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Thread: Advent Children be like -

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    Default Advent Children be like -

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    It took me a few seconds to get this and I'm disappointed in my lack of mental sharpness. I'm getting old. I, too, am a sad cloud I guess.

  3. #3
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    i legit never though cloud was sad during ff7

    and then advent children came out and i was like 'who dis'
    'its not cloud who says stuff like 'mosey''

  4. #4
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krissy View Post
    i legit never though cloud was sad during ff7

    and then advent children came out and i was like 'who dis'
    'its not cloud who says stuff like 'mosey''
    agreed entirely. Like when Aerith died he was a bit sad and a bit angry but he wasn't destroyed by it.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by krissy View Post
    i legit never though cloud was sad during ff7

    and then advent children came out and i was like 'who dis'
    'its not cloud who says stuff like 'mosey''
    Blame Tetsuya Nomura. While he designed Cloud, he never created his personality. Nomura seems to think that Cloud is this depressed broken character, or wants Cloud to be this emo character, while in reality, Cloud is a massive adorable dork. Notice how Crisis Core Cloud was perfect, because Nomura didn't have full control. Notice how Dissidia Cloud is completely emo, because Nomura is at control.

    What's even more depressing is that Nomura has said that " Cloud is like a son to him ", when he doesn't even know or like Cloud's true personality.

    Nomura is also doing the remake, so yes, unless he takes so long to bring out the first episode and gets replaced by a new director again like with FFXV Versus, then Cloud is going to be emo.

    His art is wonderful if he tones down on the belts, though he doesn't know or understand Cloud for trout.
    Last edited by maybee; 02-09-2017 at 04:29 PM.

  6. #6
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Idk, he was mostly kind of a dick throughout the game.

    Also, I wouldn't consider "mosey" a part of his intended personality, considering how terrible the translation was throughout. I really don't think it was deliberate.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Idk, he was mostly kind of a dick throughout the game.

    Also, I wouldn't consider "mosey" a part of his intended personality, considering how terrible the translation was throughout. I really don't think it was deliberate.
    Fake ! Cloud was a giant asshole, but after he's sent through into the Lifestream and gets his identity fixed up by Tifa, then Cloud is alot more friendly and supportive towards everybody. Jenova infected Cloud, is acting what he thinks what a true 1st class Soldier would act like- cold-hearted and dickish.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Good point. He's still that throughout most of the game, which is why that's the main impression you (I) get from VII

  9. #9
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Cloud was the straight foil to a world of comedy nonsense, occasionally throwing his hands up and saying "oh go on then" when it requires him to cross-dress or ride a dolphin or whatever. He's not sad, he's just a man who believes in a little less conversation a little more action.

    Here is my world class fanfic/remake script:

    Barret: "We've got to bomb Reactor no. 7. It'll kill lots of people but it's a necessary evil. The planet's dyin', Cloud!!! Look, there's this mystical energy field called The Lifes-"
    Cloud: "I'm gonna stop you right there. I give absolutely zero smurfs about any of that. Let's just destroy the reactor or hospital or whatever it was you just said."

  10. #10


    @ Fynn ehhhhh mostly all of the first CD would strongly agree with you- CD 2 however he goes absolutely bonkers and becomes a vegetable, and then gets healed by Tifa. The rest of CD 2 and CD3 is Cloud just being cute and trying his best.

    CD 2 Cloud " Nobody out crazes Ophelia " !

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Which, to be fair, is a very short portion of the game compared to the entirety of disc one and 2/3rds of disc 2, where he isn't that. Remember that story-wise disc 3 is just the Northern Crater

  12. #12
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Let's not forget end game Cloud took the time to be compassionate and kind to an airsick Yuffie of all people. I'd have taken the opportunity to casually toss her over the Highwind railings but nope, he consoles her and offers advice. Mother Theresa can get to smurf.

    I still prefer apathetic and mildly confused early game Cloud tho'.

  13. #13
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Cloud is best when he's trying to be an edgelord badass but failing miserably instead of another edgelord badass.

  14. #14


    They barely had any time to even stop and consider what they should feel during the game while chasing Sephiroth. Nojima-san explained the "after Meteor" time very well in On the Way to a Smile. I am absolutely glad that Cloud actually, after being fully healed and with Meteor being gone - and Sephiroth temporarily - found some time of sadness about Aerith. Of course it was a bit too much because in the end it harmed him more than it should and his entire mental vulnerability played a good role in activating the Geostigma, just as everyone who was physically or mentally vulnerable at this point got it activated - but yes, I am still glad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by krissy View Post
    i legit never though cloud was sad during ff7

    and then advent children came out and i was like 'who dis'
    'its not cloud who says stuff like 'mosey''
    agreed entirely. Like when Aerith died he was a bit sad and a bit angry but he wasn't destroyed by it.
    Cloud is an incredibly self-critical person, especially while not confabulating. He has a certain level of confidence even while not confabulating but he always is incredibly self-critical.

  15. #15


    True, good points as Tifa says, Cloud never really believes in himself and is rather harsh on himself. Cloud also suddenly crashing into depression is also pretty realistic. Cloud was experimented on for 5 years straight, then watched his best friend get gunned down in the most gruesome way possible, then watched another person close to him get slaughtered, realized that his mind has been broken from heavy experiments and gosh knows what, and also watched his home-town get slowly-burnt to the ground.

    It's just games like Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia where there's no need for " Advent Children Cloud " as with KH Aerith is okay, and Dissidia memories are completely lost, so " 1st Soldier Cloud " feels more appropriate. WOFF did a great job of it. It's also the fact that Square- Enix has now completely forgotten that Cloud can be goofy and cheerful.

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