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Thread: EoFF Mafia Dissidia

  1. #211
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scruffington View Post
    The game is honestly completely broken at this point. We have a bunch of character claims, known roles, and now we can see who performed which action against whom in the death post?
    Yet nothing concrete. If the game was broken we'd know who was who. As it happens, there's plenty of doubt still bubbling away.

    And we have a list of potential roles that are included, but not a clue who might be who. And character claiming is basically role claiming. I mean, yes, this game is run rather differently from how I've played it before, but I wouldn't say it is a bad thing. I'd certainly wait until after the game was finished before providing feedback.

  2. #212
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Well, since the votes are rolling out, and people can still change them later on, I guess it's time to

    ##vote: Shauna

    The way she pointed at Nutty makes a lot of sense now that I consider the option that she might be the third girl in disguise. Since Scruffy and Nutty went out of their way to reveal that they're girls despite knowing that the killer was a girl, and Shauna followed after with a statement that she's Shadow, which cannot be proven in any way since he wasn't in the narrative, this seems like the soundest choice at the moment. I might still change my vote should someone convince me otherwise, but so far it really makes sense to me.

  3. #213
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Saying your gendel/role/whatever first doesn't make you cosmos. Classic mafia move.

  4. #214
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Other candidates I feel would fit are Freya and Aerith's Knight since they have both stayed silent when it comes to revealing their identities, though I have my personal suspicions in that regard. Again, might be completely off the mark, but that's the way I see it at the moment.

  5. #215
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    By that logic, Nutty is still more suspicious than Scruffy in that regard, IMO. He was first and was so happy to share with us all that he's vanilla. Still, I still kinda think that might have been a newbie mistake that Shauna used to her advantage. I can see Scruffy's move as being an attempt to make it more evident that he's Cosmos, but in my opinion he's still not off the hook. It's just that the others are sending me way more red flags.

  6. #216


    Let me just break this down with a game-breaking post:

    -black-haired adolescent gets watched
    This is Noctis (Fynn), who was watched by someone

    -androgynous person watches
    This is Faris (???), a "watcher"

    -knight in white armor protects
    This is (???), a Doctor

    -girl is protected
    This is either Lenna (FFNut) or Garnet (myself)

    -another (or same) girl kills
    This is either Lenna (FFNut), Garnet (myself) or Faris (???)

    -blond guy watches colorful man, is killed
    This is Seifer (qwertysaur), who watched Kefka (Formalhaut)

    -old man watches colorful man, lives
    This is Cid (Fox), who watched Kefka (Formalhaut)

    -colofrul man is watched
    This is Kefka (Formalhaut)

    Based off of this, we can conclude a multitude of roles:

    Noctis (Fynn) did not appear to perform an action.
    Seifer (qwertysaur) watched someone. He is a
    Detective, Watcher, Tracker, or Identifier.
    Garnet (Scruffington) did not appear to perform an action.
    Cid (Fox) watched someone. He is a
    Detective, Watcher, Tracker, or Identifier.
    Kefka (Formalhaut) was watched and did not appear to perform an action.
    Lenna (FFNut) did not appear to perform an action.
    Shadow (Shauna) did not appear to perform an action.
    (Faris) watched someone. She is a
    Detective, Watcher, Tracker, or Identifier.
    (???) protected Lenna, Faris or Garnet. They are a Doctor.

    This means that we have three confirmed investigative roles and players:
    Seifer (qwertysaur), Cid (Fox) and Faris (???).

    We have a confirmed Doctor:
    Freya (???)

    And a few players who did not perform any actions:
    Garnet (Scruffington), Noctis (Fynn), Lenna (FFNut), Kefka (Formalhaut), and Shadow (Shauna).

    Out of this pool of five players who did not perform an action:
    - 1 is a
    Detective, Watcher, Tracker, or Identifier
    - 1 is a Murderer
    - 1 is a Lackey
    - 1 is a Roleblocker
    - 1 is a Vanilla Town
    - 1 is a Switcher

    Since the mafia has a supplementary role, 2/5 of these positions must be mafia. This also means that 2/5 of the following players are mafia:
    Garnet (Scruffington), Noctis (Fynn), Lenna (FFNut), Kefka (Formalhaut), and Shadow (Shauna).

