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Thread: FFIX Mafia - Discussion thread

  1. #211


    The other thing that pushed it to Vivi was his post about Scruffy's night action. I knew, of course, that it was meaningless, but I brought it back up multiple times and forced Vivi to defend himself over it. Being on the defensive is never a good look, so when you were looking back over the evidence, Formy, this weird comment about the night action kept resurfacing.

  2. #212
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    It was a smart move on foxes half. Though I tried to explain myself this is Mafia, and I wouldn't of believed me either.

  3. #213
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    It didn't help that I couldn't terribly rely on Steiner's posts either, because they weren't really helpful. I could only really analyse Quina and Vivi's: Quina's not giving much away, and Vivi's giving away quite a lot. Steiner didn't really help me choose which way or the other.

  4. #214
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I was afraid of giving up to much. I had goofed up early on day 2 and didn't want to repeat that

  5. #215
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    my plan was to bring suspicion onto me and hope you would try and lynch me on day 3. I made myself an easy target because I was one of the power roles. When I saw that we got the roleblocker, all we had to do was go no lynch, and Eiko could investigate anyone and we would be guaranteed the win. I did not expect to be night killed at all.

  6. #216
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I was so sure you were Mafia that I was shocked when you got killed too.

  7. #217
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I'm curious, what did our audience members think who the Mafia was at the end there? :P

  8. #218
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I wasn't paying that much attention, 'specially not yesterday as I played minecraft for probably 12 hrs and made a kick ass castle on survival.

    I was leaning toward Vivi. I have no big reason though. But from my read I thought he was mafia early on.

  9. #219
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Very good game!

    Day 1 is a crapshoot? Look at how the entire mafia had to vote for Beatrix as they were already being pushed into losing one of their members! I do think Fynn's comments afterwards were funny too, about how the town was to blame and he wanted the mafia to win - The mafia are the ones who voted for you! Either way, when the Mafia are already on the defensive it makes for an interesting game.

    Night 1 was a lot of fun. As soon as Eiko's night action to investigate Quina came in I was like... welp gg mafia. But then they managed to roleblock her! I have no idea how they got that one right but damn. The killing of Kuja was good too. The idea was clearly someone who was on the fringes and not have any protection, and to confuse the town. And it worked, the town spent a lot of time going in circles about it. My advice to town will always be to analyse votes and who said what rather than why anyone was killed in the early game. Oh, and in case anyone cares, the Steiner protection was a dice roll and landed on, coincidentally, Eiko.

    Day 2 was insane. I suspect it backfired somewhat on the mafia. They can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming the idea was to have Zidane confirmed as cop going into the last night, the actual cop roleclaim (and then, with their identity revealed, roleblocked) and then on the final day, the cop can't claim any results, mafia "cop" claims the real cop was investigated as guilty and it's an easy win. Didn't quite work out that way, did it! The mafia lost the roleblocker and confirmed the real cop in the process. Oops! Great work by the town in ruining the best laid plans and seeing through the ruse.

    Night 2 I knew the only smart play Quina could make was to kill Steiner so I was pleased when the PM came in. With the Doctor still in play, Eiko would obviously be protected. But then that would leave the little problem of Eiko's night result to deal with. Eiko had been suspicious of Steiner as Zidane's scumbuddy and was the most likely subject of investigation. So killing Steiner and going into the final day with Vivi as the opponent was the best move Quina could've made.

    Thank you all so much for playing and providing such good entertainment!

  10. #220
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    I loved your write-ups Psychotic, particularly the last one. Evil Quina stabbing someone with her frog fork was a hilarious image. My only question is, did Quina then eat Eiko?!

  11. #221


    I say the game is not simply to win... but to kill one of our own, confirm the real cop and still win.

  12. #222
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Carnelian View Post
    I loved your write-ups Psychotic, particularly the last one. Evil Quina stabbing someone with her frog fork was a hilarious image. My only question is, did Quina then eat Eiko?!
    Of course.

  13. #223
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Once again I really enjoyed playing. The quick night was great as that's when we over think and can't get our ideas out there for all to hear.

  14. #224
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    I only wish I'd had a bit more of a chance to play! A lot of the action of the first day went on after I'd gone to bed, and of course I died on the first night. Maybe next time I'll be able to hang in there a bit longer.

  15. #225
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Day 2 was insane. I suspect it backfired somewhat on the mafia. They can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm assuming the idea was to have Zidane confirmed as cop going into the last night, the actual cop roleclaim (and then, with their identity revealed, roleblocked) and then on the final day, the cop can't claim any results, mafia "cop" claims the real cop was investigated as guilty and it's an easy win. Didn't quite work out that way, did it! The mafia lost the roleblocker and confirmed the real cop in the process. Oops! Great work by the town in ruining the best laid plans and seeing through the ruse.
    It didn't so much backfire as much as it went the more complicated route. I tried to set things up so that regardless of if I will be believed or killed, we could still win.

    If I had been believed, my investigation would have been "proven to be true", putting massive shade on the real cop who couldn't possibly have remained hidden given the fact the Mafia would win if a townie was lynched. I then pretend to have been roleblocked myself during the night (since it would be obvious that the roleblocker was still in play), kill off one of the non-real-cops and then lynch the real cop on the last day.

    But even with me not being believed, as you probably noticed I tried my hardest to make it appear like Quina and I were on opposite teams. I'd been voicing suspicion of Quina since the beginning of the game and especially on the second day when the Mafia would've won with another townie lynch I still picked on Quina. I didn't expect people to actually still be suspicious of Quina being my co-conspirator after that tbh. Of course it would've all died if Fox hadn't killed Eiko's investigation target that night, but thankfully that went well.

    All in all it wasn't so much a huge risk as much as it was trying to lure the townies into believing the live Mafia is a trustworthy player regardless of who it ends up being. I could've also tried getting a townie to get lynched, but eh, I figured doing what I did would make the game more interesting and memorable. And it totally did =P

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