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Thread: Job levels question

  1. #1

    Default Job levels question

    I'm still in the early stages of this game (DS Version) and am still getting my head around the job system. I have a specific question - job levels. Am I right in thinking that job levels affect the abilities of that specific job? So for example, as a black mage rises in job level, their spells will do more damage?

  2. #2


    Jobs levels raise the proficiency of their weapons like more hits per attack, but I can't recall how deep the mechanics go.

    I want to say that stat gains for base level ups are determined by job/job level, so in the case of a Black Mage MP (was there MP in FFIII?) and magic would go up more leading to more powerful spells. It's been so long since I played that somebody else more knowledgeable about the game should confirm or deny.

    I've played FFV and Bravely Default since then, too, so I'm probably mixing up all sorts of things.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Ganon View Post
    Jobs levels raise the proficiency of their weapons like more hits per attack, but I can't recall how deep the mechanics go.

    I want to say that stat gains for base level ups are determined by job/job level, so in the case of a Black Mage MP (was there MP in FFIII?) and magic would go up more leading to more powerful spells. It's been so long since I played that somebody else more knowledgeable about the game should confirm or deny.

    I've played FFV and Bravely Default since then, too, so I'm probably mixing up all sorts of things.
    Yeah I played FFV late last year, and I just know I'm gonna mix these 2 up lol.

    I like your name and avatar, big Zelda fan here.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Job levels affect how many times a character attacks during their turn as well as minor damage algorithms. It also raises the success rate of certain abilities like Steal. You'll need a Job Level of 70 or higher in Thief, to successfully steal Gungir from Odin as an example.

    The only stat that has a major impact on your characters is Vitality, which affects how much HP you get when you level up. For example, keeping a character in mage related classes will have much lower health than a character who primarily uses melee-centric classes.

  5. #5

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    Old as all get out but here goes for anyone that happens to view this now or in the future. Job levels operate as Wolf Kanno said. Each action adds invisible points towards gaining a job level, once the counter reaches 100 a job level increase occurs. A physical class will gain 12 points per attack 8 points per defend. A magical class will gain 8 points per physical attack and 12 points per casting of a spell. This is how it affects physical attacks for physical classes.... once a class gains 8 job levels it's physical attack accuracy and thus number of hits increases thus equating more damage. For a magical class every 32 job levels increases magical accuracy and effectivity. Thus you can see why magic is powerful early and mid game but falls behind end game. Once a job reaches level 99 it can still gain levels but will reset to 0. If you gain a job level at 99 you'll be weak again at 0! This game is pretty imbalanced which is a complaint of mine. A hacker called Maeson rebalanced the game and made it to where a mage gets stronger at the same rate as a fighter.. ie every 8 job level gains. He also got rid of the reset to 0 job level issue. However I have a harsh complaint for that hack he made it too easy. Late to end game enemies drop powerful equipment a lot making the party become too powerful.

    IMHO both the original and the DS versions are imbalanced just like all the hacks are.. there is no really great version of this flawed game. Maeson's would have been if he left item drops alone, oh well.

    Sources.. I played the regular version two times and Maeson's two times and researched the DS version.
    Last edited by Sorceress Claire; 03-29-2019 at 03:23 AM.

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