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Thread: EoFF Mafia Dissidia

  1. #436
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Actually, I think Fynn is ever so slightly more suspicious than Fox, so i'd put him above Fox in the list. Scruffy is either the most innocent or most suspicious player, I just flip constantly with him.

  2. #437


    My suspicion list is meaningless. It was all based on Nutty being the murderer. There is only one thing I know:

    Formy... when we all die... you're the one I desperately hope is Town. Because I started this game being incredibly suspicious of you but ended up being convinced was innocent. The only way I could possibly feel dumber than I already do is if you end up being Mafia.

  3. #438
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I know Night is usually time for hush, but we're all dying now anyway, so I wanted to give my closing thoughts.

    Town failed precisely because everyone who was Town thought Nutty was suspicious. Even confirmed Town players like Shauna and Freya were - at the very least - suspicious if not downright willing to vote for Nutty. Much of it predicated on the reasonable deduction that Nutty was behaving very suspiciously, never truly realising that behaviour and intention are two very different things. A few of the Town kept clinging to the belief that Nutty is new and therefore may not be total control of his behaviour (which is to be expected as a new player), but ultimately these thought barriers were broken down.

    The problem then, is that Town were clearly being led down this appealing yet ultimately treacherous road. The only problem was there was little way in knowing what Mafia was holding the carrot. People who ended up being confirmed Town were the most eager to lynch FFNut, which resulted in people still cautious of lynching him to suspect them of being Mafia leading a flock of sheep to slaughter. That's partly behind the suspicion I had of Shauna, who was lynched on Day Two on a racing bandwagon with FFNut. It was mainly between them two in the end, and despite my flip-flop, I would've lynched a Town regardless, so my logic was off on both counts.

    So who then, is Mafia? It's way too late now, but why not share some thoughts.

    Aerith's Knight is an obvious candidate. He pitches in with a few quick votes, then fades into obscurity. While I do think a part of this is in work and life catching up, it don't think it is the sole reason. When he did vote, he rarely gave any exposition as to why besides one or two sentences. As I've mentioned previously, as Town, that's not helping the cause. There's something to be said for posting only when necessary and you can definitely over-post and make it hard for Town, but the opposite is also true. For Mafia, it has the advantage of being just visible, yet still influencing voting procedures. Day One vote was for myself, and I might as well openly declare a role and say I am Vanilla Town. It'll all get revealed tomorrow anyway if there's doubt. Funnily enough, AK said that Fynn was his bro after Fynn was watched but no fuss was kicked up, which is exactly what happened to me on the same day and AK didn't consider me a bro. Which just seems fairly contradictory. Day Two vote was for Shauna. That means nothing by themselves (I ended up voting for Town both days) but the lack of any attempt at real explanation is suspicious. For Shauna, that she claimed Vanilla Town is suspicious. I'm not sure why people don't read the OP in detail, because it clearly states for the possibility of there being more than one Vanilla Town. There's one definite, but other Townies could also be Vanilla. It is not suspicious for there to be two or (more unlikely) three Vanilla. I'd say two is most likely. This is also why I found Shauna and Nutty suspicious: they both ended up claiming Vanilla Town, resulting in three Vanilla. I just found that one scoop of Vanilla too high.

    AK actually swapped vote twice, following the pattern Freya > Scruffy > Shauna. The reason for Scruffy is fairly flimsy, the reason for Freya even more so (she was covering for me, apparently). Given that I had a bandwagon on me Day One, it's risky for a Mafia partner to openly support another at risk of lynch. It'd implicate both. I can't even remember the reason stated for my vote on Day One, probably the s***s and giggles. Which is fair enough. Mafia is a fun game.

    Who else? I'll mention Scruffy next because I find it notable that Aerith's Knight voted from Freya to Scruffington, then to Shauna. If they were partners in crime, that'd be a decent Mafia sandwich to dissuade attention. Vote carelessly, then vote for your partner, and then settle on an easy bandwagon (and there was two Town bandwagons on Day Two). It's an interesting theory, anyway. As for Scruffy himself, despite differences over game play, I have respect for Scruffy as a player of the game, but I can't help but be suspicious. He always seemed so sure of everything whenever he posted, which could just be a bluff, or it could be a Mafia certain of what to do. Nothing concrete, but that's Mafia. He did out Freya, our doctor, which is an astonishingly bad decision, made by someone so experienced in the game. Scruffy was also one of the less active contributors, but when he did contribute, it was very detailed and powerful. I question whether we were taken in too much by his flavour text insights. I guess we'll see. He wasn't suspicious enough for me to lynch.

