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Thread: FFs you've changed opinion on

  1. #1
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Dancing Chocobo FFs you've changed opinion on

    I'm curious to know which FF games, if any, you guys have changed opinion on over time. Maybe FFs that you thought were great at first until you years later you decided they didn't age very well. Or, my personal favorite, the reverse, where a game you weren't fond of at first later became one of your faves.

    So! Has anyone out there had this happen to them?

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I used to trash FFX pretty hard. I've softened on it since and think it's pretty good. That's probably to do with how bad XII and XIII were for me and I appreciated its strong points a lot more. With that said, I'm looking forward to playing TZA to see if I can understand what so many EoFFers see in XII and hope that maybe I'll like that too.

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    VII is so much stupider than I remembered, while VIII is much better constructed than people give it credit for, imo.

    Also, III is a very pleasant game but ONLY if you use the Geomancer. Otherwise it is hell. And I'm a MegaTen fan.

  4. #4
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Geomancer is awesome in both FFIII and FFV. It's a class that needs more love!

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    FFXIII is categorically the best game in the franchise.

  7. #7


    I've gone from liking XIII a little bit to really, really disliking XIII.

    I also went from being very positive about XV to playing it.

    X-2 rises in my estimations every time I play it.

  8. #8


    I think that my opinion on XIII-2 gets better every year. That game is underrated as hell.
    Last edited by Scruffington; 02-02-2017 at 03:06 PM.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  9. #9
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Agreed that X-2 gets a tiny bit better each time I play it. I'd honestly rate it above X at this point, which seems to go down in my estimations the more I think about it.

  10. #10
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I definitely think X-2 > X and XIII-2 > XIII. They both took the original and refined the concept.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I definitely think X-2 > X and XIII-2 > XIII. They both took the original and refined the concept.
    I can't say anything about X-2 because I haven't played it, but I definitely still think that XIII > XIII-2.

    Most people will consider XIII-2 better because Square Enix addressed a lot of the complaints regarding the linearity by having more open areas and side quests you could participate in throughout the game. I definitely still appreciate that aspect aspect of the game and enjoyed it a lot, but I really didn't mind XIII's linearity either.

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  12. #12
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Yeah, despite really not liking XIII at all, I don't think XIII-2 is better. Maybe it has a more fun world to play around, but the battle system is identical with the very dubious addition of monster companions. The music is cool but lacks the artistry that Hamauzu can only really pull off alone. And the plot has zero respect to the source material, despite the fact that that was a garbled mess to begin with. But you could at least see some concrete ideas in that that got completely cast aside or retconned. XIII-2 feels like a Chinese bootleg of XIII, and that's saying a lot.

  13. #13
    Ray "Bloody" Purchase! Crop's Avatar
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    I do love FFX-2, but I've always felt that way. Apart from the awful story and dialogue, which I still dislike. I'd never rank it above X though.

    FFXII is probably the only one I've changed my opinion on drastically. I hated it at first, I think I got to the part when you first meet Ashe in the sewers and just chucked it, and even getting up to that point was a chore.
    Fast forward a year or so, I gave it another shot and absolutely loved it. Shot up the ranks to my third favourite FF game. I can't explain why!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Yeah, despite really not liking XIII at all, I don't think XIII-2 is better. Maybe it has a more fun world to play around, but the battle system is identical with the very dubious addition of monster companions. The music is cool but lacks the artistry that Hamauzu can only really pull off alone. And the plot has zero respect to the source material, despite the fact that that was a garbled mess to begin with. But you could at least see some concrete ideas in that that got completely cast aside or retconned. XIII-2 feels like a Chinese bootleg of XIII, and that's saying a lot.
    I think I agree with you on some points. Let me preface my post by saying that I think XIII-2 is a great game, and I thoroughly enjoyed almost all aspects of it.

    I thought that monster companion system was actually really well done. It added another layer of customization to the game, as you could purposefully look for the best monsters to collect for your team. This added a lot of depth to both the combat system and the game as a whole. However, one thing I disliked is that the Feral Links were fairly underwhelming compared to the Eidolons from XIII (which didn't have many uses outside of boss battles or the late game). Outside of the companions that buff you when you use a Feral Link, the others just feel fairly meaningless. They don't have nearly as much impact during battles. On this point, I feel this is one element of XIII-2 that isn't really polished or implemented well.

    About the music, I somewhat disagree. I still do think XIII's OST is better, but XIII-2 still has an incredible soundtrack. They attempted to take a different approach with this one by introducing more songs with vocals. This was highly effective, as I found that the songs featuring Joelle were among the best in the game. Also, the Last Hunter is one of the best battle themes ever made, period. Ultimately, I don't think that the soundtrack has nearly the cohesion of XIII's, but it is still very good.

    The story does seem a little bit "off" considering that XIII's ending seemed to tie up all loose ends. But to me, despite the plot being confusing at times, I still felt it was pretty good. Caius is also a standout villain for me.

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  15. #15
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Yeah, despite really not liking XIII at all, I don't think XIII-2 is better. Maybe it has a more fun world to play around, but the battle system is identical with the very dubious addition of monster companions. The music is cool but lacks the artistry that Hamauzu can only really pull off alone. And the plot has zero respect to the source material, despite the fact that that was a garbled mess to begin with. But you could at least see some concrete ideas in that that got completely cast aside or retconned. XIII-2 feels like a Chinese bootleg of XIII, and that's saying a lot.
    I don't really care about the source material when assessing it as a game. I don't think it's relevant. I liked that it had a clearly defined goal and a clearly defined (and charismatic!) villain, and Noel was a welcome addition and a more enjoyable character than the majority of the original six (Sazh and Snow, yes, Snow is great shut up, being the exceptions). The freedom and world is definitely a massive plus.

    I also thought Lightning Returns was better in terms of gameplay than both, although the lack of any personality to Lightning and zombie Hope killed it a little.

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