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Thread: Let's Play the 3RD BEST GAME EVER!!! (FFVIII)

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  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Falling on your head
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    FFXIV Character

    Pumpkin Contrary (Sargatanas)
    • Former Editor
    • Former Cid's Knight


    Hey guys, sorry its been a while. I was having trouble with my imgur. It would say 20 images uploaded but there would only be 17 and of those 17 only some would work yada yada, but it seems to be working now so hopefully I can update more regularly!
    Now then, when we left off we were told to go change and go meet Instructor Quistis for our SeeD exam. The first order of business is getting our team assignments. And the first member of our team is

    As if to prove her right, here comes Zell, flipping his way down the hall

    If he looks familiar, its because he was the kid trying to get the hot dogs earlier

    He introduces himself and tries to get a handshake from Squall, which doesn't go well

    He talks about how he knows about Squall's feud with Seifer and all dat

    And Quistis chimes in with some excellent news


    Why he's the squad leader when he's already failed the SeeD exam a few times is beyond me, but whatever. Seifer and his posse show up and Quistis wishes us luck on our exam

    And that was probably the best comeback for the situation, you tell 'em Quistis

    Sure, that checks out

    Anyways, the headmaster himself, Cid Kramer, a.k.a Robin Williams (RIP) comes to give us a speech about not screwing up or whatever

    It's long and pretty dull. Seifer and Squall are ~special~ because they're gunblade specialists. Again, why put your only two gunblade specialists on the same team? But whatever

    Off we go on our exam in this hideous green and yellow car

    I know this is a fantasy game but that's just more fantasy than I can handle

    On the way, Zell tries to make friends with Squall by asking to touch his gunblade. Squall stays silent

    So Zell, feeling impatient, gets up and starts shadow boxing

    The older I get the less clever that nickname seems. Chicken and wuss are both basically ways of saying coward so its like he's calling him coward coward. That's not clever. That's just dumb.

    Quistis gets up and fusses at them to settle down and Squall changes the subject to the mysterious girl in the infirmary

    Unfortunately, Quistis has no idea who he's talking about as she didn't notice anyone


    We get out of the car and get on to a boat to head to our destination.

    Xu, another SeeD member, arrives to give us our mission details while also poking fun at how many times Seifer has had to retake the exam

    Anyways the mission info

    It goes on for longer but that's the gist of it. Then we get cool boat FMVs

    And we get to see some explosions because nothing says battle like explosions

    And then they do a thing that was actually pretty neat for the time where there's an FMV of the ships arriving and then the characters come out

    Also, as tempting as it is to talk to everyone in an RPG and to talk back to Seifer, those things will affect your exam results so be careful.

    We head to the central square, which is the area we are to secure

    After fighting off some baddies in the central square and meeting a doggy friend, Seifer starts to get impatient until the dog alerts us to some more soldiers. We hide to see what they're up to

    It seems that they're all headed for the com tower in a large group. Seifer decides we should go after them and Zell pitches a fit because it's not their assignment. As for Squall

    This upsets Zell who doesn't understand why he's agreeing with his rival, but we end up going because captain's orders

    We see a Dollet soldier on the way

    But before he can tell us much more

    He gets attacked by a giant snake and dies

    We fight the ugly snake, which isn't super challenging, and we do so with the help of our new summon, Ifrit!

    And Quezacotl

    The murderous snake is defeated and we head further in where Seifer is just raring to go

    And so off he runs by himself and Selphie, the girl we showed around the Garden earlier, shows up to deliver a message

    After falling off a cliff

    She's resilient though so it's fine

    It may look like she's making a silly face but that's actually the brain damage

    She needs to speak to our squad leader because she has new orders for him so she asks where he is

    And so we chase after Seifer.

    Meanwhile, on top of the com tower

    Wedge tries to tell Biggs that a monster shaped shadow has been appearing above them, but Biggs is not concerned

    Yeah, it's probably nothing

    Selphie, Squall, and Zell arrive on op of the tower just in time to see that Major Biggs finished the necessary repairs

    The tower starts shaking and a wrench falls off, which allows the game to show us how high up we are

    Too high up

    We also see a satellite activate and start sending out laser beams, as they do

    Biggs is satisfied with a job well done until he turns around and sees us

    But Seifer, who has decided to make a appearance, prevents him from leaving.


    After beating on them a little bit, something else decides to finish the job. Although note that Wedge has cure if you need it to cast without going in to your stock of magic

    Which leads to our next boss fight!

    Before you beat on this thing though, make sure you draw the next summon from it!

    Once you do beat it, it weirdly explodes and disappears from existence

    Er... yeah

    Anyways, now that Seifer is back, Selphie can deliver her message

    And then he ditches us again.

    We head back down to escape but it seems Biggs has another plan up his sleeves

    And so we get attacked by this thing

    If you've played this game enough, done enough grinding, or have access to cheats, go ahead and beat it like I did for some points. If not, just keep running away. Not worth game overing for it

    And what happens if you don't defeat it? Well, that's something I'd like to keep as a surprise for those who haven't played it yet but SURELY WILL SOME DAY but it's cool and it involves this

    After escaping and withdrawing, we return to Balamb with our SeeD exam concluded

    Did we pass our exam?

    Find out next time~
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 06-24-2017 at 03:29 AM.

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