    Fynn is an odd one. Even by early standards, he voted for No Death incredibly fast in the game. Much of his conversation was in Day Two, about the flavour text. Honestly, a lot of this went over my head, so I can't give a good summary of the arguments ("he must be [x] because [y]!" "but if [y] is [x] then [z] makes no sense being [t]!"). Nothing jars, but then I can't shake this feeling about him. The fact that there's nothing settling either Cosmos or Chaos way is just unsettling. Forming no opinion over someone after a lot of discussion is... peculiar.

    As for Fox, I'm less suspicious. Freya's post about us not being on the same Chaos team was evidence against Fox being Chaos. Assuming both of us were Chaos, he wouldn't bother investigating me. As Freya says: "If Fox is Cosmos, pushing for a town is bad after you know they're good, that's obvious.

    If Fox is Chaos, pushing for a town after having your investigation somewhat public, is extremely bad for you. If we lynch formy, formy is town, fox is in a very very bad light."

    This is probably the main reason why I don't suspect Fox much anymore. Even before then, he was always towards the middle/bottom of my red flags list. Put differently: I wouldn't be surprised if AK, Scruffy or (partly) Fynn was Mafia, but I'd be very impressed if Fox flipped Chaos.

    Actually, having thought about it for the last time, I'm revising my list slightly:

    Aerith's Knight
    Scruffington = Fynn

    If we made it another day, my vote order would probably be something like that also. I'd definitely advocate lynching AK, or at least discussing him at length. The problem for Day Two was, as soon as talk predicated on Shauna/Nutty, we were railroaded. Trying to introduce a new suspect would be difficult at best. And on Day Three, what was Shauna/Nutty became just the suspicious Nutty, so Day Three's main topic of talk solved itself. If AK is Mafia, it makes sense not even showing up for Day Three: just let the Town lynch the other Townie bandwagon. Why bother showing your face and be a talking point?

    Well, there's my stream of consciousness. Guess I'll leave the Night phase alone now. Assuming the Mafia win on the dawn of Day Four, I must say it was a very enjoyable game, and congratulations to the Mafia, whoever you are!

  4. #439
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Everyone was in low spirits after having made yet another critical mistake. Then the prince spoke up, suggesting that everyone stay together this night so everybody would be able to keep an eye on one another. The idea seemed favorable to the others and they agreed, if only to alleviate some of the stress they'd built up.

    They all retreated to the prince's room, which was quite large and extravagant and could easily hold five people. But the atmosphere was oppressive and filled with suspicion and nobody could bring themselves to say anything. Before, finally, the black-haired princess spoke up.

    "It was you, wasn't it?" she said, pointing at the girl in male clothing with an eerie smile on her face. The accused seemed dumbfounded at those words, after all it was her sister who was just lynched. She had lost so much and yet now she was accused of being the culprit? But as she looked around, she saw that the princess was not the only one who looked at her suspiciously. Everyone looked at her suspiciously. And then it happened.

    All of a sudden, she felt a sharp pain. She looked down and saw that a blade had pierced her body and was sticking out of her chest. Unable to even scream, she fell to the ground as the one behind her kicked her over with a smile on his face. It was the prince.

    "There, now the culprit is taken care of, right?" he said. Then he laughed. And the princess laughed as well. Meanwhile the clown looked at them both with an annoyed expression on his face and the old man beside him looked terrified. "How foolish of these siblings, thinking they were fit to be leaders just because they are royalty. A true leader knows how to get the people's support! The only people here fit to be leaders are myself and Princess Garnet..." The prince pointed his blade at the clown and old man and continued his speech with a disappointed expression, "...but none of you acknowledged that fact."

    And then everything ended. Cosmos was in tears, she could not bear to look at her warriors suffer like that anymore. But she couldn't give up. She couldn't let that be the end of it. She had lost the battle, but not yet lost the war. When a game is over, all that is left is to admit you've lost, learn from your mistakes, and do better next time. Surely, next time, she would not lose to Chaos' schemes. She still believed in her warriors.

