kept the old tune. I saw a lot of the old characters in there too. No Magica, but the number one dime certainly plays a major role in the intro.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  4. #34


    One of my favorite aspects of this reboot is them using the same color pallet as the comics. At least where Donald and Scrooge are concerned. Heck, I'm thrilled to see Donald a part of this in general. I wonder how much inspiration this series will take from those comics. I'm not super knowledgeable about them, but I seem to recall some arcs being pretty deep.

    One in particular I'm struggling to remember. Something like Scrooge being trapped in dream worlds or traveling through dreams (or time?). Every time that story is mentioned I see nothing but praise for it.

  5. #35


    Where's that old snobby butler guy ???? I can't remember his name sorry.

  6. #36
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    It looks cute, not sure how I feel about Scrooge's voice, I know Alan Young passed away, but he'll always be Scrooge to me. Though I do like the show seems to be taking some cues from the comic series which was pure gold.

  7. #37


    This gives me a weird hope that if this does well, someone might take a look at the old Archie Sonic comics and the good Saturday morning cartoon, where there was worthwhile characters and plot. So I support this endeavor, even if it does turn out to be weird. Maybe it'll be up their with weird reboots like Voltron and Tron: Uprising

  8. #38


    So I just caught the new pilot episode and... very much enjoyed it. It had much of the same spirit of adventure and fun as the original and didn't feel TOO updated.

    What did everyone else think?

    Take care all.

  9. #39


    Watched the newest episode on youtube and I love eeeeeeet

  10. #40
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Watched a few minutes of it and it is delightful. I need to watch this with my kids when I get home!

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  11. #41
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    Woo, it's finally here. Time for a little bit of analysis from a Duck fan.

    The animation looks smooth even though it won't reach the heights of some of the better animated DuckTales episodes of the previous series from the looks of things (that falling floor scene from the finale of the Treasure of the Golden Suns five-parter will forever remain vivid in my memory), but I'll live with that. They have a budget, and this is a different style they're using, but at least they're doing their part to have the comics feel...just in another way.

    For the most part the new character designs are fine and fit their changed roles in the new series; the whole pierced doll with the classic Webby look in the new Webby's room made me chuckle as it was a pretty big statement from the team how they want to differentiate this series from the older one. I do enjoy the way Donald and Scrooge look in this series as they veer closer towards the comics looks with them. I'm somewhat indifferent to the nephews' looks; while the attempt to make them look distinct is welcome, their head shapes will take some time getting used to when I still remember the less "edgy" looks of the comics and the original series.

    I'm not that fond of Glomgold's new appearance, though. I would've preferred if they had kept the more classy Barksian look for the character, but I guess they wanted to differentiate him (and apparently the John D. Rockerduck expy Mark Beaks who is made to look like a younger Gyro Gearloose based on the opening credits) from Scrooge so the younger audience won't be looking at three somewhat similar-looking rich duck characters.

    David Tennant does an excellent job as Scrooge. While I do adore Alan Young and his predecessor's work for Scrooge over the decades, Tennant does respect the earlier depictions of the character while adding his own spin to it in a way that stays true to Scrooge's sarcastic, energetic personality. While it's sad that they ditched Terry McGovern who wanted to return to voice Launchpad, the replacement does handle the role respectfully in an almost identical way that makes me wonder why they didn't just toss out the drama and hire McGovern to reprise his role if they weren't going to deviate from it that much anyway. Webby's squeaking is tolerable as it fits her excited persona, and Beakley's new voice is rather fitting to the new depiction of her character. Tony Anselmo's Donald is a joy to hear as if only they could surprise us and have Mickey and Goofy make voiced cameo appearances in the series as well to tie the Duck and Mouseverses together, but I wonder if they'd be brave enough to attempt it.

    The one downside to the voice acting are the nephews' voices. While they work some of the time, in many moments the intonations and the pitch the actors use can get quite grating. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, and I understand the problems of hiring children/women the voice these versions of the characters, but I believe they could've found other just as accomplished voice actors to make the nephews actually sound like their age instead of what sounds like 30-40-year-olds mimicking being preteens. To their credit, though, their comedic timing and use of emphases do work most of the time.

    Given how well pretty much all the voices were handled, I do look forward to hearing the voices of Ma Beagle, Gyro Gearloose etc, and I sincerely hope Lin-Manuel Miranda's version of Fenton/Gizmoduck will end up working out given his affable personality. (SPOILER)There have even been talks of Darkwing frickin' Duck appearing in the series, and I hope the team lets Jim Cummings reprise his role as the "terror that flaps in the night" as Cummings has been dying to return to the role based on his panels in various cons.

    The plot itself hits the beats most of the time with some nice jokes in between. While I appreciate the effort they went into to have it all tie together by the end to create a coherent narrative, the constant barrage of visual and verbal jokes every other scene and the rapid editing and moving from scene to scene did distract from the drama (when it did appear) a bit. It feels to me like they should've extended the two-parter pilot into three or four episodes to mimic the better pacing of the original DuckTales' five-parter pilot episode and to allow the narrative and characters breathe a bit.

    Maybe they were worried that kids these days would be bored of longer stretches of character development and suspense, but that's a shame if it's so. I still have nightmares about the "ReMicks" abominations which pissed on the original animated shorts while trying to make them look "hip" to the modern audience (groan), but at least the new DuckTales never goes to such lows even in its most frenetic moments. Thankfully the drama moments we do have are quite emotional; Scrooge's ruminations, Donald's worry over his nephews, and the lesson of family do hit the right notes and give me that original DuckTales feel, so we appear to be in safe waters regarding this stuff, at least.