    This is why you don't reveal so much in the death post. This game is over.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  7. #217
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I want to discuss my thoughts about who is trending suspicious for me:

    FFNut: It's almost too obvious at this point, which has the effect of making me question how genuinely Mafia-like he is. The thing is: if Nutty is Mafia, his Mafia partner must be advising him against further penalty. If Nutty was Mafia, tripping up once is acceptable, understandable. If I was his partner, I'd be telling him to stay low, don't say [x], don't vote for [x], especially knowing that Nutty is new to Mafia. If they were communicating like they should be, Nutty shouldn't be making so many obvious, subsequent suspicious errors.

    Which is why I'm torn. On the one hand, Nutty is an obvious candidate for lynch. On the other hand, if he was Mafia, I'm honestly surprised his Mafia partner hasn't told him to stay low. It's tricky. It might be the case that the suspicion gets too much and I'll vote for Nutty, but it almost seems too obvious.

    Aerith's Knight: Pops in, votes, leaves. Aerith's Day One vote was for the bandwagon, Day Two has seen a very early vote for Freya because she was covering for me, yet links to no posts that may hint at that. He seems very sure I'm Mafia. The reasoning seems decent enough on paper, but there wasn't a lot of evidence for it. He's posting more though, which is good. I kinda want to see more from him.

    Shauna: Her votes for FFNut seem so obvious. On Day One, she encourages a Formalhaut bandwagon, devoting two paragraphs as to my suspicion, before deciding to vote for FFNut, which wouldn't have amounted to much, and didn't. I'm only half suspicious of this because Shauna did say why she was voting for Nutty, for all the reasons covered elsewhere. But encouraging one bandwagon while voting for another is a decent way to draw attention off of yourself if said bandwagon turns out to be town.

    Otherwise, her obsession with FFNut is something to watch. Shauna has been commenting on other business, but being inquisitorial towards FFNut has been my main impression of her posts, having not trawled through all the pages because who has time for that? Claiming Shadow is suspicious but not damning.

    Scruffy: What posts aren't ranting about the game (sorry!) are fairly astute, though most seem to draw on existing Mafia knowledge. I'd like to hear more about his thoughts on individuals. He's certainly experienced, I'd like to see him talk more.

    Freya: Hard to get a read on. I haven't really looked at her posts properly yet. Whether or not that's a good thing or not kinda depends.

    Fox: Been rather quiet. Went on a bandwagon in Day One. I don't remember any obvious posts today. Ugh, my memory is bad.

    Fynn: Has the least red flags in my opinion. There's not really much else to say, really. Not many red flags crop up.

  8. #218
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    OOC: Remember that moment when I said "I'm not big on revealing much in flavor text." And Scruffington was all, no I'm going to argue this a lot!

    Good times scruff.

  9. #219


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    OOC: Remember that moment when I said "I'm not big on revealing much in flavor text." And Scruffington was all, no I'm going to argue this a lot!

    Good times scruff.
    OOC: That wasn't what I was arguing for, though.

    My whole point was just to clarify which faction performs kills. That was literally it. Not "girl killed x" but "mafia/Serial Killer killed x". And investigations should always be PM'd, never revealed openly to the public.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  10. #220
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    OOC: but they're not completely revealed - no one really knows what Seifer, CID, and Faris found out!

  11. #221
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    To be honest though, Identities are NOT revealed. Everything everyone is telling you could be a lie on their identity. They could be Tidus and say they are Cloud. Or whatever. It's pretty trusting to assume everything is who they say they are.

  12. #222
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Or we could you know, play the game, let it end, give feedback and make for an even better Mafia game next time.

  13. #223


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    To be honest though, Identities are NOT revealed. Everything everyone is telling you could be a lie on their identity. They could be Tidus and say they are Cloud. Or whatever. It's pretty trusting to assume everything is who they say they are.
    They aren't revealed, but I have no reason to doubt anyone's claims. They didn't reveal their roles after all; just their characters. It just so happens that their character's actions were revealed in the death post, thus exposing their role within the game.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  14. #224
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I also thought I was able to explain any questions towards me. If not feel free to ask again and I will answer.

  15. #225
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    OOC: Yeah let's take all talk ABOUT the mafia gameplay to the other thread and leave this one for actual game discussion. Sorry if I encouraged that behavior.

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