    Chaos laughed. It seemed he did not expect Cosmos to give up that easily anyways. But he was content. Cosmos had surely realized that her naiveté had been a mistake. Perhaps he would be able to enjoy some more challenging battles before finally crushing her in the end.

    Aerith's Knight is dead, he was Faris, Cosmos-aligned Royal Pirate.

    The number of Chaos-aligned players is equal to the number of Cosmos-aligned players.

    The Chaos side is victorious!

    The records of truth will be posted later.

  5. #440
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    --- Records of Truth Part 1: Character Information ---

    FFNut - Died on the Third Daylight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Lenna, Cosmos-aligned Inspiring Leader.

    You are Vanilla in this game and have no special abilities to influence the game with. But that hardly means you are powerless. A leader's role is not to fulfill all goals by themselves, it is to direct those who do have powerful abilities in the right direction and form a sense of unity among comrades. To someone from royal blood such as you, that will hardly be an issue, now will it?
    Scruffington - Victorious on the Third Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Garnet, Chaos-aligned Determined Princess.

    Being the true queen and inheritor of the throne, you are distraught that the fellow heroes around you seem to be paying you little heed. They should know their place, those mere commoners. Only two people are fit to lead around here, and that is you and your partner.

    Your partner is Fynn who plays Noctis, Chaos-aligned Beloved Prince. You have the unique ability to communicate with them freely about the game outside of the central topic.

    You are a Lackey, as is your partner. You may choose to kill someone every night, but if your partner does the same, both of your kill actions will fail. Make sure to communicate and decide together on who should do the killing move every night.

    Use your ability during Night Phases as follows in a private message to me:

    ##Kill: <Username of Target>

    The target you choose will be eliminated, unless protected by the Protector on the same night.

    You may cancel or switch the target of your action at any point before the Night Phase ends.
    Formalhaut - Missing on the Third Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Kefka, Cosmos-aligned Lunatic Mage.

    You are Vanilla in this game and have no special abilities to influence the game with. As a former representative of pure chaos, finding yourself on the side of harmony perplexes you a bit. But no matter. Do those damn Chaos-aligned villains seriously think they can stand up to YOU? You will certainly bring them down, with or without the help of your comrades.
    Freya - Died on the Second Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Cecil, Cosmos-aligned Redeemed Knight.

    You are a Protector and may protect a player every night. As a former Dark Knight and now Paladin, you know both the dark and light better than anyone. Who else could see through the weak points in the attacks of these inexperienced villains and counter them? This time you will not let innocent lives be extinguished en-masse. You will fight to protect the things you hold dear.

    Use your ability during Night Phases as follows in a private message to me:

    ##Protect: <Username of Target>

    The target you choose will be protected from elimination by Chaos players for that night.

    Anyone besides you yourself is a valid choice, including people you have protected previously. You may cancel or switch the target of your action at any point before the Night Phase ends.
    qwertysaur - Died on the First Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Seifer, Cosmos-aligned Proud Hero.

    You are a Detective and may investigate a player every night. Having served a witch before yourself, nobody can conceal their affinity towards Chaos from your piercing glare. Your confidence in your own ability is well-founded as you have not and will never make a mistake. With such a reliable warrior on their side, your allies surely needn't fear a thing.

    Use your ability ability during Night Phases as follows in a private message to me:

    ##Investigate: <Username of Target>

    The alignment of the target you choose will be privately sent to you at daybreak. You may not quote the result, if you wish to do so you must convince your allies of the truthfulness of your information in your own words. You may cancel or switch the target of your action at any point before the Night Phase ends.
    Aerith's Knight - Died on the Third Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Faris, Cosmos-aligned Royal Pirate.

    You are a Tracker and may track a player every night. As a pirate you are well-experienced in the art of tracking an unsuspecting person without them noticing. You may not know who to trust and who to distrust, but this ability will surely come in handy to see whether people are actually who they claim to be, and doing what they claim to be doing.

    Use your ability during Night Phases as follows in a private message to me:

    ##Track: <Username of Target>

    If your target uses a Night Action, the username of their target will be privately sent to you at daybreak. You may not directly quote this information, instead you must present it in your own words if you decide to share it. You may cancel or switch the target of your action at any point before the Night Phase ends.
    Shauna - Died on the Second Daylight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Shadow, Cosmos-aligned Tormented Wanderer.

