I was discussing the following topic with a friend of mine and it intrigued me highly. It's to do with Yoshihisa Hashimoto, the man responsible for the Luminous Engine. Now I think it's pretty clear Final Fantasy XV had a lot of content cut to meet deadlines and on top of that many fans had their expectations let down. This isn't the case with everyone since many seem to enjoy the game but it's obvious that the final product is very different from what we saw in the trailers pre-release and a lot of content was scrapped. This explains the lack of the Nifelheim Invasion in the game and many other things missing from the game. Anyway, let's get onto what the main meat and potatoes are.

Yoshihisa Hashimoto is the creator of the infamous Luminous Engine. It's a game engine that is associated with its impressive visuals and lighting. Agni's Philosophy debuted and showed off its impressive feats. Square decided to use the Engine for Final Fantasy XV. However, this decision led into our future forays...


Mr. Hashimoto is the one responsible for programming, designing, and overall developing the engines for the 3D games in the Sonic series, and yes that also includes the well-known (infamous) Sonic 2006 game. So basically all the crappy 3D Sonic games... well this man was responsible for making their game engines. And you ask what this has to do with Final Fantasy XV? Well, you're about to find out.

The most popular, most ambitious trailer, and seen by many as the best trailer for Final Fantasy XV was the E3 2013 re-reveal trailer of Final Fantasy Versus XIII as Final Fantasy XV. This was this trailer that was basically on a godly level of epicness and it showed that Versus XIII was back with an amazing punch. This game was, for many fans, a signal of hope that Final Fantasy XV will be an amazing game. However...

What happened to that... well it was turned into this...

The truth is that all of that in the E3 2013 trailer was running on a completely different engine known as "Ebony" and it was in this period that they were trying to take everything in that build the E3 2013 trailer was running off of and transfer it over to the Luminous Engine. This would obviously lead to complications in Final Fantasy XV's development. However, look at the similarities in that fight to the following from Sonic:

They're very similar, aren't they? Heck, the battles look very identical. And they both have the same engine designer... Yoshihisa Hashimoto. (Now, don't compare Noctis' hair to Sonic...)

TL;DR Final Fantasy XV's Engine Designer was also responsible for the Engines of the horrible 3D Sonic games. Never would I see the day that Sonic would have anything to with Final Fantasy.... LMAO.