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Thread: FFs you've changed opinion on

  1. #16
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXII goes up and down in my opinion on a regular basis. FFX I used to dislike a lot more than I do now, but the particular things I disliked about it are just as disliked now as ever. Not much else has changed for me.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #17
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Paul, your claims regarding Snow are a complete betrayal and I don't know what to think of our friendship anymore

  3. #18


    I've actually been leaning toward IV as my favorite FF. VIII used to be my favorite, but after thinking about it, IV is my favorite now. I still love VIII though .

  4. #19


    My dislike level for Ardyn during my 1st run was 10/10 because he is a forced little pseudo-villain "ooh look at me I am the forced, pseudo-natural nuisance villain that happens to be even worse a character than the non-written character of Kefka who is better than me on every level. and I have a hat and an arm-wing-gimmick plus i do not shave to look different from the rest of villains". After the 2nd and 3rd time my dislike level is only 9.5/10.

  5. #20
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyndis Highwind View Post
    I've actually been leaning toward IV as my favorite FF. VIII used to be my favorite, but after thinking about it, IV is my favorite now. I still love VIII though .
    While it's still not my favorite, I also like IV a little bit more every time I play it!

  6. #21


    The first time I played FFVI I didn't find it that good and couldn't understand why people loved it so much. A year or so later, I gave it a second shot and I absolutely loved it from start to finish.

    On the XIII Trilogy topic (which I'm currently playing, so no spoilers please) I quite enjoyed FFXIII. Never had any problem with the linearity (FFX was the first FF I played so...) and I liked the characters a lot. Story was confusing at times, but that's my only complaint.
    Right now I'm 13-14 hours in XIII-2 and I'm loving it so far.
    FF games played so far: FFIV; FFVI; FFVII; FFX; FFX-2; FFXII; FFTA; FFXIII Trilogy

    Currently playing: Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (PS3)

    Favourite FF games: FFVI; FFXII

  7. #22


    Young Maybee : " I hate Final Fantasy VI, the graphics are terrible, I can hardly see where I'm going, WHO IS THE MAIN LEADER ? IS IT THE KLEPTOMANIAC ? THE PERV KING ? HOW DO I GET PASSED ZO-ZO ?? WHO DO I PUT IN MY PARTY WHEN THERE IS 20 CHARACTERS ? "

    Maybee today :
    " Final Fantasy VI is bloody brilliant "

    Young Maybee : Final Fantasy IX is so weird and creepy, it's like one of those strange anime-y things, euck "

    Maybee today :
    " Final Fantasy IX is beauitful and is a masterpiece and the soundtrack ahhhhhhh " !!!

    Young Maybee : " Final Fantasy XII is a giant bore, the characters are a bore, the soundtrack is a bore, just a bore... "

    Maybee today : " Final Fantasy XII is still a bore in parts, but the game isn't.... that bad, and Ashe, Fran and Penelo are love "

    Young Maybee : " Final Fantasy XIII is a giant improvement over that horrid disaster that was FF XII, thank you SE "

    Maybee today : " THE CRINGE "

    Young Maybee : " Crisis Core is awful, ruins the original game "

    Maybee today : " Crisis Core is a fun game and could do with some little improvements ( cough removing Genesis cough ) would love to play a HD PS4 remake of the game. "

  8. #23
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I definitely think X-2 > X and XIII-2 > XIII. They both took the original and refined the concept.
    X-2 is a complete overhaul of the original. XIII-2 I'll give you.

    X-2 is the one I've grown the most fondness for over the years, mostly because it is where SE peaked in their battle system, and I didn't realize it at the time.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  9. #24


    I no longer hate Tidus like I used to.

    I hate Squall and FFVIII a lot now, used to think it was okay.

    Nowadays I think FFIX's battle system is pretty fun and not as slow and tedious as I remember it being.

  10. #25


    Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy XIII. V is now in my top five even though I thought it seemed boring at first but it's an amazing classic fantasy JRPG to me, one of the best. FF-XIII, I still have negativity towards it, but I am beginning to appreciate it more after playing that huge pile of sh*t Final Fantasy: Sasuke's Boyband Trip XV.

  11. #26
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    I keep reading it as "for smurf sake",
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  12. #27
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    I used to think FFXII was a huge disappointment, but I grew to adore the dialogue, combat, character advancement, and yes, even the plot quite a bit. It's now maybe my fourth favorite game in the series. I've softened my view on Tactics and VIII is okay enough I guess.

    I used to think FFXIII was underrated but it probably is the worst entry in the main series.

  13. #28
    draper hates the caley Cell's Avatar
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    I'm much keener on FFIX now than I was on first playthrough and less keen on VIII.

  14. #29
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Old Opinion: This was pretty good, not great but still pretty fun.

    New opinion: Playing the original version definitely jumped this entry up on my list. The job class and hands off story work better when the game is actually challenging.

    Old Opinion: It was good for it's time but boring now.

    New Opinion: This game was way more thought out than the other entries. It still has problems but my researchanalysis has given it more respect in my book.

    Initial Opinion: Ugh, the concept is cool but RPGs have troutty combat and the menu system is impenetrable.

    Old Opinion, after I stopped being dumb: GREATEST GAME EVER!!!

    New Opinion: I still love this game, but I acknowledge it's myriad of flaws and how some people won't like it as much as me.

    Old Opinion: Kind of a let down. It started so good and then just imploded halfway through. Worse FF ever. I'm sure other fans will agree...

    New Opinion: Okay, the fanbase is what made me really hate this game, but I acknowledge that it had some great ideas and simply suffers similar problems to my fave FF above. Course it's still way better than that piece of trout FFX...

    Old Opinion: Definitely different and unbalanced, but still fun if weird. I would be lying if I said I didn't love this game a little more than I should because so many VII fanboys hate it for not being VII-2.

    New Opinion: Flawed as hell, but I still appreciate what it was trying to do, and I still feel Squall's story is probably the only good writing Nojima has ever done for the series.

    Old Opinion: It was okay. Honestly, I found it pretty boring overall and didn't feel any satisfaction by the end because of it. (Another playthrough later) Oh that's why, the game has no real challenge and the cast are annoying melodramatic fools all trapped in a really linear game experience where my only options are to go forward with the boring plot or play one of the games asinine mini-games...

    New Opinion: It's got some nice ideas, but the execution of it all still leaves me cold. This game chose to be safe instead of innovative. Yet I take back my thoughts on the linear game design because at least it was something, not like that piece of trout FFXIII...

    Old Opinion: They made it into an MMO? How dare they!?

    New Opinion: Whatever, that happened. Don't even remember why I cared actually. Oh hey look, XIV is an MMO as well.

    There are a few where my opinions did slightly differ from initial playthrough vs. later introspection, but ultimately the change only shifted ever so slightly for the better or worse and my initial feelings largely stands; so I'm not going to bore you with those.

  15. #30


    Because I got into Final Fantasy pretty late in the game I don't really have any "old" opinions of it. I played VII as a kid but didn't get far into it (mostly because I didn't have a PS1 memory card at the time, the only other FF I played was the demo of X-2) when I played it a decade later it became my favourite of the series (or at worst a close second behind X). I don't hate Squall as much as I used to; even putting aside the fact that his character was mangled by the English localization (he's pretty much a different character entirely in the original Japanese version) I liked his no-nonsense attitude when every else was going full retard, and his internal monologueing gave him quite a bit of depth.

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