    You are Vanilla in this game and have no special abilities to influence the game with. You live up to your reputation of working for whoever pays you the most, but you do have a conscience and cannot turn a blind eye while abandoning these fellow heroes to their doom. With your assistance, everyone will surely have a better chance at overcoming this cursed battle.
    Fox - Missing on the Third Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Cid, Cosmos-aligned Shapeshifting Enigma.

    You are one yet many. You take many different forms in many different worlds, and yet you are still you in all of them.

    You are an Identifier and may identify a player every night. As someone who lives in every world, you know all of the people around you well from their original worlds. No one else is as well-equipped to navigate this web of deceit as you are. But Chaos is shrewd; simply knowing someone's identity is not enough to ensure their alignment. You have no choice but to rely on your own wit and the words of others to reach the truth.

    Use your ability during Night Phases as follows in a private message to me:

    ##Identify: <Username of Target>

    The identity of the target you choose will be privately sent to you at daybreak. You may cancel or switch the target of your action at any point before the Night Phase ends.
    Fynn - Victorious on the Third Twilight
    As you pass through the border between worlds, you feel your fate being rewritten. No one may tell what awaits you in the days to come, but the ending of this horrible game of deceit and lies is determined by none other than the pieces on the board themselves. Good luck on your journey, let the games begin!

    You are Noctis, Chaos-aligned Beloved Prince

    There is only one true successor, and that is you. You and your queen shall reign over them all, and nobody else could possibly hope to be fit to do it. Unfortunately none of the others seem to understand that self-evident fact. What impudence. If they won't recognize you as the heir, why don't they all just go ahead and die.

    Your partner is Scruffington who plays Garnet, Chaos-aligned Determined Princess. You have the unique ability to communicate with them freely about the game outside of the central topic.

    You are a Lackey, as is your partner. You may choose to kill someone every night, but if your partner does the same, both of your kill actions will fail. Make sure to communicate and decide together on who should do the killing move every night.

    Use your ability during Night Phases as follows in a private message to me:

    ##Kill: <Username of Target>

    The target you choose will be eliminated, unless protected by the Protector on the same night.

    You may cancel or switch the target of your action at any point before the Night Phase ends.

  6. #441
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    --- Records of Truth Part 2: Night Events ---

    First Twilight

    A black-haired adolescent was relaxing in his room, deciding to get some much-needed sleep after the stressful day. An androgynous person who apparently couldn't decide what hair color suited them best was observing them through a crack in the door. When they realized the man was not planning on heading out that night, they decided to leave them alone. Aerith's Knight tracks Fynn, who does nothing.

    While returning to their room, they passed by a man clad in white armor who was heading into the room right next to theirs. The armored man was met with the smiling face of a girl and decided to keep her company for a while, worried she might get attacked. When the man realized nobody was going to come, he decided to call it a night, casting a protective spell on the room before he left, just in case. Freya protects FFNut.

    A few corridors away, a blonde man with a confident smile on his face was wandering around, looking for the colorfully clothed man who had drawn much attention to themselves with his creepy way of talking during the day. He found him in his room and decided to make some small talk with him, asking him a few questions while closely observing his mannerisms. They were soon joined by an older man whom both the blonde man and his conversation partner knew. The older man seemed interested in joining their conversation, so they talked for a few hours about their situation. Over time the older man gradually recovered some of his memories regarding the colorful man. qwertysaur and Fox investigate and identify Formalhaut respectively.

    After some time, the men decided it was time to get some sleep, so the blonde man and the older man left the room and went their separate ways, both in a good mood. However, as the blonde man rounded a corner, he was suddenly met with the eerie, unsettling smile of a girl. He instinctively realized the person before him was not his ally and drew his blade, but it was already too late; the girl started chanting and the next thing the man knew he was floating in the air unable to move, and before he could react any further he felt himself being ripped apart. But even that feeling left him only moments after, and he would never move ever again. Scruffington kills qwertysaur.
    Second Twilight

    After witnessing such a gruesome suicide, everyone felt sick. So instead of sticking around and dining together, they decided they all needed some time alone to process what just happened. So they went their separate ways.

