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Thread: Tales of Mafia XXXI - Discussion Thread

  1. #61
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Good game everyone, you all did great and I had so much fun!

    I'll also copy what I said in the other thread so no one misses it:
    Quote Originally Posted by Supreme Overlord Kohaku
    Now then, everyone please send me who you think this game's MVP was. This person does not have to have lived until the end to qualify. I don't care if you PM it to Pumpkin or message me on Discord or VM Pumpkin or text me, just please tell me privately who your vote goes to. Please don't PM the mafia account as I might not check it since the game is done. And yes, I will harass you about it. And the winner, as we know, of MVP, gets a Tales game of their choosing!

  2. #62
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    We couldn't win this game. The listed roles. All the info from the skits plus all the town power roles. It was either go for a power role or go for someone who hadn't used a skit. The skits were like a second power role for town. Then they revealed just sooooo much. I was going to legit claim my own damn role, outside of the mafia bit. But then the skit revealed that there was only one or the other and which was on which side. The skits, plus the roles really boxed mafia in.

    Honestly the tracker skill netted us very little useful info anyway.

    Also formy, really? He sounds more town because he did the exact same things as I did? That was your reason against me xD like I played the role exactly how I would have as a town. Pretty sure it was because rowen was just more active than I was. I truly was afk for several days with a really bad infection in my chest. Honestly though. I'm surprised I coasted under everyone's radar for as long as I did.

    Also also you guys smurfing let Collette claim and point right at Lloyd and then let him live the rest of that day. I laughed and laughed and we laughed in discord.

    Eventually I was like, well when she said everyone has a role and there's only so many keft, I gotta claim. I debated on aesctic supersaint xD and hitting both but said screw it and did one that could possibly keep me alive. If it worked I would have laughed and laughed and laughed again

  3. #63
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Great game by everyone. Good job Freya, I only knew you were the last Mafia due to process of roles elimination. You didn't give off any scum vibes at all.

  4. #64
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I definitely played it differently then I would have been given the Miller role. I didn't have a ton of time and with everyone having a role I decided to just say whatever and see what people would say. It worked well too.

    I had Jade picked as Mafia his first post

    Lloyd I went back and forth with a bit.

    Fox... You should have counter claimed me right away and you would have probably got me lynched!! Great job Fox, You were all over me there. That was fun.

    Also Scruff was awesome in this game! He turned the tides for the town at a pivotal moment! Well played.

  5. #65


    GG everyone! Surprised Freya managed to survive as long as she did.

    I really enjoyed the theme and I definitely think this one brought some new stuff to the table.

    Thanks for hosting, Pumpkin.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  6. #66


    Wonderful game, Pumpkin! Even though I think some of the behavior was iffy and the Mafia was more or less backed into an unwinnable corner by the end, I had a lot of fun playing. Formy and Scruff were especially impressive, even though you screwed me over. :P

    I'd like to see a system similar to skits in some future games, as I think it provides a neat extra layer of strategy if handled right. They were a little OP in this game, though. I'd personally suggest only giving away one hint per skit instead of 2-3, or maybe only distributing them to certain players (something to give Vanilla townies an edge, maybe?) rather than the whole town. Just a thought, though.

  7. #67
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Maybe it was just me being a bit dense, but I didn't think the skits were particularly OP. Most of them were just vague enough to keep you guessing. I honestly had no idea Freya was mafia until they role-claimed.

  8. #68
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    It was a good game!

    It's easy to say the skits were over powered, but they also helped mafia key in on some power roles and take them out quickly too. Plus, this is one of the only games town has won across how many games?

    I had fun trying to play a good guy even though I was neutral, helping town where I could, and using my hunches not to die at night.

    It was good for Scruff to finally mention his information when he did, and I'm glad I could confirm it. We make a good team! Once I knew Jade was for sure scummy, it helped me get a bead on the last guy.

  9. #69
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Also formy, really? He sounds more town because he did the exact same things as I did? That was your reason against me xD like I played the role exactly how I would have as a town. Pretty sure it was because rowen was just more active than I was. I truly was afk for several days with a really bad infection in my chest. Honestly though. I'm surprised I coasted under everyone's radar for as long as I did.
    The reason why your Tracker role didn't affect much is because all our Town power roles decided to cash out earlier in the game

    You know this is the second time someone got caught by me and went "but you were just guessing" and I'm a little tired of it. So yeah I didn't have concrete information or what have you, my role means I have literally nothing to give on that front. All I can do is just look at the claimed roles, look at the expected behaviour of that role and compare and honestly I saw a difference between Anise and Rowen's posting style. You both actually posted roughly the same amount. And posts aside, Rowen was very willing to sacrifice himself until Raven kinda blew that idea out of the water, which gave him pro-Town points for me.