    I gotta say as a Barksian I really enjoyed the way the episode paid tribute to various classic Carl Barks Duck plots visually and plot-wise. It shows the team has done their homework, and it makes me excited to see how they'll handle future plots with Barksian motifs while updating some of the elements from the 1940s-60s to the present day. Seeing Webby and Beakley being more action-oriented is fine and a nice contrast to the calmer presence of the original series depictions. While Barks didn't have a high opinion of women (because of his own messy personal life until he finally found the jackpot with his third, artist wife Garé), it's nice that the series at least tries to stay true to Barks's vision while using a more liberal touch where needed (particularly the depiction of women) and addressing some rather intriguing issues that Barks fans have been pondering about for decades.

    Ending spoilers!I totally didn't see the exciting ending twist coming with the reveal of Donald's twin sister Della/Dumbella showing up in the painting and the confirmation of her having been the third member of the adventuring trio along with Scrooge and Donald. It seems unlikely they'll stick to the original Al Taliaferro story of the nephews' origins (how their prank of putting firecrackers under their dad's chair put the dad in a hospital, which led to Della leaving the nephews in Donald's care "temporarily"). Don Rosa did have a pretty intriguing idea, apparently, to explain why Della and the unknown father hadn't returned to check up on the boys after all these years, but sadly Egmont (a big Disney etc. comics publisher here in Europe) denied him a chance to explain their absence because it'd make Della and the father look like bad parents in the readers' eyes or some such trout. Reintroducing Della to the comics lore and finally giving a name and face to the father (and giving both of them backstory apart from what little we see of Della in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck) would be a welcome addition to the Duckverse. I now hope that if this series ends up becoming a relatively big hit and if Della's backstory ends up playing a bigger narrative arc in the series, it might finally force Egmont to reconsider their stance and allow Della her long-awaited return to the Duck family on the comics side too; it's just a shame that we won't ever see Rosa's version of her return see the light of day unless he has the plot actually scripted somewhere for another artist to draw.

    There are lots of neat easter eggs hidden everywhere, and I had to pause the video several times to try to catch them all, as some only show up for a second before we move on to the next image. The most notable ones are obviously the paintings found in Scrooge's house, most of which are pretty much carbon copies of Barks's famous Duck paintings. It was impressive to see the opening song sequence use moments from various Barks paintings and stories with the family chasing the dime.

    One of the highlights of the easter eggs for me as a Donald fan, however, was actually seeing the pictures of an elderly Hortense McDuck and Quackmore Duck (Don's parents) in Webby's "chart", likely a reference to their depiction in the latter half of Rosa's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck as Barks never depicted the couple in comics and only had vague sketches which Rosa used as a basis for his versions. I'd love to see the team tackle the issue of Scrooge's troubled past with his sisters Hortense and Matilda (if they stick to the dark depiction from the Life and Times, all the better, as they do seem to hint at such given Scrooge's foreshadowing dialogue). And if they stick to Matilda being in cahoots with Ludwig von Drake as the comics once suggested, that'd allow them to introduce the fine professor to the Duck family in a nice way as Matilda's husband. Seeing Donald's reunion with his parents would be such a nice thing to see on screen at long last as we've never seen Hortense and Quackmore in animation, and what little we had of Quackmore in the comics left room for so much more but did provide some epic moments (see my signature depicting their "Love at first temper tantrum").

    All in all, the trailers were pretty much spot on depicting the series as it turned out to be based on this pilot, and I'm mostly happy about how it turned out. The Duckverse appears to be in safe hands with some intriguing plots coming up, so these are definitely no "phony tales" but DuckTales, woo-hoo!
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  12. #42
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    Yeah, I got that first episode on YouTube. It was pretty good. Lately reboots have been pretty bad with Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, and one other I'm forgetting about, but this is good trout.

  13. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Kossage View Post

    For the most part the new character designs are fine and fit their changed roles in the new series; the whole pierced doll with the classic Webby look in the new Webby's room made me chuckle as it was a pretty big statement from the team how they want to differentiate this series from the older one.
    Think it was more of a statement towards the older more feminine Webby character who was very girly and cute and was hated by fans for being annoying and a big damsel. idk I like the old Webby, being girly and cute is okay and she was very young and was still into things like having pretend tea times with soft bear toys. She was pretty brave for what was supposed to be a 4- 5 year old girl.

    Newer Webby is great though, she's a better role model for female viewers and she feels more real. Though at the same time there's nothing wrong with being girly and pink. We are taught by society to hate girly- girls, pink, dresses and femininity so I'm glad that newer Webby is still feminine but also super adventurous and brave.
    I hope she gets that hamburger.

  14. #44
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Of all the reboots of their characters, Webby is definitely the most improved. She was kind of a throwaway character in the original series (mostly due to her being portrayed as very young). The new Beakley is also fantastic. Smart move not to change Launchpad much, he was already perfect.

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  15. #45


    I finally watched the pilot tonight and audibly laughed several times. It's a shame that I won't be able to see any more until it's added to YouTube or Netf-- oh, never mind.

    Glomgold was definitely my least favorite redesign as well. He just seemed like a wobbly egg compared to the original. I'm not overly fond of Beakly's new look either, but I like the characterization and I agree that it fits it better.

    Also, if we get some new Darkwing Duck out of this I was geeks out so hard. They would be foolish to bring in anybody other than Cummings to reprise the role. Gizmoduck was also a favorite of mine growing up and I'd love to see him again, too.

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