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Thread: FFIX Mafia Game Thread - Day 3 - The Final Day

  1. #1
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Nom nom nom FFIX Mafia Game Thread - Day 3 - The Final Day

    FFIX Mafia

    Someone had fallen, that much was certain. Their broken body lay sprawled at unnatural angles, and a thin pillar of blood trickled from their mouth. The townsfolk in Alexandria were shocked. Moving closer, the identity of the victim became clear. But... she was a dragoon... her sense of balance was perfect. She could never have fallen, could she? No, she must've been pushed! Murder! Murder most foul! Arise, townsfolk, arise!

    [M] Freya was an Unfortunate Dragoon played by Freya!

    When voting, please do it in this format
    ##vote: name

    You can also unvote for people. This takes the same form:
    ##unvote: name

    You can also vote for no lynch:
    ##vote: nolynch

    If a majority is reached, the one with majority will be lynched. If it’s a tie then there will be a sudden death. If time for the day ends, the one with the most votes will be lynched.

    • Unless specifically mentioned in your Assignment PMs, all Mafia related discussion must happen in the Official game thread. Please do not discuss the game using instant messengers, IRC, Private Messages, voice chats, phone calls, snail mail etc. etc. No, we can't enforce this because we can't spy on you, but we would appreciate it if you followed this simple rule.
    • Do not reveal your role privately to each other. You can of course role claim as part of your strategy in this thread. Just don't do it outside the game.
    • Play nice. Even if you are using second accounts, don't resort to flaming and whatnot. Kill each other without resorting to being mean.
    • Please make all posts in the Game thread under your specific Mafia accounts.
    • Play fair. Also known as the "don't be an ass" rule. Being an ass includes cheating, diverging completely from your assigned role, going back and deleting or editing all your posts, using asshole-ish methods to find out information about other people's roles, etc.
    • Do NOT use your Mafia accounts to post in any non-Mafia related threads.
    • All of the roles were assigned randomly to a player and then those were randomly assigned to the character.
    • Don’t share with others who you are or what your password is or what your role is.

    • 1 Mafia Goon
    • 1 Mafia Roleblocker
    • 1 Sane Cop
    • 1 Doctor
    • 3 Townies

    Role Pms
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    You are a Mafia Roleblocker

    Win Conditions:

    You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).


    You may PM your fellow scum, REDACTED
    You have a factional night-kill meaning that each night one of you may night-kill a player. You must choose which one of you will do this and PM me.
    Once per night you may target a player, thus blocking all role traits for the current night phase. The targeted player will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing [Blocked]. You must PM me to tell me who you wish to block.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    You are a Mafia Goon

    Win Conditions:

    You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).


    You may PM your fellow scum, REDACTED
    You have a factional night-kill meaning that each night one of you may night-kill a player. You must choose which one of you will do this and PM me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    You are a Doctor

    Win Conditions:

    You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.


    Once per night you may target a player to be protected, this will protect them from one kill for one night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    You are a Cop

    Win Conditions:

    You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.


    Each night you may target a player to be inspected, thus discovering their alignment. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing either Innocent or Guilty
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    You are a Vanilla Townie

    Win Conditions:

    You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.


    You have no abilities, your strength is your vote and intellect.

    • [M] Beatrix - Vanilla Townie played by Fynn, lynched on Day 1
    • [M] Eiko
    • [M] Kuja - Vanilla Townie played by Mr. Carnelian, killed on Night 1.
    • [M] Quina
    • [M] Steiner - Doctor, played by Scruffington on Day 1 and qwertysaur on Day 2 - Killed on Night 2
    • [M] Vivi
    • [M] Zidane - Mafia Roleblocker played by Karifean, lynched on Day 2.

  2. #2


    Hello everyone! Let's all get along well!

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Day 1 begins now!

    In terms of a deadline, there isn't one just yet. Let's see how we go and if it looks like we're going nowhere I'll impose one.

  4. #4
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Zidane! Can I catch frogs now?

  5. #5
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Also also! Psy, can you outline what each role does? Some people still no play much mafia

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    I'll post the role PMs in the OP once I'm home.

  7. #7



  8. #8


    I'm Eiko, you probably don't remember me because you just stuck with Zidane/Garnet/Vivi/Steiner.

    But I was actually a pretty important character in FFIX! I used white magic and could summon creatures who could cast reflect on the whole party, a very useful ability in any situation! Let's go, team!

    Yay, I've got the kid. At least this means no-one will lynch me due to censorship restrictions. You can't kill a kid on screen!

    Wait, this is actually a dark and gritty Mafia game? Nooooooooooo.

  9. #9


    Umm... *waves hi* hello everybody.

  10. #10


    Don't worry. I'm sure nobody will just up and kill off the most lovable characters.

  11. #11
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    I have an unfair advantage by being too likable a character for sure.

  12. #12


    I'm the most likeable character! Just look at this little guy! I can summon him just my using my mind!

    Anyway, while we're all introducing ourselves. Where's Amarant? I find it suspicious he's not around just as our much beloved late party member is killed.

    I've got my eye on him!

  13. #13


    Well *Shuffles feet* shall we begin the game?

  14. #14
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    But Kuja and Beatrix aren't here yet. Maybe they're having their own private little night phase

  15. #15


    It is I, Kuja!

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