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Thread: Tekken EoFFight Club

  1. #151
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    I respect opposing King's who can do chain grabs against me. Shows good execution. People who can fork out giant swing or tombstone whenever they feel like it also.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  2. #152
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Speaking of which I just remembered a "secret" chain throw transition of sorts to make breaking it harder. It's not in the move list, but it still works, so that's a nice little bonus.

  3. #153
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Just got to use that "secret" transition I mentioned on a Leo a few nights ago.

    They were pretty good at breaking that one chain at a point between two regular chain-enders. So I'd either have to cut the chain way short with the early ender, or go for the longer chain where they'd consistently break it early. Then I remembered the unknown transition and it was all "tickets please!" and they started taking full rides on the pain train.

    That Leo was still really good and beat the living trout out of me most rounds, but I learned a few things and that's good enough.

    EDIT: Also, pudgy moogle is working on his Steve Fox, and it's getting solid. So look out Rocket!

  4. #154
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Just got to use that "secret" transition I mentioned on a Leo a few nights ago.

    They were pretty good at breaking that one chain at a point between two regular chain-enders. So I'd either have to cut the chain way short with the early ender, or go for the longer chain where they'd consistently break it early. Then I remembered the unknown transition and it was all "tickets please!" and they started taking full rides on the pain train.

    That Leo was still really good and beat the living trout out of me most rounds, but I learned a few things and that's good enough.

    EDIT: Also, pudgy moogle is working on his Steve Fox, and it's getting solid. So look out Rocket!

    EDIT EDIT: Speaking of this conversation.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg View Post
    I've tried way it in the past (Like PS1 era), but I'm so used to D-pad that I felt like it set me too far back.

    I thought the transition be easy from time in the arcades as a kid, but the home sticks just didn't feel the same. I've heard the sticks now are much better, but it's been many, many years since I've been to any sort of arcade. I think any ability I had with a stick would be gone.

    I imagine stick would be better if I put the work in, it's just tough to accept letting go of all that time learning movements on the D-pad.

    Plus good sticks are $100 dollars or more.
    Quote Originally Posted by fat_moogle View Post
    I've never used an arcade stick, controller all the way. I'm with sharky; too expensive and I'd probably regret buying it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket Edge View Post
    I use pad too :/ My concerns of buying a stick are the same as yours. I would like to try it at some point though!
    Have you guys seen hitbox controllers yet? It almost looks like cheating.

  5. #155
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Looks awesome tbf but like you I'm so used to pad the transition would take forever. I've played against players who have the defensive backdash down to a tee and it's very hard to find any openings.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  6. #156
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    So it looks like the craze might already be dying down, but it was fighting 90% Noctis fights online for a while there.

    He looks really punishable once you figure out how his moves work, but even after all those fights I still need to figure him out better.

  7. #157
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Anyone else happy to see season two coming? I mean Negan is the most rando guest character, and 4-5 past any relevancy, but otherwise I'm happy. It looks like they gave two characters I use some buffs, so I'm curious to see how good the buffs are.

    I hope Anna and Lei will be free since they are legacy characters. Let's see if Bamco decides to be classy about this.

  8. #158
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Well, they're gonna be 5 bucks each. I know they cast has 40 something characters before DLC charcters like Eliza, Geese, and Noctis. However if you count Kuma and Panda as the same character outside of their rage arts, then it's really 39 characters.

    Still a large roster, but it feels wrong to charge for legacy characters to me.

  9. #159
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Agreed. I just wish we get to see Armor King. I wouldn't even mind paying for season 3 if he was in it. The guy from The Walking Dead is bonkers.

    And sharky, you'd be proud of me. Can now pull off 4 of Kings chain-grabs while in a real match. When I started out my execution was terrible at them but can get them done about 75% of the time now. King is so much fun to play trying to nail down his grabs and iSW (running grab).

    Str8 Pimpin'

  10. #160
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    That is pretty sweet! Nice job. I'm not the best with King, but he's definitely a lot of fun and with the latest round of updates for season 2 he mostly only go better. I used his sidestep 2 a lot already, so making it a combo starter on hit is pretty insane.

    They pretty much killed Gigas at this point, IMO. They nerfed the damage on his DF 1 poke, and made it super slow on recovery. That's his main mid-poke to keep people out of his face, and he NEEDS to keep people out of his face. He really suffers against rushdown characters. There's other issues too, like nerfing the recovery on his formerly really good 10 frame punisher to the point where it's now punishable with a full combo.

    It is what it is, but they basically nerfed all his good moves and gave small buffs to moves that weren't really effective anyway. It's hard to see why considering he was already tough to use, and far from the best character. Feels like they were trying to keep his improvements fair, but when it's already a bad character just strengthen somethings. You don't need to re-balance other moves.

    Oh well, still having fun.

  11. #161
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    I've been playing the game this week after not playing it for quite some time. Noctis is not a fun character to fight against! He's far too flashy and warpy.

    I've been practising with Shaheen and I'm pretty good with him although I can't get him past 3rd Dan on ranked... My highest is only Initiate anyway (Yoshi). I do really like him but I think I'm going to start learning someone else soon. The only characters that I've actually took in to practise mode are Yoshi, Steve and Shaheen. I tried using Steve again the other day and it didn't go well. I think my training went to waste!

    There are still four new characters to come from the season pass, right? I don't care about TWD guy as I've never watched a single episode and have no idea who he is. It'll be interesting to see who the three unannounced characters are. Not buying any DLC for it though.
    Last edited by fat_moogle; 09-16-2018 at 01:26 AM.
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  12. #162
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Steve is a one of those execution heavy, expert characters. Basically he relies on counter hits and extensive knowledge of his different stances to be effective. He can be very effective once you're really good with the game, but yes he takes 100's of hours of work.

    So does Yoshi, and he's not nearly as good. He's off on his own in terms of how good he is. It's a lot like Lei Wulong. He's not a strong character in a classic sense, but with someone who has dedicated the time to get very good at using his entire move list and knows when to use what move out of what stance, he becomes very hard to predict.

    TL;DR New comers to the game like yourself will see a lot more return for their practice in the short term with Shaheen. I hope your practice with him starts paying off.

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