    A few hours later, an older man decided to pay a black-haired young girl a visit. On the way he noticed a figure in blonde keeping an eye on the room from afar. When the older man asked what they were up to, it turned out to be a girl in men's clothing who recognized the older man. Thinking the girl wanted to make new friends but was too shy to approach the door, the man knocked on the door and motioned to the girl to come as well. The door opened and they were greeted by the black-haired girl who gave a bright smile as she recognized the man as an old friend of hers. Reluctantly the girl in men's clothing entered as well, thinking it wouldn't compromise her purpose in coming here. They ended up talking until late into the night. Aerith's Knight and Fox track and identify Scruffington respectively. Scruffington does nothing.

    On a different floor, the man in white armor decided to pay a certain colorfully clothed man a visit. When he knocked on the door, he was only met with an annoyed grunt; it seemed the man inside was already sick and tired of all these people coming to visit him all the damn time. Deeming it unwise to test the man's patience, the man in white armor decided to just leave after casting a protective spell on the room the other man was staying in. Freya protects Formalhaut.

    After that, he went back towards his own room. But just as he approached the stairs, his legs suddenly gave out and he felt paralyzed all over. Realizing he was about to be attacked, he tried to invoke a healing spell, but it was already too late; his opponent would not give him a chance to recover and fight back. And then it was all over. Fynn kills Freya. (Noctis is more cautious to not be seen after Garnet drew suspicion on her for being so direct the night before)
    Third Twilight

    Everyone was in low spirits after having made yet another critical mistake. Then the prince spoke up, suggesting that everyone stay together this night so everybody would be able to keep an eye on one another. The idea seemed favorable to the others and they agreed, if only to alleviate some of the stress they'd built up.

    They all retreated to the prince's room, which was quite large and extravagant and could easily hold five people. But the atmosphere was oppressive and filled with suspicion and nobody could bring themselves to say anything. Before, finally, the black-haired princess spoke up.

    "It was you, wasn't it?" she said, pointing at the girl in male clothing with an eerie smile on her face. The accused seemed dumbfounded at those words, after all it was her sister who was just lynched. She had lost so much and yet now she was accused of being the culprit? But as she looked around, she saw that the princess was not the only one who looked at her suspiciously. Everyone looked at her suspiciously. And then it happened.

    All of a sudden, she felt a sharp pain. She looked down and saw that a blade had pierced her body and was sticking out of her chest. Unable to even scream, she fell to the ground as the one behind her kicked her over with a smile on his face. It was the prince.

    "There, now the culprit is taken care of, right?" he said. Then he laughed. And the princess laughed as well. Meanwhile the clown looked at them both with an annoyed expression on his face and the old man beside him looked terrified. "How foolish of these siblings, thinking they were fit to be leaders just because they are royalty. A true leader knows how to get the people's support! The only people here fit to be leaders are myself and Princess Garnet..." After saying that, the prince pointed his blade at the clown and old man. He stopped laughing and continued with a disappointed expression, "...but none of you acknowledged that fact."

    And then everything ended. Cosmos was in tears, she could not bear to look at her warriors suffer like that anymore. But she couldn't give up. She couldn't let that be the end of it. She had lost the battle, but not yet lost the war. When a game is over, all that is left is to admit you've lost, learn from your mistakes, and do better next time. Surely, next time, she would not lose to Chaos' schemes. She still believed in her warriors.

    Chaos laughed. It seemed he did not expect Cosmos to give up that easily anyways. But he was content. Cosmos had surely realized that her naiveté had been a mistake. Perhaps he would be able to enjoy some more challenging battles before finally crushing her in the end.

    Fynn kills Aerith's Knight. All other night actions are irrelevant and thus skipped for the sake of time.

  7. #442
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Thank you for running the game, Karifean! It was great! The new things added kept it interesting, and even with all that extra information thrown at us, it didn't really act as any advantage in the end.

  8. #443
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    Thank you for running the game, Karifean! It was great! The new things added kept it interesting, and even with all that extra information thrown at us, it didn't really act as any advantage in the end.
    Completely agreed! This was a very fresh take on mafia that required a totally different approach than normal and I for one had a blast!

  9. #444


    Thanks Karifean! Losing sucks but playing didn't xD

  10. #445

  11. #446
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Well smurf, sorry fellas, it was a bad time for work to get busy.

    The info that scruffy did nothing was probably kind of important, as our vanilla town guy was already dead.

    Also was on the wrong assumption that Chaos had 1 role and 1 lackey, instead of 2 lackeys. Ah whatever, it was my bad. Sorry!

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