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Thread: Mass Effect: Andromeda | Official Thread

  1. #301


    I can understand letting the C-Team play with this one. The A team wanted to be done with Mass Effect as a trilogy and move on. And the B team has been busy in their own world. People want more Mass Effect, who else are you going to give it to? Though I believe there are two A teams. Pretty sure Edmonton splits up and shares people. I don't think Dragon Age and Mass Effect were always made by the same people. They probably shared a lot, but it's nothing like ... say Namco's Tales team(s) and Soul Calibur team (if they still exist?) who were pretty much in their own little bubbles making their own respective games

    Either way, it sounds like it's Dark Souls 2, and a new team is cutting their teeth. So I guess the future may be a lot more interesting now that they've learned some hard lessons. But I have absolutely no doubt EA was involved in making it a wreck or demanding they push it out early. It honestly wouldn't surprise me that it was delayed so much because EA was demanding some ridiculous online thing. I can't remember but maybe multiplayer was never going to be implemented in this one and possibly they were forced to work on that instead of the base game. It's EA being EA, just like Konami, Ubisoft, WB, and the European branch of Square Enix. Impatient, unrelenting, and greedy. /rant

    Either way, it's one of the games I was going to buy twice, so that my girlfriend and I weren't competing for time on it. But I think I'll let my reserved copy sit in the store for a minute and see how the game fairs with her. I still have Gravity Rush: Remastered and Horizon: Zero Dawn to complete before another big game anyway. Plus I may dabble in Torment: Tides of Numenera instead. But I won't forsake Mass Effect. I'm just in less of a hurry to acquire it myself

    Edit: Game acquired by girlfriend. Install over, waiting for updates. First impressions incoming. Though I can't promise to speak them here, and not just experience them. But now I'll see what all the fuss is about
    Last edited by Vyk; 03-21-2017 at 03:07 AM.

  2. #302
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Adequate View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    wait a smurfing minute

    no hanar and no elcor?

    pre-order cancelled fu bioware
    what in the smurf is this are you kidding me

    what next no volus?
    no vorcha no drell no quarians no lib dems it's a bloody disgrace
    tbf farron's canonically going extinct but the other trout here is enormously smurfed up, especially as only two new races exist

  3. #303
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    (SPOILER)One of the earliest dialogue conversations in the game does mention other Arks departing the Milky Way after the Human/Krogan/Solarian/Asari Arks had already departed. So if there are sequels, I guess we might see those races in future games.

    I VPN'ed in to unlock the game early, I'm enjoying it.

  4. #304
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Took me like an hour this morning to get my custom ryder. Then in the actual game her chin/mouth is too close to her nose and her eyes are too deep in. If she doesn't talk or emote she looks fine but ughhh I wish custom creation would allow some different lighting and stuff before it confirms. Every game I do that. Looks good then the actual gameplay I'm like, ughh I messed something up, let me fix

  5. #305
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I hate everyone in America who has this game today.

  6. #306
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Apex App let's you do Strike Team missions from your phone, fyi.

  7. #307


    The girlfriend seems to be enjoying it as well. Impressions from what I saw:

    The dialog was better that what I was expecting the way critics were making it sound

    People said Horizon Zero Dawn had a bad case of "BioWare face". Surprise surprise a BioWare game has a bad case of BioWare face

    Animation was a tad off. It has a lean when you walk into a turn. I've seen plenty of games poked fun of fire having this but the only one I've played that I remember is Grand Theft Auto 4. So I guess if it didn't bother you there it shouldn't bother you here

    And glitches seemed standard Mass Effect fare. Minimal and more amusing than anything

    But this is all from minimal exposure. Take with a grain of salt

  8. #308


    A former Bioware employee gave some disturbing insight into Andromeda's troubled development.

    While it may be a rumor, we've already heard about the game having development issues. And if you just look at the comparison between the leaked April 2016 footage and the final release footage...the game's animations and overall quality got significantly downgraded.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  9. #309


    Quote Originally Posted by Scruffington View Post
    A former Bioware employee gave some disturbing insight into Andromeda's troubled development.

    While it may be a rumor, we've already heard about the game having development issues. And if you just look at the comparison between the leaked April 2016 footage and the final release footage...the game's animations and overall quality got significantly downgraded.
    Fascinating and disturbing. I'd be inclined to blame EA yet again, and they may have put someone disastrous in charge (I'm not sure), but I know how office politics work in general, and this could be out of even EA's hands. It just takes one douche bag up top to play favorites down below, and things quickly spiral out of control like that

    I can believe this stuff happening, but I still don't get why that would cause a down-grade. At worst it should merely cause a plateau of progress where things stop looking better, but why should things start getting worse? I guess the leaked footage may have ran on a monster of a computer and massive sacrifices may have had to be made to optimize, but it reminds me of Watch Dogs. And that game ended up running worse for being downgraded. Which also made no sense. I guess I'm just confused and sad for BioWare v3.0

  10. #310
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    welp, more controversy because Bioware made FemRyder ugly. This is from a Sun article mind you, so take it with a grain, nay, an ocean full of salt, but it amused me. MRAs are saying that they made her ugly so as to be not sexualised and politically correct, and SJWs are saying they did it as part of the "othering" of women, a case of smurf you we only want to put time into making the male characters - ie Male Ryder - look good.

    The truth is they did it because they only know how to make potato people.

    Interestingly they've already patched her appearance, drastically changing her nose shape and also I think her eye colour. I have never seen that before, a character's appearance being radically changed from all the marketing material at the last minute. I mean sure we've all heard of black haired Tidus, but it wasn't black haired Tidus on the game's cover.

  11. #311
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Wow really? They're mad that the fem ryder isn't model quality?

  12. #312


    Have a look a this:

    They literally and intentionally made female characters look unattractive.

    Remember when BioWare games were good, had beautiful women and good stories... good animation.... and character.

    I miss those days.


  13. #313
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    So you're one of those people bitching about the looks.

    Dude, women don't have to be your definition of beautiful. Plus with character creation, you can make it however you want, so what does it matter.

    And even then, I don't even find the first one ugly either. Move along

  14. #314
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I mean, seriously. There's character creation. If you're not happy with the default look, you can literally change it to however you please.

    Honestly I couldn't care less if Fem!Ryder didn't conform to the traditional norms of feminine beauty or not. Really couldn't give a damn.

    EDIT: I'm reminded of the same sort of people saying things like 'oh the romance options for [x] gender are way worse than the other gender. Ugh, so annoying'.

    Really the most petty of complaints. It shows you about the state of gaming that 'the looks of a woman' is being chalked up as some major flaw in this game.

  15. #315


    And and and and and and 'dicking around in photoshop' =/= building a movable, customisable face in a 3D game engine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Danklord
    They literally and intentionally made female characters look unattractive.
    Both literally AND intentionally? So not figuratively and intentionally. Interesting.

    1) What does it matter if they did?

    2) They probably didn't.

    3) If you're playing for the sexy women, may I suggest Senran Kagura? Their clothes come off when they lose in combat.

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