    So yeah, neither Jade or Anise were 100% confirmed Mafia but there was enough circumstantial evidence for me to swing one way or another. It's a little disheartening spending a lot of time reading through posts and thinking through stuff only for it to be dismissed so casually.

    About the game balance? The skits were really powerful towards the end, that's true. The skits were a really good idea though and for an first attempt at introducing such a unique mechanic, I really liked it. I agree with some of the Mafia: the skits could've been slightly depowered. But I think we've got to remember this is literally Pumpkin's first hosting of a Mafia game so obviously things aren't going to be perfect in every instance.

    Really good game though, I thoroughly enjoyed myself as Elize!

    EDIT: Oh, Mafia people, are we allowed to peer inside your Discord channel? I love hearing the behind-the-scenes stuff.

  10. #70
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Formy I enjoyed how you switched from Elize, to Teepo in your posts. It was funny to see how they worked together.

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by FFNut View Post
    Fox... You should have counter claimed me right away and you would have probably got me lynched!! Great job Fox, You were all over me there. That was fun.
    I still maintain that my reasoning for waiting was very solid and there should have been way more suspicion on you! No, my mistake wasn't when I chose to counter claim, it was switching my vote to you from Lloyd and then being too pushy towards you when everyone else was looking at Jade. So everyone already had 'Rita's focusing too much on Raven, maybe she's the Lyncher' in their minds. If I'd managed to avoid that until the counter claim I think we could have had a tense standoff.

    The most fun part was getting to RP as Rita Mordio for a week. I might make it a permanent change.

  12. #72
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FFNut View Post
    Fox... You should have counter claimed me right away and you would have probably got me lynched!! Great job Fox, You were all over me there. That was fun.
    I still maintain that my reasoning for waiting was very solid and there should have been way more suspicion on you! No, my mistake wasn't when I chose to counter claim, it was switching my vote to you from Lloyd and then being too pushy towards you when everyone else was looking at Jade. So everyone already had 'Rita's focusing too much on Raven, maybe she's the Lyncher' in their minds. If I'd managed to avoid that until the counter claim I think we could have had a tense standoff.

    The most fun part was getting to RP as Rita Mordio for a week. I might make it a permanent change.
    Hey Rita! Good game! Your end reasoning was pretty good, but it's like you said, you'd already made your intentions too clear in other ways.

    I like to try and identify who is playing what character. I know I have an obvious playing style, for example.

    It helped that by day one I was fairly confident that:

    Scruff was Velvet
    FFNut was Raven
    Freya was Anise
    Formy was Elize (maybe)

    And then I kept trying to reason out who was playing who each day. Sometimes you can't get enough facts to know for sure who is who, so knowing who is playing who helps fill in the gaps. I felt after the Lloyd situation that you were most likely playing Rita, and as such, were most likely the lyncher vs. FFNut/Raven.

  13. #73
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I do the same thing Sharky. If you know the play style of the player when they are town vs Mafia it does help you look a little closer at others. That being said it can turn fatal for you if you miss guess on a person. That's why I love the Mafia accounts.

  14. #74
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Good game! I think I've already said most of my criticism in private. Special props to sharky who despite not even being a Townie managed to scumread, like, pretty much all of us before we got exposed =P Well now I know to look out for you in the future (though we did target you Night 1)

    I was really bemused by the fact that simply being silent got me through Day 2 though. I felt like if I spoke up the Colette vs Lloyd conflict would gain more traction, and simply keeping it on the down low worked out pretty well. I expected we'd hit the Bodyguard in Night 2 by targeting Colette, but well, that's before we knew the Bodyguard was also the Survivor and had no interest in protecting an endangered power role.

    Btw Slothy, IMO it's never a good idea to keep a known / highly-suspected Mafia alive on purpose. You say you could null me indefinitely, but that goes both ways. As long as I was around, your doc/roleblock power was completely locked down, allowing the others to freely kill without fear of running into a doc protection =P

  15. #75
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    Good game! I think I've already said most of my criticism in private. Special props to sharky who despite not even being a Townie managed to scumread, like, pretty much all of us before we got exposed =P Well now I know to look out for you in the future (though we did target you Night 1)
    Yeah, Sharky was definitely my MVP for this game. Very persuasive, detailed arguments, pretty much everything you'd expect from a good Mafia-hunter.

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